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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Rasa macam nak beli Kamera baru!!

My 14 year old son Haziq has been showing keen interest in photography, and has also demonstrated a creative flair for it! A picture taken by him has life, great perspective, and a story to tell (Itu ayat compliment dari Rusdi!). These days, my canon eos400D spends more time with him than me. Two of his most recent snaps can be seen here and here.

I repeat the line "My canon is as good as Haziq's" a few times in earshot distance of LiL. You see, when my wife discovered that I spent more than AED10k on paintings from e-bay, she went into auto-mode of "why....kan saya"!! For a good one hour I was at the receiving end of "why must you waste so much money on paintings......", "Why so many paintings.....until we ran out of wall space!", "I know it is ur money, but why waste it...." etc etc.
I was sure if I buy a high end camera, she would go into an overdrive turbo mode again!!
I was wrong.....
Nope! She didn't say, "Go ahead, I think it is a wonderful idea!" but she didn't say anything. That my friends is a good sign!
So, here I am considering which camera to buy. I tell you, buying things like this always gives me a high. My good friend and partner in crime, Halim sent me review of Canon 50d, and also comparison of 50D versus D300 ( Nikon ).

Yes my wife can blame Halim also for being such an influence! hahaha

Verdict! For me, I will stay with Canon so that Haziq ( ESO400D) and I ( Darling, I am dreaming of 50D hehehe ) can share lenses and other accessories.

Canon EOS 50D Review,
Lars Rehm and Richard Butler, October 2008

Review based on a production Canon EOS 50D with firmware version 1.02
Almost exactly a year after the arrival of the EOS 40D, Canon has announced the 50D, which we're assured will be a sister-model, rather than a replacement. Recent history has seen Canon release new models every 18 months-or-so but it's been a busy year with newcomers such as the Nikon D300 getting a lot of attention in the 40D's keen-amateur/professional segment. The 50D is essentially a 40D body wrapped around a newly-developed 15 megapixel sensor that finally rectifies the situation in which Canon's XXD range trailed the company's entry-level line, in pixel terms. Canon is claiming that the new sensor's design (new manufacturing processes, redesigned photo diodes and micro lenses) mean that despite the higher resolution image noise has improved, something we'll be putting to the test later.
The other big change is the inclusion of a new, high-resolution LCD screen. 920,000 dots mean that it can convey 640 x 480 RGB pixels, making it effectively a VGA standard monitor. Three anti-reflection layers built into the screen do their best to keep it useable in bright conditions, too.
There are various other changes and added features, with many of them stemming from the first appearance of the Canon's Digic 4 processor. The key differences between the 50D and 40D are detailed below.

Model line history

Effective pixels
Auto focus
Continuous (JPEG) LCD monitor
EOS D30 Apr 20003.1 mp 3 point 3.0 fps, 3 frames 1.8"
EOS D60 Feb 20026.3 mp 3 point 3.3 fps, 8 frames 1.8"
EOS 10D Feb 20036.3 mp 7 point 3.3 fps, 9 frames 1.8"
EOS 20DAug 20048.2 mp 9 point 5.0 fps, 23 frames 1.8"
EOS 30D Feb 2006 8.2 mp 9 point 5.0 / 3.0 fps, 30 frames 2.5"
EOS 40DAug 2007 10.1 mp 9 point 6.5 / 3.0 fps, 75 frames 3.0" Live view
EOS 50DAug 2008 15.1 mp9 point6.3 / 3.0 fps, 60/90 frames3.0" HR Live view

Canon EOS 50D vs. EOS 40D feature and specification differences

Canon EOS 40D
Canon EOS 50D
Canon EOS 40D
Canon EOS 40D
Sensor• 15.0 million effective pixels• 10.1 million effective pixels
Image sizes • 4752 x 3168
• 3456 x 2304
• 2353 x 1568
• 3888 x 2592
• 2816 x 1880
• 1936 x 1288
RAW files • CR2 format, 14-bit
• RAW full resolution
• sRAW1 (7.1 MP)
• sRAW2 (3.8 MP)
• CR2 format, 14-bit
• RAW full resolution
• sRAW (2.5 MP)
Image processor DIGIC 4DIGIC III
SensitivityISO 100 to 3200, extendable to H1 (6400) and H2 (12800).ISO 100 to 1600, extendable to 3200.
Auto ISO ISO 100 to 1600 ISO 100 to 800
Noise reductionFour levelsOn/Off
Auto lighting optimizerFour levelsOn/Off
AF adjustment• All lenses or up to 20 individual lenses
• +/- 20 steps
Viewfinder info Now includes Auto Lighting Optimizer icon
LCD monitor • 3.0 " TFT LCD
• 920,000 dots
• 3.0 " TFT LCD
• 230,000 dots
Live view AF • Quick mode (Phase detect)
• Live view mode (Contrast detect)

• Face detect (Contrast detect)
Phase detect
Peripheral illumination
• Profiles of 26 lenses includes
• space provided for 14 extra profiles

User modes • Auto
• Creative Auto
• Program AE (P)
• Shutter priority AE (Tv)
• Aperture priority AE (Av)
• Manual (M)
• Auto depth-of-field
• Portrait
• Landscape
• Close-up
• Sports
• Night portrait
• Flash off
• Camera user settings 1
• Camera user settings 2
• Auto
• Program AE (P)
• Shutter priority AE (Tv)
• Aperture priority AE (Av)
• Manual (M)
• Auto depth-of-field
• Portrait
• Landscape
• Close-up
• Sports
• Night portrait
• Flash off
• Camera user settings 1
• Camera user settings 2
• Camera user settings 3
High-speed continuous • 6.3 fps
• Up to 60 JPEG Large/Fine images
• Up to 90 JPEG Large/Fine images (UDMA)
• 6.5 fps
• Up to 75 JPEG Large/Fine images
Menu UI Digic 4 interfaceSame as EOS-1D series
Connectors• USB 2.0 Hi-Speed
• Video out
• Mini HDMI connector
• N3 type wired remote control
• PC Sync flash terminal
• Communication terminal on base for WFT-E3/E3A
• USB 2.0 Hi-Speed
• Video out
• N3 type wired remote control
• PC Sync flash terminal
• Communication terminal on base for WFT-E3/E3A
Menu languages 2518
Custom functions 2524
Weight• No battery: 730 g (1.6 lb)
• With battery: 822 g (1.8 lb) (measured)
• No battery: 740 g (1.6 lb)
• With battery: 836 g (1.8 lb) (measured)

Canon EOS 50D vs. Nikon D300D

Camera settings:
  • Canon EOS 50D: Canon EF 50 mm F1.4 lens, Aperture Priority, ISO 100
    JPEG Large/Fine, Manual WB, Default Parameters (Standard), Self-Timer (with MLU), ALO disabled
  • Nikon D300: Nikkon 50 mm F1.4 lens, Aperture Priority, ISO 200
    JPEG Large/Fine, Manual WB, Default Parameters (Normal), Self-Timer
Canon EOS 50D
Nikon D300
4.4 MB JPEG (4752 x 3168)
4.4 MB JPEG (4288 x 2848)
The EOS 50D has a three megapixel advantage over the D300 but again this does not translate into a larger amount of detail. In fact the D300 actually manages eke out a little more detail in some areas of the image. To be fair this is helped by a little bit of extra sharpening and, while it doesn't reveal any discernible extra detail, the 50D responds well to a mild un-sharp mask as well. Overall however there's not a huge amount between these two cameras and certainly in print it would be very difficult to pick a clear winner.


  1. Pp,

    Most of the photographers yang I interview (masa ada hati nak beli camera baru) use the Nikon. But I must say the pics by the Canon look really good. I personally like the "Pasir.." picture by Haziq. Beli je camera baru bagi Haziq camera lama!


    (who was once upon a time president of the photography club in school... now feeling that she wants to be creative!)

  2. PP bakpo tak ambik 5D? lens beli hok molep selalu bulih pakai utk 2 body... beli 5D lah.....

  3. Pp,
    50D? 5D slalu. Ganah sikit. Full frame tu! 50D crop 1.6X lagi rasanya.
    Rega pun rasanya tak banyak beza doh 2 tu :)
    5D! 5D! 5D! 5D! 5D! 5D! 5D! 5D! 5D! 5D! 5D! 5D! 5D! 5D!
    Dok pun 1Ds Mark III slalu hehe. Tapi gak besar dan mahal amatz.

  4. 5D la kalu gitu, serupo dengan saya heheh.
    Jangan marah kak Aishah dehh.
    Kita buke suruh beli tapi pakso jahs..hehehehhe

  5. Mrs A....

    reactivate the indulgence, unleash ur creative juice...jom, kita gerakkan aktiviti fotografi!!


    Rusdi :-)

    5D ... 50D....5D...50D...hehehe, konfius pulok abe pin!!


    Akmal :-)

    mahal tuh deh 5D tuh.....hehhee.....rasanya kena fikir dulu tuh...hehehe.!!


    George Bush..:-) fuyooooooo nama!!
    Mr. Bush ado 5D doh ko?
    kemahhh tu George!!

    kak aishah, kato kalu 50D dio dock marah ko sapo2...tapi kalu 5D, dio ajak Mr Bush dengae Rusdi maghi ke rumoh lah ujung minggu nie....nak jamu makae nasi dagae kato dio!! hehehe



  6. tak reti pasal camera tapi suka snap photos..

    beli lah yang baru.. nanti boleh lah Haziq practise jadi freelance photographer.. modal ayah nya laaa hehhe...

  7. Kalau tanya I yang hanya tau klik je kat kamera, I akan pilih Canon .

    10k for a painting ... memang I akan mengamuk sakan ..hehehe.

  8. beli je...
    ur son got talent...

  9. Salam PP,
    Di sini ada review untuk kamera yang anda minati itu >>>>
    Bagi saya yang suka2 ambik gambar itu, D40 (lensa 18mm-200mm) sudah cukup baik...

  10. waa.. sronoknya haziq ada dad camni.. hehe..

    uncle bole jd my partner in crime x? pujuk papa bliken sy a camera for my own..:D

  11. PP,
    Royat nak beli 50D tapi terbeli 5D. Sekeping painting kat ebay jah tu.

  12. rusdi :-) selamat ulang tahun hari lahir Di....selamat sokmo deh.

    hehehe...itu tandanya kak aishah sayae ko Di dan abe halim tuh hehehe


    neeza :-) insyAAllah.....hehehe....sudah di order, cuma tunggu dapat jer!


    filzah :-) tenkiu for the vote! ur photos are amazing!!! serious.



  13. silversarina :-) hehehe kita serupa! canon juga pilihannya...


    drNO....yes, i agree...i think he is talented..but but i know i am biased. hehehe


    zabs :-) thanks for the link. yes, agree with u, i think 5D is a bit OVER la hehehe

    OVER my budget lah!!



  14. nabilla...:-)

    ektuali secara tak lansung uncle dah pun jadi partner in crime nih..hehehe...semoga abah dan mama nabilla tak ban terus blog uncle nanti! hehehe


    zawi :-)

    'JAH' hehehe, jangae 'jah' pakzawi.....banyak tu.....

    kawae settle dengae 50D JAH!! hehehe


  15. PP....

    Canon la pun insyaAllah next year nak upgrade dr Sony H50 ke Canon DSLR....
    Blh pass the Sony tu my daughter...dia pun nampak mcm mnt jgk fotografi....
