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Saturday, June 21, 2008

"Negaraku" bergema di Dubai!

was there !

In the picture above - can you spot a Malaysian 'singer' bersuara emas. Can you name her? Can you name at least one of her songs?

Above: The consul general of Malaysia - Tuan Syed Mohd Hasrin menyampaikan ucapan.
Meremang bulu roma bila lagu Negara Ku bergema di foyer MATRADE! Lebih kurang 250 Malaysians berdiri berganding bahu menyanyikan lagu dengan semangat waja - kasih kan ibu pertiwi walaupun berada di rantau. Begitulah suasana di permulaan majlis Sambutan Ulang Tahun Keputeraan DYMM Yang Dipertuan Agung - yang di anjurkan oleh pihak Konsul Jeneral di Dubai, dan diberi kerjasama kelolaan sepenuhnya oleh MyUAE-PRO. Tuan Syed Mohd Hasrin dalam ucapan beliau mengimbas sejarah dan perlembagaan Malaysia sebagai peringatan dan sumber pengetahuan kepada anak watan di rantau. Ada diantara anak anak kita yang telah dilahirkan di perantauan dan tidak fasih berbahasa ibunda apalagi mengetahui sejarah negara. Beliau juga mengalu-alukan kedatangan semua Malaysians ke Majlis tersebut yang harus dipergunakan sepenuhnya untuk mengeratkan silaratulrahim dan networking sesama kita. Tidak lupa beliau mengucapkan terimakasih kepada semua yang telah bekerja-sama menjayakan majlis - terutama MyUAEPRO!
Di atas, anak anak watan mendelekmasi sajak patriotik nukilan Puan Nazrah Ayu. Di bawah, empat serangkai !

Para hadirin dijamu berbagai juadah selera Malaysia. Di antaranya, nasi lemak, meehoon goreng, berbagai kueh-mueh, dan juga lontong. Majlis di serikan dengan berbagai acara sampingan - kuiz mengenai Malaysia, pembacaan sajak patriotik, dan pertandingan Fotografi.

Cabutan bertuah menyaksikan ramai tampil ke pentas menerima hadiah2 yang di sediakan oleh penaja2. Malaysia Airlines menyediakan hadiah utama berupa dua tiket ke Beirut! Di bawah, Pengurus Besar Malaysia Airlines - Afrika dan Timur Tengah, Puan Merina Tahir menyampaikan hadiah kepada pemenang utama di saksikan oleh Tuan Konsul Jeneral!

Di atas Mushil mengacarakan Kuiz, dan di bawah Sdr Fadli menyampaikan cenderahati kepada Aidir salah seorang yang telah menjayakan delekmasi sajak!

Di atas - yours truely bersama isteri, dan di bawah Sdr Zuraimi membawa Konsul Jeneral meninjau pameran foto-foto !

Veritas menyediakan hadiah utama untuk pertandingan Fotografi. Di bawah, Pengurus Veritas Sdr Karim menyampaikan hadiah utama kepada pemenang! Fendi dari klikcrazy photo club di tengah2.

Malaysian Palm Oil Council in Dubai as always has been supportive through their contribution of hampers for lucky draw winners. Thank You Sdr Zafri - Director of MPOC based in Dubai!

The Bernama report of the event failed to mention the roles played by MyUAEPRO - the association of Malaysian professionals in UAE. Let it be known that many people have worked hard towards the success of this event - many ladies have spent long hours in the kitchen cooking the food, and many from MyUAEPRO have put in efforts in their personal time preparing for those activities. To everyone who have helped, directly or indirectly - thank you and well done! I know Fendi and his team worked hard preparing for the photo contest, Puteri worked hard to pull the recitation of sajak together, Mushil and his team prepared the quiz, and a few others worked behind the scenes. Sdr Hasnol was brilliant as the Master of ceremony and Hj Latiff started off with doa selamat. As an example of the team spirit, Sdr Kirawan offered a helping hand on the day - to distribute the lucky draw coupons.

Well Done all!!

Gambar di sini ( dari Nik ).

The Bernama report:
Malaysians Mark Agong's Birthday In DubaiBy Abdul Muin Abdul Majid. DUBAI,
June 21 (Bernama) -- The Malaysian consulate in Dubai hosted a gathering Friday to mark the birthday of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin.This followed a similar celebration organised by the Malaysian embassy in Abu Dhabi last week. The Dubai event started with the singing of the national anthem "Negara Ku", with the guests present making do with a projected image of the "Jalur Gemilang" flag as the function was held indoors. In his speech, Malaysian consul-general Syed Mohamad Hasrin Tengku Hussin drew attention of the audience to Tuanku Mizan's address earlier this month in which the King emphasised the need for Malaysians to exercise patience and act wisely in facing the global challenges posed by food shortages and oil price increases."His Majesty also advised the government to manage the nation's petroleum resources efficiently for the benefit of future generations," he added. The consul-general said Malaysians in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) were highly regarded by locals and foreign expatriates alike."Together we should strive to keep up the good name of Malaysia and keep our flag flying high in the UAE," he said, expressing confidence that existing close bilateral relations would be further enhanced with the cooperation and support of all members of the Malaysian community and government agencies.Besides allowing people to catch up with each other or forge new friendship, the event saw some of the lucky ones going home with various prizes, including Malaysia Airlines tickets won in the lucky draw and a photography competition.-- BERNAMA


  1. Bravo P.Payne and all the hardworking AJKs..a very smooth event..tima aceh once again,menginterpremkan gambor 4 serangkai in this entry...Pak payne please make sure you will hang in here in Dubai for quite sometime coz payah dah nak cari Penghulu camnih...

  2. Pakpayne...

    Sungguh tidak di duga...gambar 4 serangkai pun maklumlah...dari beratus yang datang...4 serangkai juga menjadi interprem...

    Didoakan serangkai ini akan berkekalan di dubai ni dan di mana2...insyaAllah.

    rasanya kita pun akan lama lagi di dubai ni.

  3. Pak Payne.....don't worry about the omission of MyUAE-Pro from the report....we all know who we are and we all know who's been doing what.....
    Bravo to everybody.....

  4. Queen Of The HouseMonday, June 23, 2008

    Congratulations to the Malaysian community in Dubai ... great spirit and cooperation!! Pak Payne jadi penghulu di sana??

  5. Pakpayne...

    saya sedang mencari saudara kirawan zeiswar dan bila saya goggle, blog saudara ada menyebut ttg beliau. kiranya ia ttg org yg sama (Kirawan VIOBA/DANZAS) harap dapat memanjangkan email saya kepada beliau... terima kasih
