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Friday, June 27, 2008

Talking about love...

Way back then....Love was about nurturing!
I never once saw my father and mother exhibited any act or expression of love nor did I hear them say 'love' to each other. However, never once I doubted their love for one another. It was there - in the conversation they had after meals while munching betel leaves. It was there - in things they did not do just as much as in things they did. My mother would not eat until my father was ready to eat. My father would not even think of not coming home for lunch unless he had already informed mother.
Way back then, love was taken for granted and it was ok! There was no need for roses from florists, or for wedding anniversaries to be celebrated. Their love for each other centered around what they did together out of their love for their children. I saw their love at its best during prayers - mother would obediently be behind father and it warmed my heart everytime I saw mother kissed father's hands after prayers.
Way back then it seemed to me that love was caring for each other out of a sense of duty - father was to protect and provide, and mother was to feed and nurture.
Way back then, my father showed me love by spending his afternoon making me bird-traps out of bamboo sticks and sago branches. When he took me on his round to check his 'taut' (fishing rods) - that was love!
Way back then, mother showed me her love by staying up to accompany me finishing my homework by the 'pelita minyak'. She could not read or write, but her presence was more than adequate support for me to strive for excellence. She made it known that she was proud of me. When once I left behind my eraser at home and she walked to school to send it to me - that was love.
Today....Love is about "things!"
Today, love seems to be more fragile and demanding. There is a price to pay for love to exist. Roses for valentines, cards for certain days, presents for birthdays, and candle light dinners for anniversaries. God forbid if you even think of ignoring any of those celebration - "You don't love me anymore!" will be echoing for days! Such is today's love - it is symbolized with 'things'.

Love seems to be a one way thing between parents and children. Today's children are self-centered lots - they demand love for free but hold back theirs as ransom for presents or favours.

Parents who are drawn more and more away from their children due to work are easily blackmailed - at least emotionally. Hence, loosening of discipline and letting go of morale and religious values. How many parents today forced their children to wake up for Fajr prayers! Or maybe the question is, how many parents today themselves wake up for Fajr prayers??
Many couples break up due to absence of love in their relationship. So one of them if not both would claim. How can their hearts not be void of love for another human - if they don't even feel love for their Creator and their Prophet!
Love first in your hearts
Then love with your deeds
Love not only with your words
For such love will not last for keeps.
Love and Iman - when Love is deep within your heart.
Love - At one level it seems clear why the faithful should love the Prophet: he is their teacher, guide and leader and it is impossible for him to teach, guide and lead them if they don't love him. But there is a deeper meaning in the principle that love for the Prophet is essential for iman.

Love of the Prophet is love of all the beauty and nobility of character, truthfulness, justness, humility and inner strength of which man is capable and which the Prophet as al-insan al-kamil (the Perfect man) possessed in the utmost degree. Love for the Prophet means to acknowledge, cherish and glorify all the potential of goodness and greatness that God has created within Man.

It also means love of humanity, not just in regard to its potential for perfection but also despite its general inability to realize that potential and despite all kind of imperfections and weaknesses from which it suffers. For the Prophet is not only the Perfect Man but also the Representative Man who on the day of judgment will represent mankind and plead on their behalf for their imperfections and weaknesses before the throne of God.

Thus love of the Prophet, on the one hand puts us on the road to perfection by making us cherish it dearly and on the other hand it helps us accept our imperfect humanity and in this way to live in peace with ourselves as repentant servants of God hopeful of His mercy. This is why love for the Prophet is a condition of iman, for what is iman if it is not to acknowledge and repent for one's imperfections and weaknesses and to cherish and strive for - even as an unachievable ideal - the perfection of which man is potentially capable?

You can read more about love for the prophet here.
"Every saint has a past - and every sinner has a future!"

I am not yet a saint, and nor do I want to stay a sinner. Please help me God!


  1. Yea, I could see that with my parents too. When my mom came to visit me during my confinement, 2 weeks was like listening to a CD on autoplay... Ayah makan apa, satgi Ayah this, satgi Ayah that...
    I'd know then that she missed her hubby back home. That was the sign to buy her the plane ticket..

  2. Thank you for a good Friday tazkirah. Satu muhasabah diri yang amat dalam maksudnya.

    Kenangan bersama emak dan ayah yang telah lama tiada menjelma kembali bila saya baca kisah ini. Bukan setakat mereka tidak pernah menyatakannya, kita sendiri pun tidak mampu mengucapkan rasa kasih dan sayang pada mereka...namun mereka tahu apa yang kita rasa dan kita tahu apa yang mereka mahu kita rasa...

    Anak2 kita tidak begitu. Sukarnya untuk mereka faham betapa kita berkorban dan akan terus berkorban demi kasih dan sayang kepada mereka...

    Kasih sayang sesama Islam kerana Allah paling bermakna!

  3. the entry, seems that we (hubby and i) should live long way back then like your Parents..coz what we are ... weird huh..these days..:-)

  4. Mr Idham..

    I really love this entry especially when you said that love is about "things" nowadays.

    We try to be quite thrifty with the kids in showing love through buying 'things' by compensating with more attention and quality time spent. We should try mimic our folks kind of love with just a little bit of 'things' hehe!!

  5. Salam,

    ada masa cubalah dengar lagu UNIC - Lafaz Yang Tersimpan .. moga2 ada manafaatnya buat kita bersama untuk sedari bahawa kasih sayang perlu dilafazkan.

  6. dalam dakapan ibu..:-)

    sememang cinta orang tua kuat dari deria rasa mereka. kadang2 kesian tgk orang tua kita - ingin bersama anak menantu, tapi rindu pula dengan isteri / suami yang mungkin tidak kelapangan untuk turut serta. Dilema begitu pernah saya lihat sendiri...

    semoga ur mom and dad will have many more great years of happiness ahead of them.


  7. suria..:-) semoga waktu2 cuti cuti di taiping bersama anak2 akan membahagiakan hati...

    keadaan semakin berubah. sekarang bangsa kita lebih expressive mengenai perasaan. ada ucapan ucapan sayang. sungguh membahagiakan....


  8. truemom...:-) there are horses for courses. there are practices for each period. sekarang our expectations sudah berbedza. jika tiada ucapan cinta ...hati jadi gundah gelana. terlalu exposure kepada media, movies dan internet, membuat kita mempunya fantasi berbedza mengenai kasih sayang. Jik realiti terlalu jauh dari fantasi kita - maka terasa ada yang tak kena.

    semoga anda berbahagia.


  9. rd :-)

    yes....i speak mainly from personal experience too. The last two days luqman has been trying to get me to buy him a present. I asked him, "why?"
    he said, "bcoz u love me...."
    Luqman, a seven year old knows that to love is to buy presents!
    But perhaps, he is appreciative of the bigger picture - "To love is to give!" Which then, I do agree.

    Welcome back! Great to see u again after a long hiatus.


  10. anonymous :-)

    yes....i am a believer in expressing our feeling of love - be it with words or with deeds.
    but but ... hati mahu ada rasa cinta!

    Thanks for the tips on the song...will google for the lyrics.


  11. "To understand parents, we have to have children of our own..."

    Masa Mother's Day,saya pernah dimarahi mak saudara sbb x bagi hadiah pada mak, as if it is must to show ur love to her..I am very angry with it, becoz every month I would come home & bring whatever presents she wants...Pada saya Mother's Day bukan pada hari tertentu sahaja, malah setiap hari...

    Nobody have the right to force love & force the way u should express long as both party knew they love each other...
    and of course, love should not be necessarily expensive things, but everyday gifts that show you care is the most meaningful....
    sometimes 'free things'also very meaningful..quality time with kids & munajat to Allah are those free examples that could not be retrieve back...

    Have a great day Pakpayne!A great article to reflect upon..

  12. Pak Payne,
    One of the best entries..luv it..I always sakat my roommate to list 10things about me that make him cayang kat I....terkial2 dia jawab, letih nak reach the 7th one..selalu tak abih 10 pun...bole ke gitu?

  13. bila kita cinta pd Allah, Allah akan pasti tambahkan rasa cinta dlm diri kita sesama manusia, apatah lagi pd suami/isteri sendiri..

  14. NUR ..:-)

    Yes, so true! Dengan menjadi parents ourselves - kita lebih memahami. Bila anak2 menaikkan suara, kita tersentuh. Bila anak2 membeliakkan mata, kita tersentuh. Bagaimana agaknya perasaan ibu bapa kita pula? Kadang2 sedih sendiri bila mengingatkan...sbb ada penyesalan...tapi sudah terlambat. Mereka sudah pergi!
    Hanya doa ...yang dapat kita berikan.

    Itulah, untuk anak2 kita - ingin sekali memberi ajaran cara berkesan supaya mereka menilai kasih sayang ibu bapa....dan sentiasa menghormati. Bukan begitu?

  15. jes...:-)


    saya pasti, jika jes minta lebih dari sepuluh pun dia ada jawapannya. cuma cuma....biasa la kan...harus la simpan untuk masa depan. mana boleh beritahu semua ...hehehe.

    jika mahu, semasa kembara uae nanti, saya boleh tolong tanyakan...korek2kan rahsia....
    tapi tapi, ada lah upahnya...hehehe.
    ketayap hijau tu pun dah ok upah.


  16. qimy...:-)

    begitulah yang saya rasa.

    semoga qimy dan family snitasa sihat dan bahagia di tucson arizona sana.

