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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Re-branding oneself!

Brand is normally associated with products! We buy certain brands because we believe in the promises made by the brands through advertisements or through their sheer image or prestige! To illustrate, today I bought an iphone4 as a birthday present for my wife because I believe it is the coolest thing to have right now, and I don't have to hint to her it is expensive, she know it is~! Thus the iphone4 as a brand gives the perception of expensive, and cool thing to have~! In marketing we call this as the brand positioning!

Every morning, when I look in the mirror, I am reminded of 'me' as a brand. With each wink I give to myself, I reinforce my own 'brand' - Confident, Optimistic, and Fun Loving~! (I hope so lah anyway! hahaha). The way I dress, reflects me as a brand too - smart & casual, not too loud nor too dull, professional yet warm! My work ethics and my behavior speak the loudest about my 'professionalism as a brand', continuously raising the bar for myself and for others around me, and always curious about how things can be done better~! (Once again, please allow me to perasan a little bit lah. hahaha).

I do believe by 'branding' oneself - it can serve as one of the most effective ways to stand out in this over crowded world, at work place and in social setting.
Simon Cowell of the American Idol earned tons of money through his brand as 'Mr. Nasty' who wore tight T Shirt on the show. 
Beckham, branded himself as the player who is known the world over for his 'Bend it like Beckham!'
Even if your intention is not get rich, branding yourself can do wonders to your own sense of self-worth!

I was once branded as a 'Romeo'! People branded me based on what people see, hear, reading what I write, and what others have said about me. True or otherwise, others' perception is reality to them. I can't change that. I can change the way I am, which hopefully will change the way people perceive me. 

I have re-launched myself my times over. Amongst other things, I did it by being more selective in the topics I chose to write in my blog. I re-branded myself, also, by taking different type of roles in the society; for example I led the Malaysian Association in UAE for one term and hosted many social events for Malaysians at our home in Dubai. Those activities managed to shape people's perception in certain ways.

It is never too late to re-launch yourself!
If you have just resigned from a terrible job and is moving on to a new employer - then seize the opportunity to re-launch yourself!
If you have just come out from a bad relationship, and want to move on in life - it is a good time to re-brand yourself. 
The best brand for you is - to be yourself! To let your inner-self come out in the open, leveraging on your strengths and your passion. To be able to lower your guard, to be confident with what you have to say, and be comfortable with who you are - that is the most sustainable brand you can wish for.

That is common sense, you may say!
It is, except that it is not so commonly practiced.

So very often, we brand ourselves not the way we are, but the way we think others want to see us! So we suppressed our thoughts, we even wear clothes which are approved by our social circles, and be seen at places where others expect us to be! 

What is your "brand?" Think about it...Whether you like it or not, you are being branded by others. It is time you take control of your 'brand' and communicate clearly, in the way you behave, dress, talk, circle of friends you keep, and things you do and own. The message must be about who you are!


  1. Before you posted this, I had smsed a friend last night.
    I said I wanted to improve my image and look better.
    Then can he help me get the job as the English emcee in official functions while the present emcee speaks in BM?
    And I added, I hope you're not laughing..
    So,I better start the 'rebranding' fast!
    p.s. Happy Birthday to Mrs Pp!

  2. Mamasita,
    Great minds think alike! :-) I too enjoy emceeing, even being a speaker at public forum.
    I look forward to hearing about your first emceeing experience. Best wishes, as always.

    ps: Mrs Pp said TQ VM for the birthday note.
