My intention was to have a conversation engaging her into what I was doing.....but for some reasons she wasn't interested.
"What is your view about hobies?" I asked LiL. She was watching a crime series on showtime TV and I was trying to write an entry for my blog.
"Why" She asked me back. I knew from her tone that I was an irritant, as she was focusing to follow the dialogue of the 'Silent Witness' drama.
"I want to write about hobbies" Said I.
"What a boring subject" she said, hoping to end the conversation, except that I wasn't ready to give up. So I followed up with another question, "Why is it a boring subject?"
"It is an old topic, so it is boring..." She was obviously not interested to have a conversation - drama was at a suspence stage. She started to display her irritation through clear body language - to show that she'd rather do something else while watching TV than talking to me, she started to peel off dead skin from her soles.
"Yea, but I want to write about hobbies....so what is your view?" Beginning to feel irritated myself, I started to 'kuis kuis' her feet with my toes.
"You write la what you want to write - your hobby is writing kan? My hobby is only to read what you write - so tomorrow la I buat hobby I ok....ok or not" She said with a kind of look and a forced smile to disguise her silent scream, "Don't disturb me lah, I want to watch TV".
So.....there you go folks, my entry on 'Hobbies' which has taken a different twist - and arrive at a different conclusion from what I orginally intended to write about. It is still a valid conclusion - that two people with different hobbies can co-exist in harmony provided both accept and respect that the other may not share in your own hobby.
My original intention was to write about my new zest in pursuing one of my hobbies - as demonstrated here. However, tonight I will settle with this entry - afterall writing and upkeeping my blog is more than a hobby to me - it is a passion!
"What is your view about hobies?" I asked LiL. She was watching a crime series on showtime TV and I was trying to write an entry for my blog.
"Why" She asked me back. I knew from her tone that I was an irritant, as she was focusing to follow the dialogue of the 'Silent Witness' drama.
"I want to write about hobbies" Said I.
"What a boring subject" she said, hoping to end the conversation, except that I wasn't ready to give up. So I followed up with another question, "Why is it a boring subject?"
"It is an old topic, so it is boring..." She was obviously not interested to have a conversation - drama was at a suspence stage. She started to display her irritation through clear body language - to show that she'd rather do something else while watching TV than talking to me, she started to peel off dead skin from her soles.
"Yea, but I want to write about hobbies....so what is your view?" Beginning to feel irritated myself, I started to 'kuis kuis' her feet with my toes.
"You write la what you want to write - your hobby is writing kan? My hobby is only to read what you write - so tomorrow la I buat hobby I ok....ok or not" She said with a kind of look and a forced smile to disguise her silent scream, "Don't disturb me lah, I want to watch TV".
So.....there you go folks, my entry on 'Hobbies' which has taken a different twist - and arrive at a different conclusion from what I orginally intended to write about. It is still a valid conclusion - that two people with different hobbies can co-exist in harmony provided both accept and respect that the other may not share in your own hobby.
My original intention was to write about my new zest in pursuing one of my hobbies - as demonstrated here. However, tonight I will settle with this entry - afterall writing and upkeeping my blog is more than a hobby to me - it is a passion!
*Kuis kuis her feet some more....hehehe...sambil genyit mata!*
Hehehe.. Yes, I accept the fact that my hubby likes to play golf.. and he respects my hobby to go shopping! What a couple we make! :)
ReplyDeletebtw, you cannot read my blog eh? How come??
Juwaidah...:-) hehehe nice trade off tu...i tell u, ur hobby is more expensive than golf!
ReplyDeletei can't read lah..there is no link ...
ReplyDeleteYou got the 'deadly stare' ye... :P
Tu la...jangan kacau...at least dapat stare je...kalau dapat silent treatment tak ke lagi parah...
Dr.M would look like that doodle of yours if I kacau dia tengok rugby...Hehehe
Salam Idham,
ReplyDeleteItu kes salah masa dan tempat. Cubalah tanya semasa tengah buat hobi yang sama-ama suka, tentu dapat jawapan yang memuaskan. Kamera apa yang diguna untuk hobi yang satu lagi tu?
kesian dia...tapi lepas kenyit2 mata tu ok kot..ha..ha..
ReplyDeleteapakabar? lama tak nampak!
heheh...dok gelak yang last statement tu..
ReplyDeleteerr... jalan jalan cari makan bleh dikira hobi gak ke? :D
k.d...:-) dr Mail tgk rugby tu ok la tu....his private tu...i suka jersey2 rugby dia....di mana dia beli ek?
zabs...hehehehe...yes, wrong timing...:)
ReplyDeletecamera tu jenama canon eos400d. it is good....
besdies the standard lenses, i use 100 - 300mm.
now nak upgrade skill lagi...
zabs guna jenama and model mana?
maklang....:-) khabar baik sekali...cuma malam ni ada sikit fever...but i will be ok insyAAllah.
ReplyDeletethanks for asking.
anggerik...hehehe :P
ReplyDeleteok la kan...happy ending.
wan zuha....asalkan yg kita buat itu...sbb kita gemar dan minat, dan kita buat dengan sukarela...kira hobby la tu.. :)
ReplyDeleteenjoy ur hobi...
Sebenarnya hobi zuha kumpul poskad. Sesetengah org kata bosannnnnn sangat. Tak kisah apa orang nak kata... Ada sesapa yg sama minat ngan zuha?
ReplyDeleteTapi sejak mula keje, hobi ni macam terenti kejap, takde masa nak tengok. Bila free... belek2 balik koleksi tu, terus memori lama teringat kembali. Kadangkala menitiskan air mata tanpa disedari kerana mengingati kenangan disebalik sekeping poskad!
wan zuha...:) a very interesting hobby....and like u said, the memories behind each one ...is so special to u...nostalgia kan...
ReplyDeleteuncle collect pedang antique...dan paintings...mainly oil painting...
ReplyDeletemy arwah abah pun suka pedang n pisau-pisau...
dia ada banyak collection...
rindunya kat dia!
Salam Idham,
ReplyDeleteSaya guna yang di rekomen oleh Mat Salo. Niko D40, baru ada standard lense, cadang nak beli zoom 18mm - 200mm bila ada ejeki. InsyaAllah.
ctz...kerinduan kepada yg telah pergi...membayangkan betapa istimewanya dia kepada kita yang masih di sini....sama2 kita sedekahkan Al Fatihah kepada mereka...
ReplyDeletepeninggalan koleksi tu...nak cari rumah baru ka? hehehe
oo zabs...nikkon 40d itu sungguh bagus....colour gambar2 sungguh memuaskan...rakan photo club saya ...saudara Halim juga mengguna kan model yg sama...
ReplyDeletehappy shooting!