Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Summer time - Bujang time!

Last night I was surprised by a question from LiL, “Is it true that men are happy when their families left them alone during the summer?”

I was driving, and the children at the back seats stopped their own chatter and went silent, awaiting my response. We left a friend's house about 11.30pm, having gone there directly after the YDP Agung’s birthday celebration. Ten other friends also converged there – having second round of Nasi Lemak dan Lontong brought back from the event.
click the logo to read about the YDP Agung event!

We spoke about topics men talk about. Nooooo!! Not sex. And Noooo!! Not football either. We did not talk about sex, serious! But we spoke about politics and its impact on individual rakyat and the future of our next generations. Serious topic! Different views were exchanged, and whenever the conversation got a bit too hot – one or two injected some humor. Serious, there were no sexy jokes either! The jokes were mainly about politicians and their broken promises.

One thing about my new found circle of friends which I find clinical is that they don’t talk about girls, or women or sex. Sometimes I wonder if it is because they think I will be offended – in which case, I want to reassure them I am a normal man. Other times, I wonder if they think I am too old to talk about girls or sex or topics yang sewaktu dengan nya. If that is the case I want to tell them, I am still young at heart!

I tried to prolong the silence. LiL kept looking at me urging for an answer. My children at the back seats have gone one stage further – they were pretending to be asleep.
So I resorted to the best trick I have up my sleeve. I answered her question with a question. “Why do you ask?” I glanced into the rear view mirror and I could see Luqman straining his ears wanting to make sure he did not miss anything.
“I noticed your ‘bujang’ friends were looking very happy just now!” She said.
Oh, so that was the reason. And I recalled that a couple of our ‘bujang’ friends actually arrived late and came in looking very cool in black T-shirt and even were wearing socks. Those two who normally go around with sandals were actually wearing leather shoes too. We were teasing them the whole evening, “Wah….pakai stoking….ada event dengan dayang-dayang istana pulak ka?”

Earlier at the YDP Agung's event both Lil and I overheard a group of men talking about their joy of being ‘free’ for a couple of months. One said, “Aku dah bujang, anak dan bini aku dah balek!! Semua pun dah boleh!” The other was heard saying, “Bini aku tak nak balek la pulak. Jenuih aku sughuih dah!” Noooo, I don’t know them. I think they were probably from Abu Dhabi or maybe from one of those effluent neighborhoods in Dubai. From their dialect I also guessed they were Oghang utagha la tu kut naa!

“Kenapa pulak men should be happy when they are left alone?” LiL persisted.
“I really don’t know la. I know I will miss you and the kids when you leave!” I said while overtaking a lorry. We were already passing the Global Village, only ten minutes before we reach home.
“Betul ka tu?” She asked, but she was smiling.
“Betul la…. kenapa la pulak nak curiga nya!” I squeezed her hand.
At the instant all three at the back seats said almost at the same time, “Betul ka tu ayah!”

Hahahaha…..macam ada konspirasi la pulak!

“Betul!!!” I said. My little laughter at the end of my responce made LiL glanced at me sharply.
Her last word as I parked the car in our garage, "Jangan nak over-over nanti bila I tak der!"

A few of my 'bujang' friends are coming to our home tonight to watch the Netherland / Russia semi final game live. LiL will be preparing 'Teh Tarik' dan keropok goreng. She may even join us watching the game. To my 'bujang' friends, "Better conceal a little of your 'happiness' guys!"

You may even talk about how lonely it can get to be left alone.



  1. Biasala tu Abg Id. I will say to Zul exactly what Kak Lil told you. Hihihihi...

  2. nak kena letak CCTV kat umah kot hehehehehe...

  3. Abang Id,

    Have you ever wondered what we ladies talk about when we're far from the men's ears?

    Jeng...jeng...jeng... ;) (Hehehe!)

    But, generally when our men are not around, I could say that the majority of us would feel macam our "semangat" somewhat hilang, instead of rasa macam dapat lesen to "terbang"...

    And THAT is the huge difference between men and women when we are left to our own devices...

    (Errr...saja je ni bagi your male readers feel guilty ni... :))

  4. Nak kena tanya soalan sama pada hubby 'bujang ' I lah bila dia balik nanti...

    anyway, I sedih Belanda kalah :(

  5. I think, my husband's emotion will be better when I'm around because, if I'm away, he'll have to ensure his handphone is always close to him.
    Otherwise, he'll be getting bullets of questions like 'nape tak jawab phone?', 'abang pergi mana?' and so on... hehee..
    Anyway, anything can be done if we want to kan...
    so, be faithful to the one who is faithful to us la kot ;)

  6. I posed the same question to Mr ZBA once...'safe answer'.."tak syiok la u tak dak"....padahal dlm hati, teman tau....tingin bebenor dia nak jadi bujang summer....hi..hi..

  7. Amy...:-)
    .....dan apa agaknya jawapan dari Zul. hehehe

    bila berjauhan actually lagi rindu tu!!

    Abg id

  8. dr bubbles...:-)

    salute you for the donation drive -and i have replied to your report email :-)
    u and ur frens have done so so so many good things there. touching someone hearts and bringing them hapiness are the best gift we can give.

    ...wah, dah ada blog baru ka for the sekolah tuanku abdul rahman tu? hehehe


  9. qimiy...:-)

    kat rumah, dalam kereta dan di pejabat!! hehehe


  10. wanshana :-)

    hehehe...lesen terbang!!mana ader....kami para suami juga patah semangat. Akan sentiasa menrindui...pasti!

    but but but, the few 'summer time bujang' i have met nampak sibuk sungguh hehehe.....kenapa tu ek?


  11. silversarina :-)

    ssyyy, jangan bagitau pakpayne yang cakap. hehehe.

    malam tadi kami nonton ramai2. ada yang sokong oren, ada yg sokong rusia sbb underdog. saya sendiri maam tadi neutral, but now sokong turkey! hehehe


  12. neeza :-)

    kadang2 abang tak jawap sebab abg tengah solat ka...tengah mandi bersedia untuk ke mesjid ka....hehehe.

    saya juga naik hangin jika mobile phone tak berjawap!hehehe


  13. jes..:-)

    jika mr zba bujang summer nie, pakpayne nak ajak dia ronda2 uae! semua zone padang pasir ni nak jelajah....mungkin cuba bersolat di sebanyak mungkin mesjid yang kesempatan. itu projek dalam impian summer time nie nanti.

    boleh ka pinjam mr zba?


  14. Pakpayne or Bakpo ? so you must be the guy which Zawi talk about. Anyway, seems like quite alot of Malaysian in Dubai.. Btw, Dubai have summer too ? or is it summer all year round...In Thailand, their school break in April also call summer holiday.

  15. salam pakpayne .. correction ..

    quarter final ;)

  16. KB Guy...:-)

    Dubai's summer can go as hot as 48degree! And at its winter always pleasant around 15 - 18 degree.

    You will see many many Arabs in Malaysia around summer time - when they travel to escape the summer heat.


  17. Drizzter..:-)

    Tq for the correction....yes, it was quarter final. And what a game it was!


  18. Tell the truth nothing but the truth eh Id....hahaha

    Hmm....kalau dah jadi 'married single' jgn lupa nasihat Lil ye?jgn terover pulak....hehehe

  19. Pak payne, :-)

    Sometimes good to be far for a while.As you said...jauh bertambah rindu..

  20. Pak experience away from family....1 month plus in Tehran....and 1.5 month in Dubai.....mula2 syiok la....bebas dan berkecuali.....tapi habih lama pun dlm seminggu je......lps tu semua serba tak kena je.....balik rumah dari kerja atau outstation, sunyi je....takde org sambut kat pintu...ish, ish,.....haru jugak la....

  21. kak elle. :-)

    hehehe. the whole truth is for the courtroom la kak elle...jika di my blog, dah campur garam dan asam la...hehehe.



  22. anggerik..:-)

    betul bila jauh dari durian - rindu sgt kat durian...hehehe.

    apa lagi bila jauh dari keluarga...semestinya rindu membuak buak.


  23. haza...:-)

    i know....i know...
    memang haru bila balek ke rumah yang sunyi sepi...especially my house ni dah biasa dgn my four boys tu heheh riuh rendah...bila dah tiada...terasa sgt sunyinya.

    mungkin sbb itulah kut...the summer bachelors ...selalu keluar dan tidak byk duduk di rumah!


  24. Salam Abe Id,

    Kalau saya la, seronok sehari-dua je, lepas tu mati kutu :-)

  25. Jie...saya pun serupa...nasib baik lah this summer, my eldest son Adie is here.

    Saya dah ada projek untuk hari2 minggu 'membujang' nanti...untuk mengisi masa sebaik mungkin.

    Abg Id

  26. yeah.. dah balik msia ni, takde lagi summer2 holiday nya.. yang ada semestinya sama2 holiday..!!


  27. Mulan.....:-)

    hehehe..I like "sama-sama" holiday tu....bunyi macam mesra jer tu...
