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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My own own answers!

Sometimes, something in our life requires a little push. Just like a pendulum which swings and finds its own rythm and comes to a stop when it reaches velocity zero ~ there are times the same law of physics applies to our life too. When that happens, exasperation seeps in for those who are restless. Tranquility awaits those who are contented.

I feel like my pendulum is coming to a stand still! And I am not sure how ro respond. Part of me has many questions and lots of doubt. Another part of me is feeling rather grateful, finding peace with this stop!

My own questions....
How much must we have before it is enough?
How far must we travel before we arrive?
How much must we lose before we even realize?
How close must we get before we hear His name?

My many doubts....
Too many to list
Too private to share
But I am filled with them.....of what will happen after? And what will happen ' if '......or what will happen 'if not'?

At velocity zero there is not much activity we can do with our limbs but a lot we can do with our mind. Perhaps, we need to make more effort not in nudging for the next bout of swing! Perhaps the effort required is to try harder at not doing anything! To find peace and usefulness in stillness!

Aku hanya ingin berehat! Apa kah salah dengan kemahuan begitu?

Sering aku melihat bintang berkelipan
sungguh indah dan menawan
walau pantas aku berlari
lautan dan benua aku rentasi
bintang tetap berkelipan jua
tanpa berubah dari paksi kesetiaan
dia tidak kemana-mana
walaupun dunia tergesa-gesa
mencari ...memburu...mengumpul segala!

Perhaps it is time I just let my pendulum rests in its equilibrium!
Apakah paksi yang aku cari? Kesetiaan aku kepada apa dan siapa?

Selamat menyambut Maal Hijrah!


  1. semoga persoalan terjawab... AMIN..

  2. my own own answers..
    my own responsibilities...
    but we still need others to help us...
    have a nice day :)

  3. not much can b said here..both Q & A are truely yours..

  4. what happen to that entry SSS... i think many people will raise their hands to that SS SYNDROME.

  5. I hope you will find what you are looking for Pp. InsyaAllah.

  6. Pp..

    kisah akhir kematian Allahyarham Siti Aishah seperti dalam entry di blog saya amat memberi kesan kpd saya especially dlm apa2 pekerjaan yg nak dilakukan..maksudnya kita juga ingin akhir kehidupan dalam keimanan..sebagai seorang isteri..diredhai suami..sebagai hamba Allah..yang diredhaiNya..senyuman yg terbentuk ketika saat akhir kehidupan sudah cukup untuk kita rasa bahawa Allah memang lebih menyayangi seseorang hambaNya tersebut...if only kita tahu bila kita akan mati memang mudah untuk kita buat persediaan.....

  7. It will never be enough - that's us, humans.

    We never know when we will arrive. We do our best and keep going until the time comes.

    We don't lose what we don't own.

    We are called to him five times a day. Don't procrastinate...

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  9. may Allah lead us to the path of truth..insyaAllah.

  10. Mummy Rizq ,

    masih ada yang menjadi pesoalan...hehehe


    drNO .
    akan sentiasa memerlukan sokongan ....begitu juga bangunan yang kukuh pun memerlukan tiang penyokong! kan ...


    teachersally ,

    hehehe, say la what u think also...your views much appreciated.



    yang itu akan di siarkan kemudian....k lil thinks akan ada yang oevrlu sensitive so she requested i delete dulu.



    Mrs.A ,
    thanks Mrs A...AMINNNNNNNNnnnnnn!!


    ummu asiah,

    saya telah membaca kisah kemaian arwah siti aishah dengan penuh keinsafan....
    salam takziah saya kepada puan Ummu asiah dan keluarga.

    semoga roh beliau bersama para solihin.

    MasyAAllah Maha Besar Allah....setelah membaca senyuman di wajah Siti Aishah ketika saat2 ahir.



  11. FND ,
    thanks for a very profound insight....your comments made me think!


    Yes, May us be led all the way to heaven!

    manlaksam ,.
    tenkiu pakman!

