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Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Sky of Istanbul!!

Sitting on the upperdeck of the boat-ferry while cruising down the Bhosporous, I silently registered the moments ~ as one of my happiest! Seeing LiL smiling and laughing with her little laughter reminded me the song by Suhaimi Mior Hassan ~ "Bila isteriku tertawa!" Her happiness was my happiness, and I could tell she was happy!!
and so was Zeti! In a way, the trip to Istanbul was a reward for Zeti for her success in her studies. And I was rewarded with a satisfaction beyond measure with a smile such as this one below from her!Even as we were landing at the Istanbul airport on 6th December, I saw a glimpse of the charm from the Istanbul sky! It was 11am in the morning and through the airplane window I saw hues of amber, grey, and cotton white formation of clouds partly hiding a clear blue sky.
Through-out our stay, our camera troopers had a wonderful time clicking away ~ capturing images of towering minerets majestically rising into the skyline This huge flag below was found on the highest point on the Asia side of Istanbul.Our boys had a field day shooting pictures of sea gulls which apparently have learnt to equate humans with food and fun!! The birds were seen flying, cruising and diving ~ putting up a display of agility and playfulness for the tourists!
During a cruise returning from the Princess island, we witnessed a glorious sun-set!
"Angin menderu selembut baldu
menyapa aku yang datang bertamu
kedinginan membekukan sejarah keagungan
yang semakin hanyut dan tenggelam
umpama senja di selimuti malam
penghuni Istanbul melayari Bhosporous
wajah-wajah semakin muram
tersepit di antara pusaran arus
memisahkan di antara dua benua
mencorakkan kehidupan berbagai warna
menari rentak irama sekular
kau tahu sumbang, melangkah juga
hukum agama tergadai kemana?
Aku hanya datang bertamu
melayari Bhopsorous menghayati sejarah mu"

"Jika kau nampak aku tersenyum
tak kala bersendirian begitu
maka ketahuilah
aku tersenyum kerana aku ada kamu
dan aku melihat senyuman di wajah mu"

"Matahari di waktu senja ku renung
sering tenggelam di perjanjian waktu
walau di junjung setinggi gunung
pasti di telan lautan biru.
Kenapa pula aku.....
inginkan segalanya, untuk selamanya!
sedangkan sudah pasti, yang datang akan pergi
yang di dunia tiada yang kekal abadi!"


  1. Pp,

    Clouds.. many a days hubs and I spent just watching them laying on the grass.

    Nice pictures by everybody. Menanti anymore surprise pics of "furry creatures" or pics of the "fairer kind" ..[akmal beat me to it to comment! darn]

    Congrats to Zeti for her success.

    p/s: sajak untul Kak LiL?.. :)

  2. Sally surrender laaa..speechless..u put everything perfectly in words..bravo Pp..

  3. love the seagulls pics..whenever i see birds, i feel i wish i could be just like those seagulls, flapping wings above horizon, around the world...

    for free! heheheheh..

    gambo minarets tu pon lawo..ada talent jd photographer hehe..

  4. MasyaAllah....tak terucap kata-kataku melihat gambar2 ini semua... melihat gambar2 ini hanya satu yang terlintas di fikiran, tiada kata yang dapat menggambarkan KEBESARAN DAN KEKUASAAN ALLAH...MAHA SUCI ALLAH MAHA AGUNG ALLAH.....

  5. mrs A :-)

    nice kan bila dapat sama2 merenung awan....membilang bintang....melambai bulan....bersama orang yg kita sayang!!


    teacher sally -)

    hehehe, eh iye ka? tenkiu tenkiu....
    *senyum ni kena puji*


    qimy :-) ...aha, terbang la qimy terbang
    terbang datang ke dubai


    Nurazzah8 :-)

    Yes SubhanAALLAH....Memang terasa aman damai dan shahdu melihat sunset.....dari tengah2 Bhosporous begitu...



  6. awan biru ciptaan NYA mmg mengkagumkan ...

  7. salam ,

    I love all the pics dan wajah-wajah ceria di Istanbul .

    Wah anak-anak snap gambar ayahnya bergaya dengan catwomen.... tak aci ni....heheh.

    salam pada semua .... Luqman dah dapat Hatice, tak merasalah Mimi :P

  8. Masya-Allah!! The sky is so beutiful!! Dah lama tak nampak clouds kat sini.. sekali sekala tengok terpegun! :)

  9. sajak yg paling indah, agaknya kak Aishah makin tersenyum lebar dengar sajak pautan kasih hadiah buat dirinya n anak2.. hehehe...

  10. the skies of istanbul!

    tp yg plg wonderful is to see your trip bringing smiles on loved ones' faces..

  11. Seronok kan dapat buatkan orang tersayang happy.. which is invaluable.. takde nilai untuk itu..

    cantiknya scenery.. kurniaan Allah yang tiada tolok bandingnya.. Subhanallah!!

  12. Subhanallah, cantik betul! Nak pulak sunset tu. Tak try natural density filter? rasanya boleh lagi cool. tapi ni pun dah cool dah :)

  13. kak elle ...:-) cantik.,....jika kita mengambil masa untuk menilainya... kan!


    silversarina :-)

    that is the word...i was looking for...."catswoman" hahaha
    yes, they were so sporting to pose with me...
    perhaps, i look like muka baik la kut naa hehehe


    elisa :-)

    yes, terpegun !! saya juga terpegun di waktu nampak lanit begitu ...di waktu terang nya dan di waktu suram nya....semua so amazingly beautiful!!


    Mas :-)

    hehehe indah ka? terimakasih.
    ayat2 skema tu kan...hehehe


    NUR :-) betul tu Nur....apa2 pun dan di mana pun, jika anak2 dan isteri happy, maka happy lah seorang ayah dan suami!!

    that is the blessing of parenthood ...


    Neeza :-) Waktu saya muda2 dulu bila saya berjalan hanya melihat bangunan, wajah2, dan keduniaan semata2. now ni kan, sejak termasuk golongan 'sunset' ni kan...terpandang benda cantik2 dan pemandangan indah2....teringat kpd Nya! begitulah...nikmatnya usia!!


    Akmal :-)

    filter tu beluk try.....mungkin next upgrade la kan...



  14. hmm...bila lah nak ada peluang bercuti mcm ni agaknya?

  15. salam..
    saya jumpa Uncle kat princess island hari tu..hehehe
    cantikla pic..dah lama mengidam cam DSLR, tak cukup bujet lagi..=)
    anyway Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha..(belum terlambat kot nak wish..)

  16. Haza :-) insyAAllah akan tercapai juga.

    I love reading abt ur Eidul Adha makan2 on the roof top! So cool....


    Fatehah :-)

    I was planning to write an entry about our meeting! hehehe. I will still write about it....tunggu ye!

    And let me tell you now, I was really happy we met!!


  17. PP:
    TQ...rupanya ramai jugak org Malaysia duduk kat building tu....
    Next time insyaAllah nak jemput kgkawan yg lain pulak....
