What does a veteran player do on the morning of the tournament day?
I had a hearty breakfast of cereals, and LiL's homemade burger. I had a good rub-down ... working on my muscle and limbs. Then asked the boys to go swimming, but instead they prefer to finish their homework.
So, I logged on my YM.....and online were umie and this young lady. Buzzed both, but umie was not at her desk....
The young lady replied, and I asked about her plans of the coming weekends. So I knew she will be driving back with her lil sister to spend time and having a BBQ with her dad. Great stuff!
She shared the news that she had her tongue pierced with diamond stud ... super cool!! I cringed with pain. The thought of having a tongue pierced scares me......for that matter, the thought of having any part of me pierced scares me. I told her so.....
But then, she said, "Abg id, when you have your heart pierced time and time again by irresponsible men ...then the pain of piercing a tongue is nothing.....".
I paused at that.
I probed further to get more details, but she refused politely. "Private tu abg id. But I hope you can write about - how to deal with men like that"
I paused further.
Ermm...reflected. I know many such men, but needed to know if she thought that I was one of them. She said, NO. I told her I am not an expert on the subject of "men like that" but agreed to give it a go at writing. At this point, my son Adie came online and i introduced the two of them to continue chatting while I went into writing this entry.
"Men like that" are normally married, past mid thirties into early forties, normally successful in their profession, well read which makes them appearing wise and smart, and generally happy with their marriages but are looking for some excitement outside. They wear only labelled clothes ( Striped Ralph Laurent shirts are popular amongst this group ), and usually generous with their credit cards. "Men like that" meets after work or during lunch and seldom available during weekends. They will never give their house number!
"Men like that" know their target. They want someone who they think they can conquer with minimum investment, and least complication. They will make up stories - about how their wives are not 'layan-ing' them and they are therefore 'lonely'. Girls - be careful of these type for the only 'lonely' person after they get what they want will be you.
What do they want? The answer can come in so many terms, said in so many ways like
"You are so beautiful, I wish i had met you before I met my wife"<----Normally said with his eyes gazing yours, and his hands reaching out for yours. "You reminded me of my childhood girl-friend, I wish I can find her again. But now I found you...maybe it is fated that we meet". <----Said with a smile, his hands searching for an opening in your skirt. But, no matter how it is said, they want only one thing - 'a good time'. "Men like that" are normally serial daters - they move from one target to another -either taking rejections gracefully or breaking hearts coldly along the way. They normally spend the first couple of dates to assess their chances and how big are the risk of complication. And if they smell 'nasik minyak' in the conversation ... they will find excuses to cool down the expectation.
"Men like that" are allergic to commitments.
Favourite targets for "men like that" are ladies in their early thirties or late twenties who have gone through heartbreaks before. They go after these girls, especially ones with open minds like
So, with those revelations about 'men like that' i hope 'gals who are NOT like that' can be more careful in looking after their tender and fragile hearts.
Here is a veteran player signing off, ready for the game this afternoon.