Latest update post the 'dinner menu orang bujang' dan tazkirah malam Jumaat!
I left the office heading for LuLu supermarket to get beef ribs for the soup, all kind of disposables from plates to spoons, onions, ginger, garlics and daun sup! I called LiL to check if there were 'beras' at home - she said, beras and everything I have put in my trolley except the tulang tu pun dah ada di rumah. Left Lulu at 5pm. Huh - not much time left.
Wah, tak tahan nangis masa peeling the onions. Huh, why like that....I never saw LiL suffered like I did when she was doing the onions. Then, I could not light the gas burner - tried all the knobs and pressed all the buttons. I called LiL, of course. She laughed. Five minutes and aed20 dirham of long distance call later, she diagnosed the problem for me. I forgot to switch on the power supply - hence no sparks ! Betul-betul bujang terlajak case....hahahaha.
Tumis bawang, garlic dan ginger - bau sungguh enak!
Washed and rinsed the beef ribs using limau nipis to bilaskan - I didn't know why limau nipis, but I have seen LiL doing that before so I did! Put beef into pressure cooker and added three uncang of sup adabi. Set fire to low. All set!
KP, Imran and his family arrived - more relief! KP helped to set up the tables. Imran's wife Puan Zaida helped to cook the rice. How much rice to cook? I called LiL again to ask. Aha - we estimated for 20 people.
Rezki orang bujang murah! Zaida brought a pot of her own cooked soup, and vegetables. Rusdi and wife Mastura brought telur dadar. Nik and his family arrived with kueh 'hijau' I think it was called bengka, and fried beef. Hasnol brought more drinks. Someone bawa tembikai, but I did not know who. Zaida also brought a cake - aha, what we did not know - it was their second daughter's second birthday!
Happy birthday Ilham - berbaju merah jambu, sungguh comel! I felt honoured that Imran and Zaida have chosen to celebrate Ilham's birthday at the 'majlis makan makan menu bujang!' Alahai, if only pakcik uncle tau, mesti dah beli hadiah. 
After Isya prayer, we had the Friday night Tazkirah from brother Hasnol. All listened attentively. Brother Hasnol is gifted with 'story telling' skills. He captivated us with his story from a leaf of glorious Islamic history. His messages were many, but there was one which infiltrated into my veins, "Each one of us has a role to play to uphold the truth of Islam".
'pasangan bahagia - rusdi dan mastura!'
I want to thank all present tonight - the twelve men, five ladies and everyone of the children. To Ilham, we wish you a HAPPY SECOND BIRTHDAY!
This evening I received this sms from LiL, "Oh, pokok ku dah layu...hehehe. Enjoy ur tazkirah. goodnite".
The pokok sudah disiram, cuma dia mash merajuk. We will keep trying to bring it back to life.....hehehe.
The original posting - Pre Dinner!
Jemputan ke rumah 'bujang'!
Today, I sent out an invitation to a few people in Dubai to my 'summer bachelor' house for majlis makan-makan menu bujang, tazkirah malam Jumaat bersama Ustaz Hassan ( Patani ) di samping mengeratkan Sillaratulrahim. If everyone accept the invitation then we will have a good 25 plus people.
I must say, it was a bold move - since I have not been known as an accomplished cook, and the only decent meal I have prepared for my family has been a pot of oxtail soup. My friend KP immediately sent me a text message upon receiving my invitation, "Nak masak apa?" There is a tone of concern in his message. I called him and a few others. We made up plans! One thing really assuring about my circle of friends here in Dubai is the "Can Do" attitude.
InsyAAllah - we will have decent foods on the table for our guests tomorrow. And hopefully, our meeting will be blessed.
My friend KP and I planned to do some grocery shopping after work today. A last minute change of plan took us to the corniche of Jumeirah beach - for an Ikan Bakar dinner with Adlil and three others. We had a jolly time sharing not only fish and Puratha, but especially lots of jokes and humour. Our laughter attracted one Malaysian from another table to come over to say hello. In fact he said, "Dari mana?" and we had a good laugh when Bob spontaneously answered, "Marina!" Of course that guy had meant, "Dari mana in Malaysia?" To which the answer should have been, "Muau!"(Muar). hehehehe. But this Bob in all of his six months here has considered himself a Marina dude!
As if taking cue from Bob's responce, we decided to adjourn to the Marina Walk for coffee and bersantai. Even in the midst of summer heat, Marina Walk is a cool place to be....
By the time we left the place, it was too late to shop for anything. We will do so tomorrow - and still have time to cook for the dinner! I promise.....Jemputan ke rumah 'Bujang' is definitely ON.
If you have not received any invitation and would like to join us tomorrow - you are welcomed! Just make sure you bring some food - potluck style! hehehe
A note to my dear wife, is still in early summer...hehe
ReplyDeletehahah abg ipin!! pokok ni dia ikut tgn yg menyiram...agak3 kalo tgk tu x brape best, dia jadi layu..kehkehkeh...
ReplyDeletekahkahkah....jangan orangnya pun jadi layu cam daun sudah!!!!
ReplyDeleteBye the way, bukan Muau, tapi Mu-or!
47 degrees?? One can be barbequed in that kind of heat!! So, janganlah lupa siram pokok hari-hari ... kesian lil nanti balik semua pokok2 dah terkulai layu! Best of luck for your potluck!!
ReplyDeletenash...:) u r in which part of japan? how is summer there like? i know cherry blossoms in the spring looks awesome!
qimy...:) hehehe mungkin tgn yang menyiram tu secara paksa rela heehehe.
suria...:) ooo, mu-or!! aha dia orang mu-or lerr...hhehee...siapcerita pasai ular naga besar di sungai mu-or tu...yang kepala sebenar kereta kancil tu..hehehe
memang rasa macam dah separuh masak dgn bbq panas dan humidity nie...
hi abang Id..lama tak komen.
ReplyDeletekelakar aje baca entri ni..mcm kena checkkk ajer ngan kak lil..takut ek..lupa siram pokok! :0
seghonoknya nak kumpul bujang-bujangan ye..ingat dunia tau!
Ida :)
Nash kakak saya ada di kitakyushu, fakuoka. ni email dia kalau just in case kalau nak kesana atau dia nak ke Tokyo boleh email2
ReplyDeletepakpayne.. tergelak saya tgk pokok kakLil yg terbiar tu! tu la nasib pokok di tangan org "bujang".. hehe :)
oh, i sure do not miss the heat!
ReplyDeletehope your dinner goes well, dont burn down the house :)
errr.. am I invited?? hehee.. or it's only for not bujang but being bujang now ye.. hehee..
ReplyDeletemacam bachelor party sort of ke nih??
huhuuuu.. sedapnya sup ekor tuuuu.. nak semangkuk!!
abg id! jgn ada yg sakit peruuuttt...
ReplyDeleteHahaha...good luck for your party. I rasa kan...masak apa pun jalan...maggi pun makanan gak kaann... kikikik :P
ReplyDeleteAnyway, pasal pokok kan...bukan Abg Arief je, saya yang kat rumah nie pun boleh tak siram pokok. Padahal tiap hari lalu tepi pokok tu. Heheheh.... pokok saya memang kena belajar menghirup moist from the atmosphere. Pokok saya semua memang nampak 'sedih'..Pokok bunga kertas pun boleh mati. Saya rasa kalau saya jaga kaktus pun tak leh hidup :)
ida...:-) hehehe...ketara kah ketakutan ku itu ..hehehe.
ReplyDeletedah siram dah...tapi pokok tu mcm merajuk jer....;)
rusdi...:-) dah lama ka kakak rusdi di sana? kerja ka ?
kawin org sana ka?
little muffins..:-)
hehehe...nasib baik tak de bela kucing ka ikan ka...hehehe.
mama rock..:-)
ReplyDeletetergesa2 jugak tadi...maklum lah hari ni kerja...nak gi beli barang2 dan balik masak2 lagi hehehe.
nasib baik sempat - ada lagi masa nak sikat rambut ensem2, spray body wangi2 hehehe
neeza...sup ekor menjadi !! depa kata macam sup ekor mamak!
mummy rizq..:-)
kalau sakit pun bukan apa, mungkin sbb depa makan banyak la tu...hehehe.
K.D. :-) semua sudah selamat!
jemput jugak Abg Zarir sbb Kak N dah balik Malaysia. Tapi dia program dia tersendiri hehehe.
yes, my pokok tu nampaknya, still merajuk la tu...dah siram pun tak nak nye bangun daun daun tu ...uhuks.
teruk btol la org bujang kita ni...patah kaki kalo xde kak lil! :p
ReplyDeleteteringin lak nak rasa sup bujang terlajak masak...;)
waaa...terror masak...
ReplyDeleteabang Id balik sini bila?
bravolah abang id.. jadi jugakkan.. nasib baik ada talian hayatkan.. :)
ReplyDeletePakpayne ..
ReplyDeleteBaghu tau betapa sensaranya hidup tanpa your other half hehehe ..
nak pase api pun terkial2 .. mache kawe gok la taim2 gewe kawe kelik kelate ngan anok2 ...
last2 rebus meggie haha!
Pakpayne (Ayoh Su),
ReplyDeleteNow you know how difficult life can be without the other half. We have been taking things for granted for so long that we dont bother to find out how things work in the house. Even doing the onions is tough eh?
When is your arrival in Kelantan?
qimy.. :-) tetamu kata sedapppp ..i boleh dtg tucson masakkan for u....hehe...minta la mr qimy sponsor kan tiket..
maklang..saya akan pulang august nanti...insyAAlah. maklang dah sihat? alhamdullillah!
ummi...:-) itu talian hayat sungguh penting dan istimewa. hehehe. talian hayat tidak terhad!
DRIZZTER..:-) pasal skill masak meggie tu..kawae raso dah jadi universal survival tool kit tu...hehehe.
tak melayu hilang di dunia selagi ada mee segera!! hahaha
pak zawi :-)
doing the onions becomes a love hate thing....hehehe....kasih dan pedih dua dalam satu!
mungkin ada juga orang bercinta macam 'peeling onions'! hehehe
ello.. kanda ku n kak Lil ku :)
ReplyDeletebalik ogos naaaa?? jangan lupa mai alostaq...
Luv all of u...
Abg Arif...
ReplyDeleteTerror tu boleh buat stew ribs...nampak pun delicious... Tak sangka!
Mmg rasa tak complete without the other half kan? Dulu masa terpisah dgn suami for 2 years, terlintang terpukang juga nak buat tugas2 dia...mcm tukar lampu, betulkan paip sinki bocor...hehehe but kena buat jugalah kan...
take care
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih smlm organize such a nice gathering.
Juga kat KP, Hasnol for the tazkirah, & semua yang datang.
Timun Cino tu ambo bowok, tok de nak beloh masa mulo2 sapa tu, sebab tu lambat bulih make hehehehe.
Pak Payne,
ReplyDeleteSori couldn't attend that nite ..Last minutes changes..Got some guests at home...InsyaAllah, next time...Tabik spring to u, mmg respek guy yg bole masak...Tabik sekali lagi!!!...
PP, yr soup smlm tu mmg super delicious, pandai bawak diri/masak Kak Aishah takde. Anyway Kak Aishah tumpang rumah buat buzzday Ilham (ad hoc) x plan pun.To uncle Nik n Auntie ida n children Ilham thanks u guys for d big pink bear.
ReplyDeleteK. Aishah I dah check tanah kat pokok u mmg basah!
mama n baba Ilham
Baca statutory declaration abang 'bujang terlajak' lagi seronok dari baca SD Bala tu..hehehe
ReplyDeletectz :-) insyAAllah kami pi nanti..
ReplyDeletemacam mana dgn exams tu? dah selesai ka? best wishes na dinda!
raden galoh :-)
hehehe harus lah di buat! today adlil and four of our friends went on an exploration cari-cari mesjid di Fujeirah! it was a day I will remember ...
rusdi..:-) terimaksih tu for the telur dadar dan timun cina tuh...
yes, it a simple gathering - but a nice one amongst friends.
semoga perjumpaan kita di berkati Allah.
Jes...:-) hope u and ur guests had a wonderful time in ur home...
next time mai la naa...insyAAllah!
puan ZK...:-)
it was a pleasure to have u and ur family ...last night and anytime.
Sedap ka soup time, hopefully menjadi lagi lah...
Dr Bubbles...:-)
hehehe. mine tidak akan di tarik balek...hehehe