Latest: TKC 3 : STAR 1+1 (Tonight one of my former classmates from STAR ~ batch75 ~ came visiting. He is on a vacation in Dubai with his family, and also visiting his niece who is residing here on the Palm! ). 
Above: Nazrah and her princess Aishah. Top: Pakwan and Pakpayne!
One of our joys living abroad is when friends and relatives come visiting! Their visit provide us with an opportunity to catch up with the latests, to get fresh supply of budu, tempoyak , daun kesum, presented with the odd ole-ole from home, get to read latest copies of printed Malaysian newspapers and magazines, and best of all rekindling memories of yester-years with new twists and fresh perceptions.
LiL and I have been fortunate! And the score for December is infact , LiL 3 Vesus Mine 1. Yes, we have received three of LiL's TKC buddies versus one of mine from STAR. Regardless, her friends are my friends and mine are also hers. Such is the simple rule of cobweb of marriages; you marry into the network of relationships from both sides. I heard one more of my STAR friends is coming to town! So, I am still optimistic of equalizing the score.
LiL and Dato' Zurai were batch mates! Puan Siti was their senior but it was hard to tell that fact if not for the information volunteered to me ~ and I said this as a compliment to Puan Siti for keeping her vitality (The Boss of the vitality capsules is herself a showcase for the product lah kan!) and this statement is in no way intended to imply that her Juniors were anything but as youthful and full of vigour too! Gosh, why am I justifying myself here! One thing for sure, happiness was visible on everyone!
Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Umi Kalthum Ngah and her husband Ir. Mohd Sufian who were on a short vacation in Dubai. I came to know Umi Kalthum through her blog "Biasanembun.blogspot" and also as an author of a few novels and childrens' motivational stories. She brought two 'signed' copies of her books! Thank you. LiL had known Umi from TKC days while Ir. Mohd Sufian was my batch mate from STAR! Needless to say, an evergreen friendship.
We accompanied our guests of last week and of today to the Global Village which is located a stone's throw from our residence.
School buddies reunited at the Arabian Ranches!
To our guests, we thank you for visiting us! Your presence brought joy and happiness and hopefully will also rejuvenate our friendships! Please come again.....
ps: To friends not from TKC or STAR, with the exception of Budak Kolej Melayu *wink wink*, you are equally welcomed! Read HERE, if you want to understand what has been going on between STARians and the Budak Kolej!
ps: To friends not from TKC or STAR, with the exception of Budak Kolej Melayu *wink wink*, you are equally welcomed! Read HERE, if you want to understand what has been going on between STARians and the Budak Kolej!
Yang Ariff,
ReplyDeleteNeedless to say, I am therefore your blood brother...
Yes, I am from the Seremban Alumni. But, then your Mrs should be my "in-law"!
Very nostalgic regarding the not so friendly rivalry..
A hj
ReplyDeleteI was told they are normally called and widely known as Budak Kolek * wink wink *
abg're too old to play that calling-name games arent ya? :p
ReplyDeleteTu dia baru nampak clear sikit muka kak (Dr) Ummi, he he. My daughter adores her.
ReplyDeleteEh, college rival bawak sampai ke tua, eh!!!
seronoknya dapat jumpa schoolmates balik.. terkenang cerita2 dulu-dulu..
ReplyDeleteand sekarang, semua nya dah ada nama.. Alhamdulillah...
Haji Pak Pin, Pejuang Islam Sejati,
ReplyDeleteNi Ustaz Hj Malek..... I thought of pirating this article for STAROBA web site but thinking it over again (and since we shared many not so nice moments together) it is much better if I ask permission from you first. It is interesting because lots of STARIANs are married to KaTaKians (I wonder why so many STARIANs are so blind)and not STAFFinas. So if you don't mind, I'm gonna ciplak this...
Anyway, Merry Xmas to you and your family & a happy new year too
A Hj...hehehe :-) from seremban alumni....and blood brothers are two clues which left me feeling clueless! hahaha
ReplyDeletemore clues pls sir!
anon budak RAK :-) yes yes they are indeed budak Koleq! hahaha
QIMY :-) One thing you need to know...STARians never grow old! hehehe
only our age continue to add...
cik milah :-)
ReplyDeletehehehe,kolej rivalry ni juga lah yang menjadikan Kolej boys and Starians close friends bila kami bertemu...mcm ada common ground to start off...
rivalry in a healthy way lah kan!
neeza :) yes, oh what a joy! kind of feeling...
Tuan Hj Malek :-)
ok jer mu nak copy paste entry nih.
you seemed to be quite infamous amongst the TKCians...hahaha. I wonder why....!!
Hj Pak Pin,
ReplyDeletethx a lot and I would cut and paste tonight - I'm sure this will be a good reading among the old boys. Another thing I have added your name to administrator list and will email you login details tonight.
me ..... infamous amongst the KaTaKians .. hahahaha. Maybe because I am a closet gay who refused to ehemmm KaTaKians.. anyway, since I am a fervent believer in hit and run tactic while most KaTaKians prefer long-lasting relationship (which is pure rubbish in this age of robotic technology)we don't click. But in reality, I have a sibling who attended KTK (and my daughter was chosen too) but she preferred CBN.
KaTaKians & MatKekek are just people living in a different age altogether from us .... always reminiscing about their past glory (though I can't see how the past can make you a better woman or man in the future).
Thanks again
Ustaz Haji Malek
ReplyDeleteKalau tak dari mana mana kolej boleh visit tak?
a ah laa..kalau dari Sultan Ismail College bole visit tak? Nak bawak balik Yemen Honey..hik..hik..
ReplyDeleteBro PP,
ReplyDeleteHehe..I dok gelak sorang-sorang depan pc baca entri ni.
Puan Umi and Hj Suffian dah sampai sana.Alahai...bila pulak giliran saya.
And Tuan Haji Malek always lurking in blogosphere.Tak nanti I cari dia masa OBW 2009.
brother Malek....
ReplyDeleteadoiilaaa, banyak tu provocation tu....should I provide your personal email address to my readers alumni of TKC ho may want to shoot you!!!
pak zawi....:-)
another area of my strong affinity is oghe kelatae...hehehe, and more generally pak zawi, i have strong affliation to friends whom I have met and showed sincerity towards the friendship. Since you met all criteria of what a good friend is, you and your family have our open invitation on a VIP status.
Sally, my comment for Pak zawi above applies to you too :-)
datang lah, d sini byk madu yemen. Ada satu species tu - khas untuk 'kebahagiaan!' hehehe
Dr Bubbles :-)
have you met Malek recently??. He has done a lot for STAROBA, builiding and maintaining its website.
I read abt your library projects, and really admire your efforts. May God bless you bro...
You are welcome to visit anytime!
ReplyDeleteYes...the "cross-town" rivalry....although Kolej in KK and STAR in Ipoh...
Same goes to SAS (KL not Putrajaya) and Sains Selangor...
Haza :-)
ReplyDeletesejuk dak kat Tehran?? ADA SNOW KA>.??
jika ada minta tolong bawak balek dalam satu guni snow luqman nak main snow. hehehe
Ambo sekolah pondok tak dok apo nok komeng.
ReplyDeletePp,(pillow talk!) tu tak dok pun...ambo baru nak baca tapi tak dok..dah padam ke?
bila lah kami nak ke sana...kot2 bulan 5 nanti..mana tau!!
ReplyDeleteye laaa PP..nape Pillow Talk n3 tu ada tapi tak ade..kena tapis FINAS ke??
ReplyDeletekar rumah ni ada sorang budak kolej tu.. jumpa kat pasar malam..
ReplyDeleteHmm... STARians and TKCians... (we prefer not to be called KATAKs please!!!) betul ke ... ada statistic ka? I did not marry a STARian... but friends from STAR yang close tu adalah .. banyak jugs sebenarnye.
ReplyDeleteI tahu jual ubat apa.. Pp sudah try ka? Or shall we ask Kak LiL? ha ha
pakman..:-) malam tadi ambo minum kopi yg ada masuk tongkat bernama ali tu...lepas tu susah nak tido weh sbb jadi hyper! sbb tu lah tulis pasal pillow talk tuh...hahaha
ReplyDeletetapi setelah di semak olih lembaga penapis....kena cubit hahaha!
maknanya tak lulus lah...
maklang :-) bagitau ye awal2 kalau nak dtg tu...nak kena basuh red carpet ambo tu..hehehe
teachersally :-)
sila rujuk jawapan saya kpd pakman ...hehehe...memang tersangkut!
Mulan :-) ur abe oghe kolej ko? hehehe
tanya dia, dulu2 main rugby or not?
Mrs A :-)
hehehe statistik mmg byk actually... orang number satu ( bakal) malaysia sama bakal lady number satu is one of them.....dan byk lagi!
sudah try ....jadi hyper satu mcm jer! hehehe
yo lah tu.. main rugby sampa kepalo lutut tu doh renyok, ado besi kat dalae lutuk tu kalu tok silap lah.. lor ni tok leh doh. doh pecen doh..
ReplyDeleteI am one of your silent readers. I know all the girls from TKC in the pictures, that include Aishah! I was quite close to kak Sittai! that was how we used to call her.
Dato Zurai is as glamourous as ever.
Pls convey my regards to everyone.
wife of a Budak Koleq!
ReplyDeleteMemang sejuk...aa hari yang dah cecah 0 darjah.
Tapi mlangnya minggu ni salji tak turun....minggu lepas ada sikit kat hotel ni....
Minggu ni hujan je pulak....
Pak Wan pun dah ada kat sana...Ada dulu terserempak dengan dia di Kedai Rose Desa Pandan...