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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Cats in Istanbul !

I was looking through the pictures taken in Istanbul by my camera troopers ~ Along, Achik, Haziq and Luqman ~ when I noticed so many pictures of cats.
During our walk on the first day in Fatih, there were five pictures of cats. Then amongst pictures taken at the Topkapi palace, there were more cats! They were every where, in different colours but mostly fat!
Even during our tour to the Princess island, I saw pictures of cats ~ even one where cats and dogs were sun-bathing together in perfect harmony. The Malay adage of "Like cats and dogs" used to described quarelling siblings does not hold true in Istanbul. Over there, cats and dogs do not fight! I wonder why.......

The camera boy assured me that he was taking the cat's picture, and the girl happened to be there! And I said, why didn't you take more pictures of cats where pretty girls happened to be there!! LiL somehow raised her eyebrows ~ disapprovingly! I changed subject to cats and dogs instead.....hehehe.
Below, cats and dogs sunbathing together!!

Intrigued, I made a google search using key words 'cats in istanbul' and found these stories

above: i posed with three pretty furry beings, but no cats happened to be there!!

1. HERE :
I copied the following intro from the blog.

"The British explorer, archeologist Charles Fellows encountered nomadic Turkish tribes on many occasions while traveling in southwest Turkey in 1840. In his book Travels and Researches in Asia Minor, Fellows described a typical procession of them:

An old man, and generally his wife, head the clan, which consists of several generations...His son, the master of the flocks, follows with his wife; she is often seated on a horse, with a child in her arms...Asses are allotted to the younger children, who are placed amidst the domestic stores, and never without a pet cat in their arms...
The association of the Anatolians with cats probably goes back many centuries and is still an ongoing affair as revealed by the abundance of cats in Turkey."



  1. Nak pergi Istanbul lah macam ni, I love cats.. When I was young I had 20 cats (+10 rabbits and 6 mice).. When I went to boarding school my mom gave them all away except for 3 cats..:(

    Siapa agaknya camera boy tu.. bukan Pak Payne ka? ;)

  2. Aikkk..kebetulan latest n3 is also about cats..:-)

  3. Salam PP,
    Kucing adalah binatang kesayangan Nabi SAW. Memang patut pundisayangi.
    Pernah terbaca dalam satu kisah,
    ketika baginda sedang berjalan-jalan beliau ternampak seekor kucing sedang tidor di kaki lima jalan. Baginda membuka serbannya, lalu beliau meletakkan kain tu sebagai alas kucing idor. Wallahua'lam.

  4. wondering who's taking pictures of those camera boys in action!
    Berkenan semua kucing tu!
    Abg Arif, minta copy gambar kucing putih tu buat wall paper, boleh ya!

  5. Mrs A... :-)

    hahaha, boleh di sahkan, camera boy yang ambil gambar 'the cat and the girl happened to be there' itu bukan pakpayne. hehehe
    cubalah teka which camera boy! jika betul dapat seposen....hehehe



    yang bezanya, saya tulis abt any cats...and u wrote abt two special cats. that dibo and diba of urs so sooo sooooooo cute!!!


    Zabs...:-) saya juga pernah mendengar yang sama. Memang kucing binatang yang senang di sayangi. ambil saja mana2 kucing di jalanan, care and love them.....and before long they will come and manja2 dengan kita....begitulah.


    cikmilah :-)

    aha, the camera troopers ni mengambil gambar di antara mereka juga....hehehe.

    between them, they snapped more than 2000 pictures!!!! satu hal pulak nak pilih2....hehehe.

    silakan, copy jer mana2 gambar yang berkenan di hati... :-)



  6. hehe..x sabar nak tunggu kittens Dibo & kids dah standby w names..Dido & Dodi..ahaks

  7. that last picture..i know that uncle... that uncle n his cats... he was there for years..he once had more than 30 cats at his home...and a few next to him while he sells the tesbih etc.....each year.. the kids n i would get to usap new is interesting that u snapped a picture of him when i myself never thought of doing so...

  8. comelnya all those cats..
    neeza suka tengok kucing tapi tak suka pegang.. tak suka bela.. tengok aje!

    hehehe.. the pretty girl with a cat..??
    memang patut kak Lil marah!! hehehe..

  9. waaahhh... banyak nya kucing but eiiyyy... geli lah, dunno why, boleh bikin saya lompat atas meja.. tersangat2 lah gelinya tapi comel2 kan kucing semua tu..

  10. teacher sally :-)

    bagi la mereka tu honeymoon time...tak lama dapat lah cucu hehehe!


    simah :-)

    the top and bottom picture were taken from the two url links which I mentioned.
    no, i did not get to meet the uncle...huhuhu


    neeza :-)

    hehehe....yes, memang patut pun. tapi kan, i ni suka la usik2 mcm tu kan..hehehe

    Mulan :-)

    errrr, memang geli dgn kucing ka?

    adesss, jgn lompat atas meja naa...jika nak lompat pun atas katil jer...ada spring...hehehe

    saya pulak geli dengan katak! adoiii satu kali tu masukkan kaki dalam kasut terasa mcm geli2...rupanya ada katak di dalam dok kiss kiss my toes....

    lompat ke atas bumbung lah saya!!!


  11. Salam Pokpin...tumpang tanya, kucing liar ke tu? apsal gemuk2

  12. pejo...:-)

    yes, kucing2 liar.
    mereka mendapat makanan yang mencukupi dan hidup aman damai tanpa gangguan bahkan mendapat perhatian dan penjagaan.
    mereka juga, saya perhatikan, banyak memakan roti dan carbohydrate lain....hehehe. so, untuk tidak gumukkk kita manusia pun harus kurangkan carbohydrate food stuff ni...
    mereka juga memerlukan ...FAT...untuk tahan dari cuaca yg sejuk.

    itulah yg saya agak.

    mereka bertiga yang posing bergambar dgn saya tu ...BERTUAN....saya cuma pinjam jer...untuk posing2...hehehe.
    itu pun dengan izin tuan2 mereka dan dgn izin LiL!


  13. abg id,

    Kucing di Istanbul lebih banyak dari kucing di Kuching. Kenapa Kuching kita tidak banyak kucing pun?

    Julia (silent reader)

  14. Pp..mintak izin nak jwb soklan silent reader tu bole eh?..sebab d Kuching lebih banyak "asoo"..(asu = dog)..agaknye lah..i've been there 5 times dlm masa 2 years..

  15. hm.. and none of them are persian cats.. ;)

  16. Pp,
    Saya suka kucing! :D Kat sini pun ada seko (kasut namanya) yang cool dan saya pun suka bawak atas bahu saya :D
    Banyak betul kucing kat isketambola ni ye? furry beings yang bertiga tu pun nampak comel2 >:D

  17. julia ( silent reader ) :-)

    hehehe, betul jugak kan....naper la pulak our kuching tak byk kucing? but but i have seen a big cat statue di Kuching.


    teachersally :-) wahhh selalunya teacher sally ke sana? ada bisness ka atau makan2 angin??


    elisa :-) welcome back to both u and taufik. Alhamdullillah!!!


    Akmal..:-) dah agak dah, mesti akmal comment pasal the three furry beings!




  18. my sis stayed there for two years..
    agak2 ke sana lah..

    hv u read my n3 "zaman dah berubah?"

  19. teacher sally :-)

    baru baca .....dan baru faham patutla teacher sally selalu ke sana.

    talented juga tu ur sister tu...

