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Thursday, November 1, 2007

Should this blog one day goes silent
no more replies to your comments
and new entry not to be seen
would you be asking...."how have I been?"
I wonder.....

Who am I, but a blogger
known to only a few, to others a mere writer
and if one day, I remain in sleep
and all my passwords scattered at my feet
would you visit me at my final resting place?
Or in my absence you seek solace?
I wonder......
Here close to me are people I often ignore
in my earnest pursuit of reaching different shores
and should my children weep my final departure
and in silent tears they will say prayers
"Daddy is gone - God loves him dearly
In Heaven he rests and looks down on us smilingly"
Should this blog one day goes silent
wonder no more....
for I may have found my reason.

Tears ... are words a heart can't bear to say
my tears flow, just thinking of the final day
Would I pass the test
Have I been at my best?
Forgive me God....for all of my sins
In the night darkness, I stay awake counting
My days are indeed numbered
it has taken me this long to have that figured
In you O the Merciful and Compassionate
I place my trust, my fear, my hope.
A reminder unfolds before my very eyes
In life and death, we choose our own ways
"Which way shall I take?"
"Take the God's way" I'm reminded of that today!

Should this blog one day goes silent
wonder not how have I been.....
For I may have made my choice
To make up for the time I have lost.

But I won't bid farewell
I may return one day with a story to tell...


(I offer arwah Al Fatihah )

(I offer her and her children prayers)


  1. Abe Id,
    I'm lost for words - you wrote beautifully as always.

    Apa yg berlaku adalah pengajaran serta ingatan drp Tuhan utk kita hambaNya yg mudah lupa bhw akhirat jualah yg kekal abadi.

    I may not commented everyday but know that I'm always present!
    Salam utk k.LiL gak.

  2. Mr Idham..

    I love this.. nicely written and lots of reflection even for myself.

    Continue writing.. and also be istiqamah to find solace in Allah..

    We know you are a man with a good heart.

    Rd (littlemuffins)& Amin

  3. aaahhh, you brought tears to my eysa this morning. and I had this thought before on things i should do or pesan to my nadia with my password and stuff...panjang i fikir but i know the day will eventually come.

    Al-fatihah to all that had left earlier before us.

  4. Open up the first blog for the day... dah buat I sedih...

    Keep on writing..

  5. Dear idham,

    I never commented here but today I feel that I must leave my jejak.

    The poem is so beautiful that it makes me feel so humble.

    Thank you.

  6. beautifully written abe id and it makes my eyes brimming with tears..

    all of us but ONE shall depart this world one day..

  7. abe id,

    tears rolled down my cheeks when i read your poem & D's entry.

    thank you both for reminding me of who i am, who i belong to & how to take my journey towards my destination - jalan Allah & untukNya.

    each of us is a khalifah, including you. keep on writing whenever you can.

    sampaikan salam syana kpd kak lil.

    both of you, take care :o)

  8. Queen Of The HouseFriday, November 02, 2007

    I suppose many of us have been deeply affected by what happened to a family far away that we only know through blogging. But it serves as a reminder of how fragile life is. It also serves to remind us that redha, tawakkal and faith has a lot to offer.

    Al fatihah to arwah, and to the family, may they be showered with blessings always.

  9. You move my emotion thru this nicely written poem. It reflects ur heart indeed... I'm in sadness too and reading your poem brings not just tears to my eyes but heavy lump in my chest.

    Keep on writing salam please to Kak Lil ya...

  10. Salam Ariff,
    Sedih baca,,, dan tgk pic Mrs D tu umie teringat kat sesorang yg umie sayangi.... yg telah meninggalkan kita (Aznida@Tipah)...

  11. Spot on indeed, reminder to us all.

    I couldn't hold back my tears when I read D's entry. I admire her for her strength & calmness. But who are we all to defy what has been written? It will not be brought forward or delayed even for a second.

    Take care bro! Clear blue skies always.

  12. Malam semalam Amy dah nangis baca D punya entry, pagi ni dok terbayang2 lagi entry dia, dok imagine what if Amy kat tempat dia. I doubt that I'll be as strong as her. Balik keje baca blog Abg Id dulu, sedih balik. :(

  13. Mr Id,
    Kita serupa. Dicipta untuk seketika dan kembali padaNya dengan segala assessment yang telah dijanji. Syukur kita punya segala-galanya.

    Buat ingatan: Jangan Sedih Dengan Apa yang Kita Tiada, kerana Kita ada apa yang orang lain Tiada...

  14. thanks for such a beautiful words, abd id. take care.. :)

  15. why?? beautiful words..

  16. abg id,

    we respect your decison if you were not to write.. but as one of your frequent readers.. i must say that your writings has great impact and made me think a lot. you motivate a lot of your readers... should you have the time, do continue writing.. im sure a lot of us will appreciate that...


  17. eh komen kat atas tu tak abis. thanks for such a beautiful words, sedih, syahdu, mengalir ayaq mata. take care abg id, moga Allah lindungi abg id selalu.

  18. To everyone who have visited and left comments and encouraging words here - I want to say THANK YOU!
    I appreciate yor visit....

    I will continue to update my blog within the limited time I have ...

    best wishes,

  19. kata-kata yang indah datangnya dari hati yang ikhlas..
