Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Monday, November 26, 2007

No where to hide!

I am feeling exposed. In fact this feeling of vulnerability has been in my shadow ever since I started blogging in March 2006.

I have had a few suprises already from the cyber space. I first started blogging anonymously - no real names and no real photos. The stories were wild and imagined. Then one morning, I woke up to find LiL glued to the desktop instead on frying eggs for my breakfast. "I am reading this blog - wow, this one is so hot!" She said, urging me to come and share what she was reading. One glance I knew she was reading my blog ......and by then, I have written a few stories already. I did not close the window of my page the night before....and that was how she first found the 'travelers tales' blog as it was named then. I had a choice, and I chose to admit to her that it was my blog! From that morning onwards, I was no longer an anonymous writer and she has signed up as my number one fan.
Since then I have made the site private, but would grant permission to interested readers. Just ask....I have shifted from 'hot' stories to be more real by the day, although I kept the assumed cyber name of 'idham'. I started to write true stories about our families and shared family pictures too. A bold move.....

My second surprise was when one day I found this comment in my blog, "Found your blog, nice one!" signed by my boss from my previous employer in Dubai. I was keeping my blog a secret from office colleagues. However he was googling, and some key words he had used listed my blog as one of the sites matched. Although my name was different, my picture was a dead give-away.

Then, one day I followed the link from my site meter, and found a few of my entries 'word for word' sitting pretty in someone else's blog. I made no fuss. Then another trail led me to one of my poems which has been translated to French - but the person gave credit to me as the original writer. At least he or she had the civic mindedness to acknowledge.

Tonight, another trail from my sitemeter led me to a summary of every single one of my Wow! I was shocked that such thing is available. When I changed the serial number, it led to another person's blog and every single one of the entries there also appeared.
This site is actually very useful to see and track a particular blog of our interest. If only we know what the blog's serial number is....

This morning, LiL sent me this sms, "Congrats, ur blog is in the top 40....go to".
Erm, yet another one of those rating or ranking sites....I really do not care much for ranking. I earn nothing and gain nothing. The only satisfaction I derive is when I know I have made connection with a few people through my blog.

I am sitting here feeling amazed, surprised, scared with what goes on behind the scenes in the cyberspace - unknown to many of us.
It gets me to think, that for young people - it is prudent to be very careful with what one puts up in cyber space - it may haunts you back in the future. It may in fact limit one's future! I have known of employers who conduct cyber seach on candidates to see what are associated with him or her.

I googled and found a blog belonging to my son, aD. One blogger from my previous school has included me in his blogroll together with all of other sites related to the school - which has exposed me to the community of old boys from the same school. Is this good or bad.....does not really matter. But it sure made me nervous.....knowing that those old-boys knew me from the past......of being six years in a boarding school together. hehehehe!

No where to hide!

ps: latest, someone in the family requested me to bring readers here.


  1. It's true, when first i read your blog is was hot, burning!! in my mind that time "apalah this guy, is this for real?" BUT am not judging you..

    keep on writing!

  2. bang idham,

    don't be nervouslah if your blog is linked to tigerlaneboy.i have sincere belief that your experience will benefit younger generations from our alma mater.

    Even for me, I learned a lot from you writings on leadership and management issues.

    Keep writing please.

  3. I went there.. oh yes you are right everything is there. Now I am thinking whether I should make mine private.

    On the other note, baguslah tu Aband Id jadi top 40, pulak tu ramai commentor wanita dari lelaki, ke wanita tu semuanya actully lelaki..he heh..

    Anyway keep on writing.. you always have interesting topic to tell.

  4. wow! top 40..congrats. that's the reason i was being mysterious, as what you had put it before. Bukan nya ber misteri tapi uhuk uhuk, nanti nowhere to hide. but anyway, i do expose myelf to bloggers ping me before you come back - will drop you my number :)

  5. congratulations!

    keep blogging abe Id. I always look forward to reading your entries :o)

  6. Interesting! I'm still pretty lucky as my hubby still does not know the existence of my blog.. hee.. hee..

  7. lol thanks God mine is still intact :P

  8. Salam Idham,
    No need to hide lah Id (Pak Payne). Buat macam biasa je. Saya pula semua dalam family dah tahu dan baca. Cuma isteri belum ada minat nak meneroka blosphere ni lagi. Tapi dia beri saya gelaran blogger pulak.

  9. girl interrupted....:P

    hehehe....burning hot or spicy hot?

    anyway, i had a good time writing those stories....

    nak baca lagi ka? hehehe


    dr bubbles...:-) thanks!

    actually i am quite pleased also to discover some other STAROBA bloggers....dengar2 ramai lagi....I heard that Julesxeyed and HOBO tu pun STARIANs ntah ye ntah tidak hehehe


    ummie....:-) i am assuming this is ummi with hubby in aBU dHabi...hehe ada ramai ummie....hehee

    mamarock....:) i will buzz u when i go back next time for August ari tu i was in KLCC practically every other day...hehehe
    my Aloonggg kerja situ :-)



  10. syana....i will blog my own pace...:P
    now junior i tu pun dah ada blog hehehe, so bapaknya kena bagi laluan la jugak...




    r u sure dia belum tahu?

    ermm.....i rasa mcm dia tau jerr....:P tapi dia buat2 tak tahu...



    darkS....should I be balckmailing u ...hehehe...:P


    zabs...:) dah tak leh hide pun hehehe..

    carry on blogging zabs!

    i need company...hehehe



  11. there seems to be a few popular anonymous bloggers who are rumoured to be starians. or maybe it's just one person. just a thought.

  12. This is exactly why i made my blog private recently, a collague, a cousin and a friend found out about my blog. Wargghh boringnya, dahla in my blog is where i pour all my heart and soul.. hahaha now only invited readers je ada. Sad, i really hate doing that. Macam anti social. Tapi nak buat macamana kan. Nanti nak cerita apa pon nak kena kontrol tak bestnya.


  13. top 40?.. congrats...

    keep on writing...

  14. hai another OB.....:) maybe jugak....kepala OBs banyak yg kerek-kerek hehehee....

    sudi kenalkan diri?


  15. nizam...:-) tq....yes, i will insyAAllah..


  16. arena....:-) please invite me also la....


  17. pP, wah, such posting makes me really want to get to the old blog again & check it out all over again, looking for my old footprints, there's quite a few I'm sure as I have been a fan even then.

