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Friday, November 16, 2007

Winning an audience...

Make them applause within the the first 3 minutes, and they will stay glued listening for the next three hours! That is a mantra I truly believe in and practice....

Whether you are going for an interview or planning to address an audience of 1000 people - winning the audience within the first 3 minutes is so important. Decision made within the first 3 minutes shapes the audience attitude for the whole session.

The last few days I conducted two training sessions for managers in our group of companies. Each session was successful as measured from comments from the participants and the evaluation they gave at the end. I scored an average of 4.8 out of maximum 5 - and it was done anonymously, so I believe they were sincere! Hehehe.

I have another two sessions tomorrow, and for the good part of this evening I am already hyping myself up on how to begin tomorrow's session. I try to understand what will be top most on my audience minds and what will be close to their hearts as they walk into my session tomorrow. That is were I will start!

At job interviews, decisions are made within 3 minutes. The rest of the time is spent by the interviewers to ask candidates questions which will confirm his or her decision (made within the first 3 minutes). First impressions - counts!
My advise to potential candidates or would be public speakers is to be so clear in your mind of what you will say, how you will sound and how you will appear for the first three minutes. A tip to the unintiated bloggers is to start off your entry with sentences which 'hook' readers interest to find out more. Be it more about your 'ayah in KB' or about the 'corner table the very dining hall'. You can also engage your audience early on - by inviting them to laugh with you or at you because you purchased three pairs of spectacles.

People judge from what they see first then by what they hear. Even if one says all the right things, but if the way one present oneself is less than impressive then it is unlikely that one will get the desired outcome.

Face it, even in reading blogs during blog-hops - whether or not you continue reading every words writen depends on the first few lines. Readers need to feel enough hook and sufficient curiosity raised for them to continue reading. Try to monitor your site meter and see for yourself the length of time readers spend on your own entries - making comparison between those with interesting and captivating opening lines with those which you start off with what appears like a journal from your life's diary.

Winning an audience within the first 3 minutes makes a difference! For tomorrow's training sessions, I am all ready with how I will start it off.

Ever wonder why some speakers are so charismatic? They know how to grab your interest right from the start! Did I raise your curiosity level with my opening short paragraph?


  1. Hmmph! The first 3 minutes eh?

    Learn must I from you Master. When my next interview session comes ;)

  2. Salam Idham,
    For your blog, the title is enpugh to get me reading it towards the end (the first minute je!).
    TQ for the pointers. Will try to put i into practice.

  3. bro ariff,

    hahaha..the opening paragraph glued me till the end.

    thanks for this posting.very good points.

  4. Thanks... benefited from this post.

    The biggest challenge for me to work in Middle East is that no one listening to Woman talk. Sometimes I just wondering what to do to make them listen to me at the first minute i enter the room.

    Tried few ways, some work some not.. Will keep on trying... thanks!! ;)

  5. yes..yes... the first 3 minutes very critical..

    Yr short para always attract people who read it...keep going!

  6. Yup, your 1st line has always managed to grab readers' attention, and I always stay on to read until the end. Thanks for sharing the tips..

  7. i share NJ's comment too. great tips..hope to hear more great tips from the master himself.

    (bow her head down)...thank you sifu!

  8. dear master,

    pls teach me pls...

  9. thank you all...for your comments, encouragements, and support. I am most encouraged, and will continue to seek wisdom from my blog readers.



  10. Terima Kasih Tuan,
    I find a lot of tips from your blog on personal improvement especially for reserved mohandes like me. Thank you for the pointers and keep up your good work. Salam!
