Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

"Summer Bachelor's first day!"

The one hour waiting time at the check-in counter was a joy killer. A few times I was on the verge of shouting to the counter staff - but each time I turned to face my wife and she calmed me down. At one point she said, "Abang...your face look like you are ready to punch an elephant!" That was when the supervisor, a malay man came to me with both his hands held together to his chest gesturing apologies.
That little episode aside, I bid farewell to LiL and our three boys at the airport last night. They are now safely back home for a summer vacation. Today, I called her every one hour until I received an sms with a goodnight greeting. Eleven phone calls!!!

I wanted to know how was her flight, what did she eat, did she manage to sleep? I asked about their transit in Karachi, and how did the three boys cope with flying economy for the first time? Apparently, Luqman had asked "why we can't change the movie channels?" hahaha. I don't blame him - for all of his long haul travels until last night have been on business class. Well, previously our flights have been paid by my previous employer. This time, the new employer has given us the equivalent budget for business class travels but we have chosen to travel economy and save the difference to pay for the higher petrol price and other increased expenses while back home in Malaysia - negara Barang Naik! tercinta!!
"Back to basics! That will be good for him...otherwise he will be more spoilt!" LiL reasoned with me. Ermmm, with the situation in Malaysia nowadays, I think it is wise to prepare my children for hardship! So, back to basics is not a bad thing!!.

She is only gone for a day, and already I am missing her. The house is too quiet without Luqman! Coming home was without the usual cheek kisses, and the usual voices from upstairs responding to my salam! In fact, this morning when I slept again after the Fajr prayer, LiL was not home to wake me up for work. I overslept, and arrived in the office at 11am!
"I have dinner date tonight!" I called her after work while driving.

" fast you get a date already? With who?" She laughed, but I know she was curious. Truthfully, I wanted to make her jealous.

"With a pakistani!" I said, avoiding to divulge more than necessary details.

But she knew my game! Hardly five minutes passed after the phone call, Adi called me, "Ayah dinner kat mana....?"

"Oh...Dinner kat restoren near Lamcy" I told him, then asked, "where are you?"

"I am on the way to Lamcy...nak beli kasut! Maybe I will drop by to say hello!" cakap Adi.

Coincidence?? Or was there a 'talian hayat' going on between mother and son??! Hehehe.
My date and I got to the restaurent at maghrib prayer time. We prayed together with other diners who arrived early. After prayer, I mentioned to my Pakistani friend Danish that my son was in the neighborhood.

"Why don't you call him to join us for dinner....."
Tonight, father and son had dinner together, treated to a Pakistani cuisine by a friend who wanted to cheer me up upon learning that I was feeling the blues of "summer bachelorhood".

Thank you Danish! ....And Congratulations on the arrival of your second daughter!


  1. rindu rinduan gitu ya abang id!.. ummi tak rindu dah, ayah dah balik cuti.. next week dia fly sana balik.

    bila abang id balik sini? calling2 lah ya. phone no dah ada kan!

  2. Alah kesiannya tinggal sorang-sorang....!!!

    Yang ada kat Msia tu pun bukannya happy sangat abe dia tak de...hehehe

    Just enjoy yr frustation!!!

  3. Eleven calls within a day! Manjanya.....sayang suami ditinggal2kan....rasanye esok lusa sure nak ikut K.Lil balik nih...tak dan tunggu the actual leaving date rasanye, kalo udah ghupe ni gayenye...hi..hi...

  4. eh.. adlil doesnt stay with you?

    have fun mr. summer bachelor!


  5. I think it's good that we save money and take economy class. My husband's company also gave us a business class ticket amount and we used them to purchase economy class. we can travel more and may be save a bit.. not much different I guess.. duduk selesa kejap aje..

    wahhh.. jadi bujang 2 bulan la ni ye.. ehemmm.. macam kak Lil kata, don't be naughty haaaa!!! hehehehh...

  6. sian pok pyane..... jgn sedih2 sekejap ajer.. pejam celik2 dah ader depan mata... tak encem kalau orang tua berduka lara nie...

  7. Queen Of The HouseWednesday, July 02, 2008

    Summer bachelorhood can't be that bad when you have good friends to keep you company :D

  8. ummi...:-)

    wah, ayah dah balek rupanya....enjoy!!

    yes, i will gve u a call when I am back.InsyaAllah...


    suria :-)

    hehehe...called her tadi, and she and the boys were in midvalley...bunyi mcm seronok jer hehehe!!


    Jes :-)

    calling2 tu pasti...ada yg praktikal seperti nak tanya pasal surat2 yng setahun tidak di baca, dan ada yang sentimental seperti ucapan sayang dan rindu hehehe



  9. rd .. :-)

    yes adlil is staying with me...and soon we will be joined by zeti too.


    neeza..:-) yea, a praktikal approach ...especially di zaman semua harga naik nie...

    hehehe, mana ada notty. sikit2 jalan2 tu ada la...

    we have a very good program this friday! more abt it later...


    shiela..:-) hehehe...betul tu, bila tua2 nie mana ada ensem jika bersedih..hehehe.
    memang selalu ceria pun!!


    Queen :-)

    yes a nice one from u..."life in general can't be that bad -0 when u hv nice people around u!".



  10. ho ho ho married singleman ye?enjoy ah Id ... oh lupa ada spy tertinggal kat rumah....hehe...just kidding lah.

    at least ada juga teman kat rumah tu kan?

  11. Oh la la..happy lah kak Lil dapat bercuti di Malaysia .. and pakpayne.. hope you are still okay... hehehe.

  12. I'm sure Kak Lil misses you too :)

  13. kak elle...:-) hehehe dah dua malam keluar dinner dgn anak lelaki saya tu ...

    father n son bonding time ..


    SILVERSARINA :-) they were at the midvalley....siap beli durian lagi..hehehe. yes, they r enjoying malaysia!


    amy :-)

    begitulah! hehehe



  14. Pakpayne,
    Time for you to head for the Bachelor's Villa mentioned in your previous post hehehehehe.
