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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Circle of trust...

Trust - Like the waves trusting the shore...!

Networking, be in real life or in cyberworld follows certain code of conduct if it is to stand the test of time. Through blogging we share our stories and gain gratification from knowing that someone on the other end of the internet waves reads and have a reaction to what we wrote. While the code of conduct in my view, does not impose on everyone to agree with what we write - however, it does include that we maintain respect.

I have enjoyed two years of networking through my blog, bakpo. In those two years I have sang many birthday songs for fellow bloggers, congratulated many single persons who ended in marriages, gone through bereavements, and have met so many genuinely wonderful, inspiring & trustworthy individuals.
My circle of trust opens wide - with me believing and trusting that everyone out there share the same good will, big heart, and generousity and kindness which I have seen in many whom I have personally met. Alas.....the world is a whirpool. It sucks you in if you let your guard down.
I learnt, that a circle of trust has to be managed. I must know who is in my circle before I can fully trust them.
I have always been a person who starts off any relationship by trusting people first until my trust is broken. I will continue that way.

"Sugar is sweet ....and so are people. But, sugar doesn't betray you!"


  1. Abg Id, thanks for the invite, really appreciate it. Yin read your blog every time I get online. Thanks for the friendship and keep on blogging, okay....

  2. Thanks Abg Id, definitely brighten my weekend! :D

  3. Thanks :D

    Take care abg arief

  4. Abg Id, i am really honoured that i am counted in your circle of trust. We're already living in the cynical world (jerry macguire) and any trust gained is truly a gem for me!

  5. hye! thanks for the bday wishes. Sorry for late reply. appreciate all the wishes. Ive been busy here and there (try nak ngorat this one gal..tapi macam tak dpt je) hahaha
    huh! not to forget to promote my blog tho~ jus update! hahaha...

    adlil like father like son maa!

    p/s ayah tumpang glemer sat~

  6. overdose of sugar can betray you also.

    biasalah asam garam blogging.

    take care

  7. Sugar is sweet ...for as long as our kidneys can process it well. Hehe... always take in moderation.

    Glad to see you bouncing back with much bouyancy.

  8. hai shirin...:-) thanks for ur friendship brings a smile to me whenever i see ur IP amongst those who visit me...
    keep coming!


  9. amy...:-) thanks....kak LiL asked me, "if u write for people to read...why make ur blog private? if u want to make ur blog private, why have a blog!"
    hehehe....dengan itu terus je abg id ..buka balek lah!


  10. k.d....:-) tq too... is full of surprises!

    abg arif

  11. manal....enjoyed our little chat the other day...:-) best wishes....


  12. aa...di......:-) lewat nye dia datang....pi mana lama diam???
    dapat ka ngorat that gal..?

    guna la taktik yg ayah cakap tu....eheh...

    :-) ur crazy dad

  13. true...hv seen cases of sugar overdose....naik loya!


  14. ibu..:-) moderation is the word...
    but unfortunately betrayal of trust is a digital on for is either 1 or zero!
    either i can trust or i can't....hehehe..

    once trust is broken....i'd rather stay away...not be part of!

