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Saturday, February 19, 2011

"Jika abang nak kawin lagi, saya izinkan...."

Men, or Muslim men to be specific, when they hit 40+ face their mid-life crisis. Some feel the need to validate their 'manhood', and for this group they somehow think that such validation has higher value if done by a 20 something, gullible and bunny eyed dolly~! Others simply has the urge to answer the call of nature to pollinate as many ovaries as he possibly could - including those belonging to public figures called whores.
There are men who are able to shake their heads in disapproval of such behaviors described above - in tandem with their hypocrisy! For all men, regardless of upbringing and status of their marriage bear secret fantasies to have dirty weekends with their neighbors' wives.

Such bold statements I am making above.

The real difference between respectable men from those 'ulat bulu' lies in their ability to control their desires. In situations where his intention to marry again has comes to a point of no return, to be truthful about it with his existing wife. Many wives loathe the deceit more than the actual act! If something has to  be done, then do so with dignity!

Men who play the field should also be truthful when courting potential new partners. I personally despise anyone who claims to be 'single' in the presence of potential 'preys' in the hope of misleading the gullible dollies to his harem. A married man also, should not turn into oscar winning actor by telling made-up-sob-stories about his so-called-failing marriage. This opportunistic act takes advantage of women's psychological make-up, that each one believes she can 'change him' and make him happy! A birth-mark fallacy of many women!

On the flip side, since Islam has made provisions for Muslim men to marry as many as four wives at the same time, provided prescribed conditions are met, then wives of men who have the desires and who qualify should be more open in discussing their husbands' needs.
To simply dismiss and close the subject with remarks like, "Ok kalau you nak kawin, ceraikan i~!" or "Memang you ni lelaki gatal - dah tua2 tak sedar diri~!" or any other versions to similar effect, is to only provide 'justification' for their husbands to have affairs or to have 'Secret Marriages'.

A man, has the capacity to love more than one wife. In fact, I would go one step further by saying, a man who has more than one wife, provided his first wife consent to the second marriage, tends to multiply not divide the love he has for his wives.

"Saya izinkan...." is musics to men's ears. I interact with many 40 and 50 something men - most of whom are not even physically fit to row one boat ashore, what more to steer two or three over rolling waves of lust. Back pain, knee problems, or simply 'manhood' issues - should be reminders to take life easy not start new journeys on forbidden paths. To the contrary, it is more common for men of such fate who feel the need to validate their 'manhood'! For these people and for their sake, I hope, even if the wives say, "Saya izinkan....", they will not be doing it!  They should be scared stiff, pardon the pun, that they would decide to be where they belong, at home, preparing to grow gracefully.

If and when a husband of many years asks for permission, truthfully, then I am inclined to encourage the wife to say, "Saya izinkan...." and add, as a matter of factly,
 "Abang tu boleh ka? ....errmmm, nanti isteri muda abang tu kecewa, batin nya terseksa! Jika abang sakit tak boleh bangun, dah tak bergaji, sanggup kah dia terus jaga abang? Saya juga kalau ada jodoh, mungkin akan kawin lain bang, so jangan fikir saya akan menunggu abang datang balek ya?"

By empowering your men - you are empowering yourselves. You become the master of your own destiny!

Wooof Wooffff....they will come begging for you not to ditch them. Try it...!
Most men are creatures of 'attachment'. Once they have become attached to you, your caring, nursing, and nurturing, they will find it hard to leave if you show them leaving is a real option!

As in all assumptions, there are exceptions. For example, for a few, it is better for you to throw his fantasies out of the door and say to him, "Boy...Go fetch!" And as he runs chasing, his tongue salivating, you may close the door and with a shrug of the shoulder say to yourself, "Good riddance~!"
Most men, like the canine species, enjoy the thrill of the chase. Once they get the old piece of wood between their teeth, they will be coming back wagging their tails. Most men who leave their first wife, regret the decision once the novelty wears off, and the conniving little dolly starts to fart in their face~!

A friend of mine who has left his wife of twenty odd years to marry a twenty something once said to me, "Pin, aku sekarang terpaksa bangun malam2 untuk buat susu anak, tukar lampin...padahal, dengan bini dulu, tujuh anak, sekali pun aku tak pernah! Sedih jugak bila dah tua2 ni aku jadi takut kepada bini muda nih!"
I tried to console him by saying, "Worth it have got yourself a sweet young thing, right~!"
To which, to my surprise, he replied, "I am stressed...she is young, and I am not able to cope! Every time she verbally abused me lah for not satisfying her~!"
He added, with his voice turning into a whisper, "I regret divorcing my first wife. But what to do, she does not want me back any more!"

I over simplify, I know. But then again, do we really need to over complicate it?


  1. kalau suami saya nak kawin lagi, dan bagi tau kat saya dengan baik, tak tipu, tak sembunyi, saya jugak izinkan, pak payne. saya tak mahu bersengketa; saya redhakan saja.

  2. prophet Muhm pbuh married an elderly ladies for all the poligamies. Aishah rah was married upon the demised of Khadija.

    the widower who are in the menopause age 70s etc not for sex... like what is polygamy in the so called muslim world had used, abused and tailored it when they fancy it..
    these widower are all as a result of their husband had died in the jeehad and since no govenrment like now, no means for these elderly widower biddy can look after themselves.. from all sorts... so the prophet pbuh in his conduct marries to protect...
    all these tailor the concept is an evidence that islam has been abused to fit the man greeds and lusts, at the end of the day muslims are just in name and for sex gratification..
    is it because of all these preventive rules made man behave as if they are deprived sexually and cannot control themselves sexually?
    proof of the pudding look at the arabs..

    there are millions muslims in the world, there are also millions of bubbles created in the sea every seconds.. so is that how muslims's faith is level to?


  3. Puteri Kama :-) i admire and respect your stand on the subject...May God bless you with happiness, always and forever~!

  4. Anonymous 9:17pm...:-)

    thank you for your thought, reflection and leaving behind those in the comment box.

    greed and lust have been created to test all humans. Those who can control themselves are the winners in the eyes of God....Wallah hu aklam.
    however, there are wives who Redha with their husbands wish to take another wife...some even go to the extent of choosing the candidates? May God bless them with what they look for - Keredhaan Allah juga~!

  5. Pak Payne,


    Interesting topic...from the view of a man. And what makes it more interesting adalah kejujuran di sebalik barisan ayat-ayat yang ditulis.

    You are absolutely right. Lelaki ni sebenarnya sayangkan isteri tua walaupun hakikatnya sebahagian jiwa dia diberikan kepada wanita lain yang lebih muda.

    Tapi bila setiap kali balik rumah kena leter dek isteri, kena perli dek isteri, kena herdik dek isteri mana tak tercabar maruah dan iman dia.

    Saya sangat2 setuju dengan Kak Kama. Isteri izinkan asal suami berterus terang, tak tipu, tak kahwin senyap2. Tapi masalahnya kebanyakan isteri ni kata abang boleh kahwin tapi bagitau lah saya, jangan bohong. Bila abang bagitau dan tak bohong dia marah2 pulak, ugut macam2. Jadi macam mana suami tak berbohong?

    Ringkasnya bagi saya Pak Payne, suami mesti jujur, amanah dan hormat isteri yang ada kalau hendak berkahwin lain. Dan isteri pun janganlah cemburu buta tak tentu hala, tengking menengking, terjerit2 atau nampak diri sendiri saja yang betul.

    Isteri bermadu

  6. Wow...
    Your daring topic brought me here via Mamasita.
    God made them to be that.
    But true enough,
    They are creatures of 'attachment'
    Enough with loose string,
    Tape not needed here.

  7. Pp.. just a few days after my divorce, I did what I wanted to do before my divorce!
    I only got her name and address a day before the mahkamah syariah confirmed the cerai sms.
    So takdan masa tu. And so I went to the address.
    Met her kakak who's younger than me.Told her to tell 'them' to get married quickly.I wanted to cut the courting fees! It was affecting the family budget badly.
    But I lied and said takut kena tangkap Jawi nanti malu anak2.
    The sister tanya..kenapa you taknak jadi nombor satu and adiknya jadi nombor 2?
    Hish..nyaris bagi penumbuk.
    You know I didn't know about his 1year long mistress! I knew about his other girlfriends!
    Whereas her parents and family dah tahu..he has told them he wanted her hand in marriage.
    And I've always told him..just don't lie!
    And he bermati2an cakap there's no calun bini muda for him.
    I even told him kalau nak betul2 I boleh tolong pinangkan.
    I wasn't joking! Even after the divorce I went!
    Like Puteri said, be honest..jangan bohong and sembunyi..we ladies benci such sandiwaras!
    p.s. Yang sangat menyedihkan,after 10 mins and on my way out of the lorong rumah, berseliseh kereta dengan them. She was driving and wearing this glamourous looking sunglasses while he was on the phone beside her..probably talking to the kakak and finding out what transpired ealier!
    I felt like Mak Tanggang! He macam tak kenal all those 30 years together!
    Till today I don't want to see his conniving stupid face!

    Habis dah!!

  8. Dear Pak Payne,

    I can surely relate to your writing. I myself told my hsband to marry his girlfriend and i guess for the same reason he still hasn't married her...

    I was of course angry at first...but after sitting on it for sometime, i realised that hey, things might not be that bad...i can surely start a new life...and who knows this new life could be better than a life with u said, "good riddance".

    However, unfortunately, i still haven't found out whether a life without him around is better...he is still with me

  9. Pak Payne

    Reading Anon 8.00 make me think; sebenarnya men ni kalau dah dibagi permission outright, dia cuak pulak. in his mind would play this question of "why does she so readily give permission tanpa drama apa pun, strange nih.." mulalah dia half-hearted to proceed..

    sebab saya dah pernah kena klentong, saya prefer honesty from the word 'GO'. nak cakap nak, takmau cakap takmau. at this moment in time, my thoughts dah halfway ke 'sana'.. buat amal cari bekal sementara tunggu kematian.

    andainya dia masih nak galak melayan libido yang tak dapat dibendung, tu masalah dialah kan? dibuatnya mati dalam dok 'menggalak' kan ker haru...

    PS: what a topic, pak payne..heheheh

  10. Isteri bermadu,

    Saya cuma mampu mengangguk tanda faham dengan apa yang puan tulis. Berat mata memandang berat lagi bahu memikul...Bukan senang bermadu, baik untuk isteri atau untuk suami. Walaupun berempat isteri makan sedulang, belum tentu semua nye merasa kelazatan makanan terhidang. ada yang rasa bagai madu manisnya, ada yang merasakan bagai racun~!

    Satu mesej yang saya catitkan di tulisan saya itu ialah..."By empowering your men, you are empowering yourself. Be the master of your own destiny!"

    Saya doakan puan, dan juga pembaca semua supaya sentiasa sihat, dan dapat terus beramal kepada Allah. Hanya cinta Nya yang kekal abadi.


  11. Ummie,

    "Attachment" yang harus di elak ialah attachment dari double sided tape...hahaha...sini melekat, sana melekat~! hancusss jika dia tak bertanggung jawap~!

  12. Mamasita,

    I can feel your pain. The part when you saw 'them' together in the car. That is a pain which you may find hard to heal, an image hard to erase, a pain which may recur in your nightmares. Saya doakan semoga Mamasita berjaya menempuhi dugaan ini.

    I can imagine your anger at the 'sister's' insensitive & patronising suggestion. Easy for her to say...May one day she will learn from her own experience, how it feels to have been in your shoes, then!

  13. Anonymous 8:00am and Puteri Kama :-)

    Saikologi manusia, memang sering begitu. Jika di larang dia lagi nak. Jika di beri...dia sangsi pulak dengan motif kita.

    Lelaki, espcially yang ego, tak nak kalah. Jika dia nak dan isteri beri...dia rasa isteri yang menang, so dia tak nak pulak.

    Dia akan kawin ok, tapi bila isteri cakap, isteri juga ada calon, dia meletop...sanggup membunuh sbb cemburu!

    Begitulah. Bukan senang melayan kerenah isteri atau kerenah suami - semoga kita semua mendapat cinta yang tidak pudar, cinta yang kekal abadi, cinta yang lagi di beri lagi banyak kita perolehi....cinta Illahi~!

  14. ERRR Asalamualaikum,
    atok saya seorang imam, kawin bini empat.. lst sekali dia ceraikan bini muda no 4 dalm umur 14 tahun alasannya budak tu berpenyakit.... lepas tu dia nikah anak yang berusia 13 tahun, yg dok dtg mengaji dan diajar oleh anak nya yang tua dua tahun dari budak perempuan tadi. Dipanggil sekrg tokde..
    bini cukup lah.. anak 2 pegi sekolah kaki ayamm sebab ramai sgt, yuran tak boleh bayar..makan tak pernah cukup.. duduk rumah quarters lama imam. I cannot imagine how he has slept with all 4 wives with rumah sempit anak sampai 20 lebih org...
    how he melaksanakan tugas sebagi suami dan dia sebagai imam didik dan diberanak dari mekah..
    mak arab, bapa melayu, muka wak jawa..
    so i always heard bapak dan pakcik cakap pegi sekolah kaki ayam, tak de duit nak bayar yuran, di beri duit untuk bayar yuran, apa silapnya dimita balik duit tu, esok disekolah disuruh berdiri sbb tak bayar yuran.. never ending stories abt this.. makan tak cukup, ingatkan kenapa teruk sekali... sebab mulut terlampau ramai, nafsu besar, sampai anak anak tak terjaga makan pakai apalagi didikan agama.
    yes i have some uncle despite duduk dikawasn masjid semasa mereka kecil, takleh ngaji, kalau kenduri skrg ni bila marhaban dia merangkak nak baca jawi.. nak baca jawi benak, sekolah pun tak kemana, tapi pandai lak pikat cikgu kemudian more succesful.. lagak macam besar tapi makan duit isteri smeta.
    sembahyang dah tua nak mati nila baru kenal sejadah.. tapi bangga... anak imam.
    if my datuk cannot afford to tanggung semua, kenapa dia boleh kawin? lepas ada la hal mana isteri favourite..
    yang mengherankan dia tahu semua itu...
    semua kerana bermadu kerana keinginan nafsu yg kuat..
    anak sorang kawin matsaleh kat engerland kawin register.. tapi dia ajar mengaji..
    anak luar nikah
    yang sorang lagi serial adulterer balik haji masih berzina ditangkap berzina dgn balu abang ipar sendiri..
    isteri melayan kehendak tak cuklup mesti makan luar juga.. anak anak tersebut melihat bagaimana si bapa melayan mak mak tiri tersebut maka di alayan perempuan sebijik bapa doa layan perempuan at large..
    so pincang masyarakat melayu kerana mereka gopoh mengikut nafsu, membiak tapi apa kualiti yang di lahirkan dan dididik?
    it seems nowadays people memang tak malu nak kawin lebih satu, tapi kemampuan berlaku adil dan saksama nil.Buat anak pandai tapi didik tak reti, so we produced loads of bohsia bohjan penagih matrock kutu rock yg banyak mencari keredaan dijalan yang salah..


  15. so PP,

    if u had been given the permission to tambah cawangan....what u have in mind...

    tp kesian gak nowdays ramai pempuan x kawin lg so it is kind of responsbility gak org yg mcm u ni tolong mreka kan....sbb niat asal lelaki dibenarkan utk berkahwin lg untuk x salah kot kawin dgn andartu, ibu tunggal, janda susah kan...
