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Wednesday, November 21, 2007


There is a re Union of some sort in our home. MIL and Achik arrived from Malaysia yesterday morning. Last night, the boys and I had a splashing time at the pool - our way of celebrating Achik's presence. Luqman was very expressive in showing how much he misses Achik and how much more he appreciates Achik's arrival.

MIL seemed happy to be with her cucu-cucu again. Her arrival is also special to both LiL and I, since this is the first time she visited us in Dubai and the first time we have an opportunity to show her some of the beautiful places in UAE and the nice friends we have made here. This Friday, we are driving to Ras Al-Khaimah, visiting a Malaysian friend cum a little sight-seeing.

Along ( still single and looking......hehehehe. this advert is done for free for him ) will be arriving soon, in December. This morning he was all excited when he went to collect a check I have sent to him through a friend from Dubai who has gone back to KL. He sent me an sms, "ayah, check dah ambik..tq v much. Now nak gi beli tiket!". Then before I could reply to that one, I received another one from him, "ps: anak pompuan pakcik tu sungguh lawa, dok study stpm". I sent a reply....and smiled to myself. Lil was curious and insisted on reading what I have said, so I showed her, "Go tekel, ayah sokong! ".

Unlike Achik ( single tapi masih menumpu kepada studies, no time for GFs ) who is here for a semester break, Along will be here for a long stay. He will be looking for a job here in Dubai and live with us. I look forward to welcoming him. Upon reflection, we have spent very little time living under one roof with Along. After birth he was living with LiL's parents until he was seven. Later on, he went to boarding schools and has been living independently either in hostels or in shared apartments. Now a young man, there are many possibilities of things he and I can do together!

Angah ( not interested in boys for now....hehehe ) in Dublin will be having her exams in December. She has hinted that she wanted to come to Dubai after her exams is over. I am leaving the option open.....and let she decides. Given that her studies will be completed in July next year, I prefer for her to use any vacation time she has to explore and see places in Europe. It is not that we do not miss her, it is just that I do not want her to miss the opportunity of maximizing her care free student days there......Having said that, deep down I know how wonderful it will be having all of our children for a big re-union in Dubai this year end.


  1. Bestnya reunion. Anak beranak dalam pool macam adik beradik lah pulak.. Enjoy every moment of the gathering.

  2. Abang id, you macam abang to achik and adi lah..tak leh cakap lebih2 nanti kak lil marah..

    Bestnyer family reunion, raya haji nanti bole datang rumah tak, i'll be there for my compulsory visitation kah kah kah..

  3. Anonymous tu ummi ya..tak tau kenapa jadi ano pulak.

  4. Abang Idham,
    I'm sure you are very excited and can't wait for Along.
    What a wonderful time to spend with family and loved one. Have a happy family reunion.

  5. Syoknya berkumpul ramai2. dahlah nak raya haji lak tu.
    Tak sejuk ker berendam dalam pool? I heard in the news Dubai is now like di atas kayangan; kabus tebal and it was snowing kat UAE. Betul ke?

  6. salam..
    kat sebelah tu anak ke adik erk..?? sama le.. :-))

  7. That's so wonderful - to have everybody under one roof (albeit, maybe masa Along sampai, Achik dah balik Malaysia?)

    I'm sure you must be looking forward to have Along stay with you - it's never too late to start bonding with him to make up for lost time when he was staying at boarding schools/hostels/rumah bujang, etc.

    Have fun, Abang Id and K.LiL :D

    Enjoy your children!

  8. bestnya, quality family time :o)

    hope you & your family make beautiful memories together :o) have a great holiday!


  9. zlaa.....:-) yes....time together is to be cherished. and memories are made of expriences....



  10. anonymous...hehehe...macam abang adik naa....walalala....mungkin sbb sama2 topless kut...adn perut boroi simpan bawah air hahaha...



  11. ummie....laa....macam mana leh jadi anonymous tu pulak....tak per.
    bila datang dubai? abu dhabi? sila lah ke rumah nanti....
    siapa nama ur hubby? ntah2 dah kenal.
    or intro kan lah....kami boleh berkenalan dulu...
    do u hv my number??


  12. cat cat...yea....we all are.
    besuk bawak MIl and whole family jalan2 hehehe tgk tempat2..dan ziarah kawan....
    the more time we spend doing things together the more bonding we have la kan....

    like ur new hair!!


  13. just nice ....tak sejuk tak panas....
    kabus memang tebal sebelah pagi...
    now is a god time to visit wise.



  14. ramainya larr nama umie no... dah jdi kompius la tu..hahahaha

  15. One big happy family - bestnya :D

  16. Abg. Arif, that would be great wouldn't it, everybody together..a parents dream come true.

    Hmmm...seronok berjalan, luas pandangan. Jangan lupa makan-makan!

  17. umie...hehehe....adik ek? hehehe...

    *arif tarik nafas tahan perut.* hehehe


  18. wanshana....:) fariz will be here until end of semester break...and along is arriving first week there is a good three weeks together!


  19. syana....:) yes....time together is always special...especially when we spend time apart for most of the time...



  20. umie ku....tak eh, tak konpius....kita tahu umie yang selalu kita jumpa di tepi hughway bertukar2 kueh hehehe :P


  21. amy..:P
    malam ni tadi kami ber bbq....seronok....makan kat atas tikar di halaman rumah...:-)

    abg id

  22. yes yes :-)
    dr dela...baru tadi ur BIL Z called bertanya mcm mana arrangement nak camping di padang pasir bila u all datang nanti...hehehe

    semua akan beres...insyAAllah....

    abg arif

  23. Boys will be boys eh?skali terjun dalam pool, bapak ke anak ke do the same things!

    Bapak i pon sama, asal ade nice place to mandi-manda, he and his boys would jump all together tak tunggu us ladies pon!

    May your family sentiasa loving towards each other and meriah bersama2.

  24. seronoknya reunion =)..bloghopping from dr no's blog..heheheh..

    btw..i'm single (wink2)

  25. whoa abe id ! "Ayah memang sporting betol !"
    ( Nanti sampei masa kwan, dok tau la, kwan sporting ke dok...)

  26. manal...:-) i think water has a special effect on boys ( children ) and also on bonding....

    may urs be just as wonderful ..


  27. inah....wah ...single ek...:)

    welcome to my blog...


  28. jokontan...:-)

    sporting memang...yang penting, kita ada boundary and principles...for the family!

    lain lain tu....all part of fun & game!

