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Sunday, June 1, 2008

ABC of ......!

Tomorrow at 7.45am I will be boarding a flight to a business travel destination. LiL has helped to pack my suitcase - enough clothes for a few days. Luqman said before he slept, "You have not travel a long time, so it is about time you buy me a present from wherever you are going!"
Amirul asked, "Ayah nak gi mana?"
When I changed job last September, I changed my life style too. Previously, it was common for me to spend only ten nights at home in any given month. That has changed I hardly travel and I am loving it! I will be leaving tomorrow with a heavy heart.

Since I will be gone for a few days, I am leaving behind a challenge for you to think about. I listed below the ABC of what can make anyone fail.....

Can you come with some suggestions for the reverse - the ABCs of what will make a person succeed! Please have a go for what ever alphabets you can come up with! The comments are moderated therefore we will get to see all the answers only when I return. Let us many ideas we can gather! There is no need to be shy......hehehehe......if you can share from personal experience about what ABCs have made you successful even better!

The ABC of what can make a person fails......!

A = Arrogance "You are right, everyone else is wrong!"
B = Blaming others "It is everyone else's fault!"
C = Cynicism "It can't be right, it has never been done that way!"
D = Distrust "Focusing on the negatives!"
F = Fear "Unwilling to take risk!"
G = Greed "Profit profit profit and only profit!"
H = Hostile "Treating everyone wth suspicion"
I = Indecision "Trapped with analysis and fear of failing"
J = Joker! "He who laugh a lot will not taken seriously by anyone!"
K = Killing the messenger
L = Lip service! "Cakap tak serupa bikin!"
M= Melodramatic "Always want attention! High maintainance - a drama queen!"
N = Never! "He who says never will not even try!"
O = Over confidence "No worse by-product of success than over confidence!"
P = Procrastination "Why do today what can be put off until tomorrow....."
Q = Quiet (too) "A leader not heard is hard to follow!"
R = Resisting change "Protecting the sacred cows!"
S = Stubbornness "Not changing his mind even if he knows he is wrong!"
T = Time-management (Lack off)
U = Unrecognized! "A performer not recognized will soon lose his steam!"
V = Volatile "His mood swings like a yo-yo!"
W= Womaniser "Thinking not with his head above the shoulder!"
X = Xerox! "Simply a copier of others!"
Y= Yes man! "A parrot will be cheaper!"
Z= Zero! "Has nothing between his ears!"

Your task is to complete....The ABCs of what can make a person successful!

Have a good week!


  1. semoga selamat pergi dan selamat kembali... nak souvenir bleh? hehehehehe

  2. This time make sure you check in together with your luggage. hehehe..

  3. Pakpayne,
    Let me give some on the reverse of failure for the time being and continue later.
    A - Anticipate. Anticipate problems so you can be prepared.
    B - Believe in yourself.
    C - Consistency. Be consistent in anything. Many a liar are caught because their stories are in consistenc.
    D - Diligent.
    E - Enforce.When you make a rule enforce it othrwise it will mean nothing.
    F - Farsightedness. Look beyond the space around you.
    G - Gratitude.
    H - Humble. There is everything to gain by being humble and it is the opposite of arrogance.
    I - Industry. When you are industrious, skill will be acquired.
    J - Just. Be fair to all.
    K - Knowledge. Knowledge is power.
    L - Loving. Love your workers who are your greatest asset.

    The rest will come later after I give it more thought. How do I fare?

  4. Pakpayne,
    I will continue from where I left off.
    M - Magninimous. Being kind and generous can bring you success.
    N - Nice. Being a nice person will make you approachable to all accociates.
    O - Obliging. Always caring for others.
    P - Passionate. You must be passionate in whatever you are doing in order to be successful.
    Q - Quick-witted. Being able to provide immediate solution to a problem is and asset.
    R - Responsible.
    S - Sense of humour. With a sense of humour tense moments can be turned to light hearted ease.
    T - Trustworthy. The greatest asset in any man.
    U - Understanding
    V - Visionary. The ability to see several steps ahead of others can help to chart your success.
    W - Wisdom. Being wise help you make good decisions.
    X - Xerox. If you cant think something of your own, copy others and make it better.
    Z - Zakat. Pay them and you will get more in return.
    Z - zealous
    Z - zest
    I rest my case.

  5. pakpayne..tgh sedey ni petrol naik..bdw kt dubai bp hinggit/liter?

    sorry x m'jwb task..tgh sedey haru biru ni...

  6. pengembara kerdilThursday, June 05, 2008

    salam! i have been reading this blog for a couple of time.. simply wants to complete the abc puzzle...

    a-analytical-knows the surroundings
    b-brave to speak out your idea
    c-commitment to your group + creative thinking...
    d-deadline, here i come...
    e-enjoy doing every task.. Allah, ourselves, family, friends..
    g-goal congruence
    h-handiwork your project..buat sendiri daa..
    j-justice all over the place...jgn main kroni...
    k-know your turf, skills and limit..
    l-listen to what people want to say
    m-meet the deadline
    n-no excuse...
    p-prioritizing n punctual...
    q-question what we are doing right now..don't simply jadi pak turut..
    r-request help when u need one..
    s-sabar atas segala dugaan...ingat, everything that happens to us is written in's fate..
    t-tawakkal to Allah..buat sehabis baik n berserah kpd Allah.
    u-understand what you need to do...
    v-vigilant..always beware of anything...
    w-whine is no-no...
    x-xerox-xerox tak main laa...
    y-"you can do it" spirit! malaysia boleh!

    so...this is the only abc of success that i can think of...

  7. ayu...:-) tenkiu....and yes, I am back, safely!


    mummy rizq :-)

    tenkiu....after lama tak travel...this time walaupun hanya 3
    malam rasanya sungguh lama....adeshhh, tak tahan berjauhan dah...mungkin faktor usia kut na...hehehe


    Imran :-)

    yes, checked in everything....dan selamat ke destinasi wakapun ada cerita dan drama jugak la...hehehe



  8. pakzawi...:-) dan Pengembara Kerdil...:-)

    what both of you have written ...semoga menjadi panduan semua, especially anak2 kita dalam mengejar kejayaan....sungguh bermakna!
    saya suka semuanya!!

    Thank you for coming up with those pearls!!!


    Nur. :)

    arghh....minyak naik...!!!! doakan supaya orang tu turun cepat!!

