I stole the title from this blog.
This topic can be expanded into a novel - of maybe 500 pages. Afterall, I have been a bapak for the last 23 years - and to six anak! However, my story as a bapak will not be half as interesting and LiL's story as an ibu. So to any would be publishers, you are well advised to go along with her story ....
But I do have a story to tell. My target audience is not any would be bapak - hence this is not for educational purposes! It is also not for existing bapaks - you already have a story of your own to deal with. This story is for ibu-ibu....hehehehe.....especially ibu-ibu who are currently unhappy with their own bapak-bapak.
"As a bapak we sleep late, wake up late, have our foods served on silver plates. We don't do dishes nor wash our own clothes. We could never find sugar jars nor the tin openers from ibu's kitchen whenever 'ibu' is not around. It puzzles us why 'ibu' don't just leave everything everywhere - which makes it easier to find. Afterall, we always find our remote controls and that is because we simply leave them everywhere.
One more thing you need to know, we bapak are deaf to any babies crying at night. We simply can't hear their wailing. Changing diapers is a no no. That is so ibu-ibu and not sightly for us bapak to be seen doing so. We will be a laughing stock amongst our friends. You wouldn't want us to be laughed at, do you?
If we go shopping together, we can't be seen carrying your shopping bags. Please ask one of our childen to do so if you need help. Cammon la, as a bapak we are too busy to show our children to do their homework la.....and any little time we have is to catch up with our mates over teh tarik at a mamak stall.
And who says that as bapak we need to have decent conversation with our children. Isn't it enough that we provide them with their pocket money and we ocassionally make grunting sound and nod our head when they talk to us.
As ibu, please don't be annoyed of we kick off our shoes anywhere and leave them there for you to pick them and store carefully in the shoe rack. It is an accepted bapak's habit.....for centuries.
If we turn over and snore after our 'little bedtime game' - it is because as a bapak we must rest for tomorrow's work. Anyway, what is ibu doing staying awake for? We bapak find that hard to understand.
Life as a bapak is 'hunting' to bring foods home. Sometimes as a bapak we come home injured - emotional drained, physically exhausted, and mentally jaded. We then expect 'ibu' to swallow all of her own frustrations and tend to us without questions. Other times, we come home expecting a lot - hot tea in a cup on a saucer, 'ibu' in her best home dress with glossy lipstick freshly applied, children quietly doing their homework in their own rooms, soft musics playing, and 'ibu' looking at us adoringly while we unwind from another hard days work. A bapak - afterall is the King of his castle."
If I remind you of someone in your own house - take solace in the similarity. If I sounds far fetched from the hero character you have read in so many novels - stop believing the novels. Life is far too real for you to live in a fantasy land. :-)
Ok, I do the odd dishes. And I do take out the garbage bins. Ah yes, I am the one who goes round the house at night making sure all doors and windows are locked. And more often than not, I am the one who volunteer first to give LiL her shoulder massage....which often leads her to return the favour. But I am no angel, and wish to remain as the King of my house. Hehehe
This entry is partly inspired by a Korean series I watched on cable TV today - Two 'bapaks' were put side by side to share what type of a 'bapak' they are. One is a successful sugeon - and he sounded in control of his destiny. Another is a singer - he potrayed himself as an ideal husband who does dishes and all sort of chores. The surgeon looked like a happier man, looking youthful despite them being of the same age group (Mid fourties). The singer sounded very bitter. One of the things the surgeon said is worthy of repetition "A bapak who focus too much in pleasing his wife often compromises his ability to be at his best in his work and not so good socially as well".
To which the singer replied spontaneously,
"No wonder I have not a hit song for years - I have spent too much time doing the dishes".
My point from this rambling is .......to all 'ibu-ibu' and including my 'beloved ibu - LiL ( hehehe....I am smiling sheepishly) treat your man like a king in his palace - and he will be happier, stay youthful for longer, and become more successful in his career too. And it is more likely that your King will treat you like a special queen after the bedroom light is switched off......when it matters on the mattresses!
But if you let your 'bapak' slaves it out at home - he will be one grudgingly, believe me! Just look at the top picture.....do you think he is a happy man? We would not want to be seen in his company.....not in a million years. hahahaha
Now - I am ready to be shot!!! hehehehe
If I remind you of someone in your own house - take solace in the similarity. If I sounds far fetched from the hero character you have read in so many novels - stop believing the novels. Life is far too real for you to live in a fantasy land. :-)
Ok, I do the odd dishes. And I do take out the garbage bins. Ah yes, I am the one who goes round the house at night making sure all doors and windows are locked. And more often than not, I am the one who volunteer first to give LiL her shoulder massage....which often leads her to return the favour. But I am no angel, and wish to remain as the King of my house. Hehehe
This entry is partly inspired by a Korean series I watched on cable TV today - Two 'bapaks' were put side by side to share what type of a 'bapak' they are. One is a successful sugeon - and he sounded in control of his destiny. Another is a singer - he potrayed himself as an ideal husband who does dishes and all sort of chores. The surgeon looked like a happier man, looking youthful despite them being of the same age group (Mid fourties). The singer sounded very bitter. One of the things the surgeon said is worthy of repetition "A bapak who focus too much in pleasing his wife often compromises his ability to be at his best in his work and not so good socially as well".
To which the singer replied spontaneously,
"No wonder I have not a hit song for years - I have spent too much time doing the dishes".
My point from this rambling is .......to all 'ibu-ibu' and including my 'beloved ibu - LiL ( hehehe....I am smiling sheepishly) treat your man like a king in his palace - and he will be happier, stay youthful for longer, and become more successful in his career too. And it is more likely that your King will treat you like a special queen after the bedroom light is switched off......when it matters on the mattresses!
But if you let your 'bapak' slaves it out at home - he will be one grudgingly, believe me! Just look at the top picture.....do you think he is a happy man? We would not want to be seen in his company.....not in a million years. hahahaha
Now - I am ready to be shot!!! hehehehe
Explaination color hijau tu memang betul sangat2 coz dah merasai dan melalui pengalaman tersebut bersama mak dan arwah bapa. The rest, no comment!
ReplyDeleteHmmm....I am going to Dubai soon and I will personally shoot you!!
ReplyDeleteHahaha...know what..this battle will go on and on and never ending...
I'm tired of picking up after hubby. I'm tired of membebel after him to not make a mess with his kuaci/kacang/whatever snacks he's eating. But you know what...odd times he'll surprise me...and I love him for what he is.
Men will always be men...Gross and always need a woman to help him with whatever task. They cannot multi-task...they're hopeless!!
Anyway...in any marriage..there's always tolerance and give and take. Whatever works people!!
we ibu also needs to be treat like a queen.. hee.. hee...
ReplyDeletei'll get that sometimes tu.. tapi biasalah. there must be something in return!
And as "anak" I can sense how tense to be "bapak" and "ibu".
ReplyDeleteKalau ibu fulltime housewife, boleh tahan nak melayan laa..
ReplyDeleteKalau ibu pon keje sama naik dengan bapak, ingat tak penat ke ?
ni bukan 500 pages abg id.. 5000 pun buleh kalau masuk argument semua org... my argument saja dah 2000 mueheheh.. but seriously.. men mmg mcm tu kot.. dah ada wife.. semua nak wife buat, even remote tv depan mata pun suruh wife yg dlm bilik kuar ambikkan.. iskk... haru..
ReplyDelete..itu version bapak zaman dulu, ibu nya tidak bekerja..bapak zaman sekarang ada ibu yang bekerja sekeras bapak jugak..balance pun kena sama, kerja dalam rumah dan luar rumah, barulah dapat title bapak mithali...hehe
u wanna hear from a stay-at-home mom's side of the story? a 24/7 neverending underappreciated job? no gaji no allowance of whatsoever coupled with mountains of chore to do?
ReplyDeleteche idham, tolong berdiri betul2 kat tengah tu. che nak aim apple kat atas kepala hang tuh ok...
that is just crap...
ReplyDeleten pls..everyone...some respect to the stay-at-home mum...ada ke korg kata if the wifey x keje ie. stay-at-home, suma tu jadi logik...stay-at-home mum lg teruk kot...(like kc said) x de org appreciate...
kalau ada anak buas..lagi la...24/7 non stop punya keje...
n men..pls...
don't make me shoot u...
n I won't aim the apple on ur head..I aim u....;P
hai ni entry carik pasal namanyer nih...hihihih
ReplyDeletemen like u mentioned is so out of fashion lar right now.
dear encik bapak...HAHAHA...i seriously dont know what to comment as I am sure you'll get bashing -- as you already did from the comments above :)
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is prepare your shield and armour; baru lah boleh panggil knight in shining armour...LOL!
alahai....bash me some more la ladies...more more...!!!
ReplyDeleteI will respond to your individual comments later tonight...:-)
Dr No...I am hiding my......hehehe
Pak Payne,
ReplyDeleteErr, I'm really lost for kata-kata here... there's a part of me who want to take side with you but er, er, er no lah takutle... mrsgoodthingsathome is blogging too. And she too read your postings frequently..he he he... you are on your own man..
hmmm ...
ReplyDeletehmmm ... abe id ... what have u done here?
i hope u've started running ... KC will hunt u down! hehehe
KC, what's ur weapon? a shotgun? lemme have the bow & arrow, lastik burung pun takpe hehehe
even without kids, a stay-at-home wife, i face the same 'kingness' (my ***) [ PLS EXCUSE ME :oP ]
Errr...excuse me?!
ReplyDeleteYou want me to SHOOT you, OR FEED you to the lions? Or do you prefer the gallows?! Your choice, Abang Id...
Someone is about to be shot, MULTIPLE times!!! Lari, abg Id, lari...
ReplyDeleteEhem..ehem... Ni Ibu datang ni....
ReplyDeleteHmm... Just like the bapaks like to be treated like King, so do the Ibus like to be treated like Queens.
Where got Queens doing the dishes and household chores all the time? Queens must do hair & nails all the time so that can always be pretty to pose next to the Kings for the poster that will be hang on the walls of every govt offices to be stared by all the rakyat jelata.
By the way, I don't think I want my Ayah to treat me like a Queen, especially on the mattress. Judging from the so many unofficial stories from the palaces, I don't think the treatment rendered by Kings to Queens can qualify as "special" at all - if you know what I mean. hehehe...
p/s My Ayah don't change diapers, definitely - but he's the one who help put them on the boys! Next day, I'll change them! Cool division of duties eh? He also couldn't care less to be seen walking around shopping with the Spiderman backpack cum "bag susu" hanging around his shoulder! What a sweet adorable King my Ayah is! hehehe...
.........pernah alami ka? u r not alone....ramai kut yg alami ...
best wishes isma.
uncle jd.
k.d ...
ReplyDeletehehehhe....bawak banyak2 peluru...i kebal!! hehehe
ala...i hv seen how 'suami mithali la Dr M ...so considerate gitu...'
what i wrote about is really really chauvinist punya tu/...di kelantan ramai macam tu..hehehehe
"Men will always be men?" huh...what do u mean by that doc?? wah wah...pekena kami kaum bapak ye...
nanti gi padang pasir kereta lekat dlm pasir tu...cari kami jugakkkk....hehehhe..
ur abg arif.
Mummy Rizq ...
ReplyDeletehehehehe....tolong menolong...bergotong royong...u scratch my back..i scratch urs...biasa la tu kan...:P
Girl Interrupted ...
ReplyDelete'anak' yg jadi mangsa jika ada tensi d rumah...itu patut di elak lah....'bapak' jugak lah yg selalu mengalah ...hehehe...:P
Anonymous ...
ReplyDelete...penat ...memang la penat...tapi kena lah layan jugak kan...sbb suami jadi King of the house kan...hehehe...
amboi siapa lah nie...beranonymous la pulak!!
konot ...
ReplyDeleteharu!!! memang haru...jika man lagu tuh....nasib baik la...abg id ni jauh sekali dari lagu tu....kalau takat remote tu...boleh la lagi berkisot-kisot ambek sendiri...tapi teh ka kopi ka....isteri buatkan la...hehehe :P
Anonymous (liyas)
ReplyDeleteuiks....where have u been....
mana ada zaman dulu atau zaman sekarang pak liyas....semua sama jer...a man is always the King of the house...hehehehe :P
cammon stand up my man...
ReplyDeleteI admire a stay home mom....lots of time to blog, to chat on YM..hehehehe....
dan jika sempat boleh la jugak bat laundry dan sebagai nya...
jangan maraaa....:P
hehehe...nak aim kepala naa...kepala lutut ka? hahaha
I am really in the mood in picking up this fight....jgn lari ye..
drNO ...
ReplyDelete"that is just crap..."
hehehe...that is what i call a straight shooter...go for the throat dr No...! hehehe
eleh...mana ada teruk nya dok rumah...ada maids, pas tu masak2 masuk microwave jer...pas tu ada masa byk tu boleh blogging lagi hehehehe
jangan maraa......
nak aim ...'itew saya ka' hehehe...dah simpan dalam peti besi..!!
Zakiah ...
ReplyDelete"hai ni entry carik pasal namanyer nih..."
memamg pun...dah lama tak cari pasal....u tahu, pagi2 dah kena tembak dengan LiL hehehhee...
eh how is ur return to malaysia bumi tercinta? dah settle ka?
Mama Rock ...
ReplyDelete"dear encik bapak" hehehe...Iye, puan ibu...
so far masih ok ni mama rock...masih boleh berdiri..hehehe...but i know soon i kena cari bendera putih kut...:P
Pak Mior,
ReplyDeletehehehe...i know..i am on my own before i even started this...
but u know, deep down all these ladies just don't believe that i am that kind of guy hehehhe....
SYaNa ..
ReplyDeleteheheh....amboiii....buat geng dgn KC tuh bahaya tuh....ni kena lah lari sembunyik ni....hehehe
uiks....control syana...control...calm down...hehehe
i must hv touched a very pricky subject here eh..:P
ReplyDeleteLion also die one lah ..... hehehe...i am that badddddd!
abe id,
ReplyDeleteni memae dah sah2 kena tembak... i'm lucky to have a hubby that know his responsibility masa kat rumah. esp when attending de kids.. such as changing their diapers...
ye lakan, as a working mom n without bibik around to help with domestic chores, tolerance tu perlu la ada.. takkan nak harap kita jer yang wat semua tu... pengsan la jawapnya..
shirin....adeshh....bila u sebut MULTIPLE tu....terkedu pulak i hahahaha :P
IBU...:-) nak jadi queen ka nak jadi goddess gitu? hehehehe....
ReplyDeletebut but, ur ayah memang mithali :) syabas....
ini pasti ada korupsi berlaku di rumah ni hehehehe...
so u hv heard abt stories from ist@na ye....hehehe....ada yg di hebat2 kan...ada yg di hebah2 kan...hehehehe
realitinya, burung d sangkar emas...susah mau berkepak ...!
i also carry la shopping beg for LiL hehehehe..when she shops things for me! :-)
ReplyDeletetolak ansur pun betul jugak...but but, suami tetap mau d layan bagai raya gitu kan hehhehe...
semoga bahgia lah sepanjang usia....:)
ReplyDeleteerrr....tak tau apa nak comment...hehehe
*cekak pinggang* ambOiiiiiiii.. sedapnya dia..! Hihihi senyum jek amy baca.. hello, kita pun penat bekerja tau sampai malam nak sama2 cari duit. Setakat tolong basuh pinggan after dinner tu apalah sangat, lagi cepat selesai, lagi cepat bleh rehat sama2 tak gitu? But betullah, men always want to be the King of the house, no matter what. As what I always tell him "Awak ni kan, macam Raja!"
ReplyDeletep/s : Kak Lil dah baca ke belum post abg Id ni? :D
sebenarnya ni entry org yg x puas hati...
ReplyDeletedia impikan life as a king...
tp kena take out the garbage, kena jaga anak, kena basuh pinggan...
anyway...tu kak lil tgh cekak pinggang panggil u pegi jemur kain...hihiihih...
bg contact no kak lil jap...nak buat pakatan dgn dia...
keluar abih aura feminism suma...ish...
anggerik...hehhe....:-) komen jer lah sokong saya! tolong nasihat kan si KC and syana yang berkomplot tu ...jgn la tembak epal kat kepala saya tu hehhehe
ReplyDeletedan si dr No tu ...so that dia juga bersimpati dengan bapak2 yang perlukan belaian untuk menjaga TahTa hehe :)
amy...:-) kak lil baca....dia cuma kata...."berangan ye banggg...." hahahaha
ReplyDeletei so gentle one lah d rumah...hehehe...
Dr nO...hahahaha...ini doktor injection ka doktor saikologi nie...amboiiii ke situ pulak diagnosis dia...
ReplyDeletetapi kan, ada juga kebenaran nya tu..sbb tu terasa! hahahaha
but, i dont do dishes...takat kuarkan gargabe bins tu ada la...
but but, i do massage ...ermmm....quite deft with my fingers...hehehe :P
Idham angkat BENDERA PUTIH!!
Siapalah bapak tanpa IBU!
isk pak mior terus diam tu..hehehe
kedamaian itun penting kan pak mior. ;)
Aduh.. tolong sikit.. bapak I which I called ayah which is also my hubby tak gitu lahh.. very the good one. Dalam pantang dia yang jaga baby malam2.. pergi keje macam zombie..he treats me like a queen..tapi sekarang dapat rasa jadi queen 4 bulan sekali je.. sebab ayah dah gi abu dhabi.
ReplyDeleteTapi banyak jugak yang macam you kata.
en. Idham,
ReplyDeleteCan i use an M16 and shoot you over and over and over again??
ummi...hehehe...bagus la tu...kira dah ok sangat la tu...
ReplyDeleteso bila nak mai dok abu dhabi jugak...
doc marina....tak baik tau tembak org yg dah angkat bendera putih hehehe :P
hahahahaha....aiyooo so funny!!
ReplyDeletebapak², ibu², queen².....to me all da house king wannabe are basically blur king...
..jgn mare king² out there ;-)
ReplyDeletehehehe...amboiiii laser tuh hehehe
but, i agree jugak lah dengan u..hahaha...