Nov 10th, 2007 – Family living room, Rumah Aku.
Jam : 9.30pm
Hundreds of emails flooded my in-box. Mostly forwarded emails with stories and attachments of the Operasi BERSIH ( here ). (for the uninitiated, read about the memorandum here which was the reason for BERSIH). Of course I also read utusan online and the star online ( but there were no pictures in these two newspapers - much to my surprise ).
I was watching one of the videos which has scenes of the P M and his S1L giving speeches at the persid@ngan @gung UMN0. It is obvious that the video has been doctored in such a manner to make mockery of the two leaders. I could not help, but to laugh out loud! It was so funny.....
On hearing lots of noise coming from me in the family living hall, Luqman appeared from his room asking, “Ada apa Ayah?”
I actually hesitated before I could answer him. The hesitation was long enough for him to come to behind the screen to watch the video. My instant reaction was to close it….I wasn’t ready for Luqman ( he is 7 ) to see what Malaysian politics has produced. I managed to persuade him to return to his room. Then it really struck me, "What am I doing watching all these craps!". But then again, is it about the videos which are 'craps, or the state of Malaysian politics itself which is crappy!!??
“What is happening to Malaysia?”
A few words came to my mind…..
- Teruk (You can disagree with me, but in my view – sudah kes really teruk! Majority of rakyat only wants safety, foods & education - and the leaders are acting like men possessed)
- Buruk ( To see adults, and especially adults in senior positions acting and using words like ‘beruk’ in a official functions, a chief minister doing an obsene gesture with his hands to orang kampung – are tauladan yang buruk for our children )
- Lapuk ( This type of political drama is out-dated )
- Beruk ( Even monkeys will be confused after watching the acts of humans – just try watching some of the you-tube videos ).
How do I answer my son? And how do I explain to my children about political scenes in Malaysia today?
This morning over breakfast, I told Luqman, much to his confusion and amusement at the same time ….
- Malaysia has a government. The Government keep the country in order like Mom do to our house. People above 21 can participate to choose who play the role of government. Like Ayah choose Mak.
- But, people can choose the government every four years. If they don’t like one government they can choose another one. Before you ask, Ayah can’t change Mak. (Lil gave me an approving smile on this point)
- Now in Malaysia the people are thinking about who to choose for the next government. So, a lot of fighting going on lah! That is why Ayah don’t want to change Mak…..To avoid fighting lah.
( LiL went….”Oo, pandai la tu lawyer buruk kan anak tu”)
I am sure, given time I will find a good enough explaination for Luqman. Given time also, hopefully our political leaders will act less like the cartoons characters from the Disney world – which surely make it a lot easier for me in explaining. For now, he does have some impression that, “Ooo…politics tu macam kartun ka ayah?”
I am not politically inclined, and is not even sure whether I will vote this time since I am away from Malaysia. But, I think I will make an effort to vote.....I want to be counted for the future of Malaysia. Afterall BERSIH, is not about washing one's hands.....!
PS : This is a free promotion - done in the name of a bapak's love for his son - at his request!
If you are have the time, please visit him there and leave him with some encouragement to find a girl....hehehe. He is broken hearted. Tsk tsk tsk ( Hah! kata nak glemer! kan dah ....)
Hahaha, I really like that explanation you gave Luqman. Pandai you.
ReplyDeleteThe situation was shameful ... And so much for freedom of the press.
panik sekejap beberapa hari lepas tak dapat buka blog idham. At one time, sedih sbb I was not included in one of your invited readers of your blog!! Tried to contact you thru ur email but couldn't find ur email add... and hv been busy lately preparing for my haj... Please doa for us(hubby, me, MIL, BIL) selamat semuanya dan dapat mengerjakan haji dgn sempurna dan baik.
ReplyDeletequeen...:-) not easy...but i managed!
Nurazzah...:-) saya dan LiL DOAKAN AZAH, suami, MIL and BIL selamat mengerjakan HAJI...mendapata amalan yang di terima Allah...dan pulang dengan kenangan dan ketakwaan dari Rahmat Allah.
ReplyDeleteDoa juga supaya anak2 sepeninggalan selamat walafiat.
ReplyDeletevery useful blog .
i like clear and fresh sky becuz we can see stars very well.
good luck my friend .
ReplyDeleteehh, macam biskut pulak... kejap ada, kejap tak ada..
keh keh keh....(tergelak la pulak)
bro Ariff aka Idham,
ReplyDeleteWish you were at our 50th Celebration cum Oldboys weekend recently. Anyhow, it was just another OBW with "extra events" lined up due to appearance of Sultan of Perak.
Couldn't agree more with you with regard to Malaysian politics = kartun.
I can only add that it resembles some of the great plot in the Tamil movies.
Abg Id...What a perspective! I have skipped watching and following up the perhimpunan tu...entahlah, somehow, like you said, teruk, lapuk, buruk and beruk fit them all!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the invitation. You don't know how much I appreciate it...hehehe...
Salam to my dearest sister, Kak Lil ya.
out of topic jap...
ReplyDeletemy hubby oghe kelate..pasir puteh. kg wakaf lichong, betul2 kat cabang lebuhraya, at the end of hway timur barat.
Abe id, agreed with u about our politicians nowadays. Kartun sungguh diorang ni! Kata demokrasi tapi takde freedom untuk berdemokrasi. Never like to watch all the perhimpunan nye show. Bercakap macam bagus tapi habuk pun tarak. Setakat bercakap dalam dewan jer. Like talking between those four walls and all of that stays there. Sucks rite?
ReplyDeleteTerlibat dalam jem yang teruk last Friday nite and Saturday disebabkan kepanikan pihak berkuasa untuk mengawal keadaan rakyat yang mahukan kebebasan berdemokrasi. Pity them all!
actually...I've posted a comment on the current issue last nite--tp x masuk lak...
nothing much to say other than...teruk...
Asm Abg Id,
ReplyDeleteNi first time saya tinggalkan jejak di sini. Selalunya jadi silent reader je. For me, politik Msia ni mmg dah kartun drp zaman saya kecik dulu.. (still boleh ingat mcmana politicians mengutuk sesama sendiri, guna bahasa yang kasar).. Sampai sekarang tak minat nak tengok benda2 politik dah..
umie...hehehehe...biskut naa....kita biskut lemak berkerim tau....hahahaha....nak mai la!!
javad...i like iran too....been ether many times...iranians are v nice going to tehran next week...:-)
dr bubbles.....ah, i envy u guys who can attend Old Boys weekend...
ReplyDeletebest ka? ramai ka yg datang?
my batch tak active sgt dlm hal hal old boys nie..unfortunately!@
been to ur blog, hoping to see some photos of the weekend.....did u take any? i could not see them there...
thanks for visiting.
raden galoh...i intended to make my blog private and in the process of inviting friends...but then I realized, the process of inviting is quite laborious....and LiL asked me a pertinent question, she said..."u r strange...u write for people to read...then u want to make it private. why bother to write then?"
with that question....i changed to continue with my public blog.
hence...i am back here.!!!
drno...ah is see....maybe, just maybe...kita pun ontah2 bersaudra ek...
dlt...I encourage debates...I like our politicians to be vocal with their views and lead with their convictions...but but, when leaders resort to using vulgar words, maki hamun, and gesturing rudely...that is when I lose all form of respect !
ReplyDeleteUsing vulgar words - are so tak bertamadun....
ad so bad example for everyone else....
susah la jika ketam jalan senget2 tu nak ajar rakyat jalan betul...
lately....ada pulak sindrom gangsterism dalam politik...siap cabar mencabar....ermm....
hebat ka tu? atau sudah gawat intellectually!
dr No...memang TERUK!!!
ReplyDeletesetuju...dan daulat tuanku!!
hai juwaidah...:-) thanks for tinggalkan jejak...finally i got to know who my reader with an IP fr cardiff is....hehehehe....
ReplyDeletebest wishes with ur studies!
Salam Abg Id
ReplyDeleteI remember one time we just left the TV on but doing our own things. Masa tu Pak Menteri was giving a speech. Hafiz tanya innocently, "Kenapa dia tu cakap kuat2 macam tu? Dia cakap dengan siapa? Ada ke orang nak dengar?"
Triple dosage.
We simply switch to cartoon channel, much to his delight! I guess in cartoons, it was easier for him to follow who's the good guy & who's the bad guy. No need pretending.
ibu...:-) it wasn't that long ago when as a teenager I was in full admiration for the like of Tun Razak, Tun Dr Ismail ( both Allahyarham ) - to me those are still the standards of political code of serve!
ReplyDeleteI admired Tun Dr M for his intellectually engaging banters, speeches and debates. These days - things are changing. Politics has becomes aggressive, provocative, and combative.
Your son, represents the sentiments of many of his peers and also many of us adults.
Salam Perkenalan Abg Id,
ReplyDeleteHave you watch this?
Disgraceful.. buat malu Malaysia je..Huhu..
ReplyDeletesorry somehow im wonder... if kita yg muda and bakal menjadi pelaris negara tak berminat with politics sapa yg akan menjadi penganti kepada pemimpin yg sediaada....
thats the reason why i like politics... but in other perspective.. politics will be very dirty when we separate it with islam and hukum...
demokrasi ke malaysia?? suatu hari yg lampau and suatu hari yg akan dtng... IA
well kita sama... tak ngundi jugak tahun ni since we far away from msia... takpe IA satu hari akan pulang ke msia dan menjadi pemerhati(mungkin lbh dr itu) politik...