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Friday, February 18, 2011

Wives are gifted with special 'vibes'...don't play-play~!

I am glad to be of help. Even if helping simply means listening and asking some relevant questions. This morning, a friend shared how she discovered that her husband of ten years was having an affair with another woman. While listening to her story, I come to learn a few lessons about life. There are two in particular, which I derived from one part of the conversation (Via FB), which I wish to share here.
Her story (produced here with her permission), in a few lines:
"i x tau pun dier ader affair
sumer kantoi nyer hal
tuhan tu maha kaya
i ikhlas ngan dier
so semua bukti tu i dpt
dier jenuh dok sorok
i rasa x sedap hati .... sbb tgk dier mcm dah lain
tanya dier of cos la x ngaku kan
then i doa je lah
kalau betul la apa aku sangka ni ya allah tolong la tunjukkan bukti
pooff! satu2 bukti mai
now i have all his pix n sex tape dgn pompuan tu
while he's still married to me!"
The power of a wife's prayer!
"Ya Allah tolong la tunjukkan bukti!"
She had some 'uneasy feeling' that her husband was undergoing some change, and was keeping something from her. She did what she was taught to do, she turned to Allah for help.
Although she didn't like what she found out, she was relieved from the burden of suspicion. God has answered her do'a and she got all the evidence.
She and her (ex)husband ended with a divorce and the ex(husband) did marry the other woman.
A wife's intuition!
"i rasa x sedap hati..."
God creates women with many strengths. One of them is, a gift of intuition. A mother, for instance can 'feel' the feeling of her children. A wife, can 'feel' if her husband is cheating on her. The difference is, some wives would investigate, and others choose to ignore the 'vibes'. But, 'vibes' they do have...~!
As an additonal resource to readers, I pasted below what I found on a website.

Cheating Husband - Facts and Advice

Listed below are the most common findings about cheating husbands.
  • Men are more likely than women to cheat. It is estimated that close to 50% of all men will cheat at some point in their lives.
  • Husbands are also more likely to engage in online cheating – using chat rooms, webcams and online services to arrange sexual encounters
  • The more money a husband makes, the more likely he is to be unfaithful. Having more money brings more opportunity and wealth tends to attract more women.
  • A lack of sexual excitement or the routine of having sex with the same person often leads men to stray. Men are more likely to be drawn to the thrill of having sex with someone new (also see, Coolidge Effect).
  • Husbands are less likely than wives to consider leaving their spouse when having an affair (see, will he leave his wife)
  • A cheating husband is more likely to have an affair with someone who is younger than his wife.
  • When having a one-night stand, men are less choosy than women when it comes to selecting someone to have sex with.
  • Husbands are more likely to feel that cheating is justified due to the lack of sex within a marriage.


  1. Pp..No comment!
    Salam banyak2 ke Mrs Pp!:D

  2. mamasita...salam telah di sampaikan, dan isteri saya berkirim salam kembali :-)
    she is a silent reader of ur blog too...

  3. saya yang blur-blur ni pun kirim salam kat mrs pp...

  4. Puteri kama,
    saya sudah sampaikan salam, dan mrs Pp berkirim salam kembali.. :-)

    saya juga blurr blurrr jugak...hehehe..tapi berkirim salam tu perkara yg baik.

  5. wish u both great health & happiness forever..

  6. Hm..
    what I always pesan tu Taufik, "You tak ingat kat I, tak apa. Jangan tak ingat kat Allah".
    Meaning, if his love for me is not enough to be a barrier for him against commiting zina, I hope that his fear of Allah's punishment will be.
    Tak kisahlah if he ends up with me or not, at least he'll end up in Allah's heaven.

    p/s (Same advice for me, sebab I pun have my own temptations. tee hee)

  7. Mulan :-) tenkiu...setakat ni kami memang pasangan bahagia lah...hehehe...berkasih sayang sokmo ~!

  8. Elisa,

    A very civil and matured way of approaching the subject...

    Raser nye, temptation for Elisa datang dari dapur...hehehe.

  9. Dapur, Naif and also Antique Museum and Al Jaber Furniture Gallery. Silap2, bangkrap suami ku!
    ha ha ha
    So kena beringat sama! :D
