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Monday, December 15, 2008

My choice ~ Top Pictures from Istanbul!!

Just the two of us.....and no body else....sailing on!!!

A shot of Hagia Sophia ~ selected mainly due to its backdrop of a beautiful blue sky with clusters of clouds. The picture highlight the prominance of one of its mineret!

Amongst the faces of Istanbul, I found the three above captivating. From each one I could write a story about life ~ life in Istanbul! A street peddler selling bread having a rough day, a pensive old man with a thousand wrinkles, is he about to scream with anger or burst into tears of sorrow? And another old man who has seen it all......with a questioning look of curiousity or authority?!

An old leaf has fallen and partly covering some green shrubs ~ the contrast of old and new and the background of foliage made this an attractive picture. I like it.....well spotted by the photographer.

Haziq captured this picture on the day of our arrival while we were on our familiarization walk around the hotel we were staying, in the Fatih area. I just love this picture!
Hard to explain why I have a special emotional affliation
with the picture ~ perhaps it is the element of loneliness, a feeling of being abandoned.

I tried to choose the best of the sun-set pictures ~there are so many amazing ones ~ finally I settled for these two. One with a sail boat and the other which was taken just as the sun was touching the edge of the water in the horizon. It was a special moment for have witnessed the sunset!!.

A sea gull landed effortlessly in the water near the ferry terminal jetty of the princess island. The soft waves rocked the sea gull back and forth, making some small ripples. The picture captured an element of serenity and the sea gull's reflection accentuated this same mood.

This picture was taken by Haziq using Canon 40D while on horse carriage on the Princess Island. I like this picture for its details in showing
the steamy breath from the horses ~ capturing the coldness of the morning
the hard work being demanded from them.


  1. Abe Idham dan Kak LiL ...romantik selamanya, InsyaAllah .

    I love all the pics and like you said, faces of Istanbul memang menceritakan segalanya di sana .

  2. i think there's a competition of 'Picture of The Year' somewhere on the net..go check it out coz you stand a good chance, really! :)

  3. nice pictures...
    u must hv a marvellous holiday with the family...

  4. Somehow that leaf picture beckons. The edge is bent saying , come, look at me!

    Go lah and enter the competition. Bila menang belanja I and Qimy! :)

  5. Abang Idham
    Very nice picture and I can tell they were taken with very expensive camera...

    1st picture - loving it. Macam pinang dibelah dua..

  6. I like all pictures! memang cantik sangat.. dan pandai orang yang ambik tu..
    memang every picture could tell a thousand stories. Very interesting..

    the first picture tu.. - memang romantic habis.. ;)

  7. kawe suka sumo gambar tu .....

  8. romantiknya berdua dua an giteww...

  9. Gambar tu semuanya molek-molek, kawae suko semua.Dalam bahasa orang putihnya,"I like all"....baru belajar.

  10. Ganah sungguh oghe hok ambik gambar cari composition!

  11. silversarina :-)

    kami memang seronok dok 'people watching' sepanjang masa di sana...Istanbul is a city of 15milion berbagai ragam dan wajah yg ada!

    Qimy :-)

    Belum tiba tahap boleh menang competition ...heheh...baru belajar ni.. :) but thanks for ur vote of confidence

    drNO :-)

    yes, it was fantastic and marvelllous...and am sure will be memorable!
    siang2 ambik gambar, malam2 dok gelak bila tgk2 gambar2 tu balik...hehehe

    Mrs.A :-)

    yes, the leaf attracted one of my sons to snap its photo...I pun tak tahu which son? maybe, haziq! or Luqman...



  12. Cath :-)

    We used 3 canons : G9, 400D, and 40D! hehehe and one Sony t30!
    so ramai jugak lah anak2 yg jadi photographer.

    teachersally :-)

    Whoarrr, belum cukup standard tu untuk saya hantar ka national geoghraphy...takat blog sendiri dulu lah kan...


    Neeza Shahril :-)

    pictures yg ada stories menjadi my favourite...hehehe....yg best nya tu, kita boleh buat story sendiri dari interpretation kita sendiri :-)

    pB :-)

    terimaksih deh!


    Mummy Rizq :-)

    bila ada peluang , berdua2 la kan...hehehe



  13. pejo :-)

    selain dari asap, kuda2 tu keluarkan juga benda *tuh* hehehe tapi mereka di sana sediakan penandah, jadi jalan tak kotor tapi penumpang asyek kena tutup hidung la...sebab *tuh* dia tu di bawa bersama2...kemana2...



    manlaksam :-)

    whoarr, pakman like all, tenkiu....!


    Akmal :-)

    hehehe, kawae dok pehae gappo satu hal ambik gambar2 nih...anak2 jah tu...hehehe


    Rusdi Abu Bakar :-)

    Di....tolong bui komen sikit lagu mano boleh improve the technical of the gambar tu...boleh anak2 abe pin belajar!


  14. hehehehe ambo tok berehi komen technical, sbb kadang2 bukan semua orang faham technical ni, lagi satu ambo rasa technical ni kalu org bubuh gambar dalam FC atau use film bulih la komen pasal technical.

    Gambar tu sebenarnya out of focus.....
    mungkin masa ambil tu setting duduk lebih kurang macam ni F Stop 5 - 8 Shutter speed mungkin slow Maybe 1/80 atau 100. sebab gambar blurr.
    Composition of subject/colour jadi molek ada nampak punggung kerete, kereta tolok, orang tgh lap peluh, jalan... banyak subject, bagus tu untuk street photo. satu lagi gambar ni banyak subject tapi tak serabut napok.

    lighting just nice

    untuk ambik gambar lagu ni bagi ambo kamera kena setting gini

    Masa ambik approx 3 -4 pm
    F Stop 13 - 15
    Shutter Speed 1/800- 1000
    Exposure -1/3 (ambo suka gambar under expose skit)

    dari orang tak pro

  15. eh..ape pulak..try laaa..

  16. PP,
    All three cannons blazing. 40D already in action. I am blind on camera technicalities. I just enjoy looking at great pictures that pleases me and I am pleased with what I saw in here.

  17. teacher sally :-) hehehe

    rusdi :-) hehehe, anonymous ciplak tu...tapi tenguk bawah tu ada nama Rusdi tu!

    pakzawi :-) eheh, tenkiu!


