A friend from my previous employer came visiting. He has hardly warmed the seat when he started asking me all sort of questions about my current job. Yes, all sort ! I felt intimidated enough to say quiet abruptly, "Who sent you to come and talk to me like this?" He was taken aback, and after adjusting his seat replied, "No one. I am just curious and concern!"
"Concern? with what?" I was annoyed with his patronizing style.
He looked at me, and rested his eyes on mine for a good 45 seconds without blinking. If not for his smiling face, I would have felt like being challenged to a staring duel. But his smile was genuine and his eyes soft, even moist with tears held back. I realized then I was being hard on him. I must have taken out my frustration of my present state onto him, unintentionally - just like siblings do.
There are many types of friends. And I know he belongs to the first type.
1. Friends forever, whatever, whenever = true friendship out of love and respect.
2. Friends for favours = whenever they appear you can be quite sure there are something they want from you. It can be to borrow your scooter or to leave their children behind with your baby sitter.
3. Friends chipsmore = come and go as they please, their presence suit only them and never you.
4. Friends for laughter = They treat you as their clown and entertainer. They come whenever they need a good laugh.
5. Friends for a ladder = This type knows they can step on you or your platform to achieve what they want. You are their stepping stones.
6. Friends backstabber = Adoii, this type can kill you softly softly you never knew when the poison comes from. This type of friends are your worst enemy....carefull!
7. Friends cyber = (added from Mummy Rizq's comment!) These friends are real, at the same time not yet real.
I apologised for being so harsh with my words and invited him down to a cafe. Once outside of the office set-up we were more relax. Office chairs of power ( or lack of it ), desks of decision, and meeting rooms reminded us of politics, suspicion and bloating ego. Removed from all of those, we become truely two simple people trusting and enjoying each other's company.
"How are your children?" He asked.
Our conversation shifted to more personal things. And I was reminded once again of how lucky I am to still have friends of the first type.
Thank you for visiting!
Next time, we will meet at a movie with popcorns and a fizzy drink in our hands!
at least we have frens kan.. tak kisah lah in what ever bentuk & rupa that they appear kan...
ReplyDeleteand ada jugak kawan yang kita tak pernah bersua mukaaa... kawan di alam maya... hee.. hee.. and can still be frens kan!!
mummy rizq :-)
ReplyDeleteyes yes, janji ada kawan. u pointed out another category tu...."friends cyber" hehehe....also rhymes with the rest.
macam mummy rizq dgn pakpayne la - friends di alam cyber dan alam blogger.
boleh kah saya add this point di entry tu??
was your cyber friend, friend for favours and now im a friend forever! *winks*
ReplyDeletemana gi ilangnya entry sebelum ni? :p
ReplyDeletethat is true....many friendships actually moved from one stge to another and sincere and compatible ones will stay friends forever.
ada tu bila dah kenal kenal - baru tau tak de chemistry. hehehe
yes, in deed, we started as friends in cyber. errr, masa bila pulak Qimy dan abg ipin jadi friends for favour ...*winks!*
yes yes insyAAllah...kita terus jadi friends forever!!
entry sebelum ni bertajuk AZURA sedang dalam penapisan kak LiL ....hahahha!! Dia nak baca dulu, sebelum diluluskan.
sabar ye!
kesian lak kawan tu
ReplyDeletekene 'suspek' gitu
but, yes, bad thing seems to happen
at the worst possible time
life goes on nevertheless
so thus friendship
Like Qimy I was also wondering what happened to the previous entry.....gosh...i thought i dreamt it all......dah tua lah id...first the eyesight, then the mind starts to go.....hehehe....nasib lah Qimy bertanya.....:D
ReplyDeleteSalam my brother,
ReplyDeleteWe may sometimes be the friends chipsmore as now you see now you don't but no matter how and what, the truth is we are friends forever. And I pray that you'll never consider me as friends for favours.
Take care bro...
ReplyDeleteTadi dah tulih..silap tekan butang,dissapeared. Pengalaman I berkawan, setelah 40 tahun hidup di donia nih..manis2 belaka...ramai yg bole buat kawan but yg betui2 SINCERE, susah senang bersama, bole bilang dgn jari weh...
ps...Pak Payne, nasib baik sempat baca ur last entry...Lembaga Penapis ban kot...hi..hi..
KATAKBESAU...:-) hehehe....apa macam musim panas ni...katak besar tak lari masuk tempurung ka? hehehe or lari masuk kasut bata!!
ReplyDeleteyess.....things can happen, but good or bad is entirely up to us to make it....!
yusnida...:-) hehehe...sama la kita...makin banyak ni nak kena service...now saya dah mula telan pil melicinkan pergerakan sendi2..hehee....hari tu LiL belikan vitamins suplements..tenguk kat botol ada tulis ..."For fifty plus". hehehe
ReplyDeletenasib baik hati ku masih muda belia!! hahaha
yes, AZURA dalam tapisan.
Jes...:-) awatnye tersilap tekan...kut jadi pilot silap tekan bolehjatuh kapai terbang tu! hahaha...saya quote balik yang ada orang tu tulih semalam...hehehe
ReplyDeleteberkawan biar seribu - berkasih biar satu....naa! anak mak mentua kata kulit dia licin lagi sbb pakai bedak habuq di site, conditioner dgn wuduq! dia kata Jess kata muka dia masih lawaaa...bahagia dia naa....hehehe
kirim salam kat dia naa..
cerita azura tu mungkin kena ban oleh penapis. Dia tanya, "Apa message cerita abang nie? Jika message merepet merapu jer, baik tak usah, buat dosa jer....jika ada message baik....apa dia! habaq mai"
saya masih tak de jawapan hahahaha.
sis raden galoh..:-) calit!!! yes we are friends forever. and never in my breath do i ever consider u as friends for favours.
chipsmore tu biasa la...kita kan masing2 busy ...
apa pun type frens kita ada, tidak ada yang baik atau buruk nya...it also depends on how kita handle la kan...
senyum sokmo!!
abg arif
Pakpayne...macam-macam jenis kawan dalam dunia ni. Walau apa pun semuga kita diberu pertunjuk oleh Nya apa jenis kawan around us...
ReplyDeleteYou are very right about how office setting reminded us of office politics, suspicion and games of work..
Pak payne...saya tak sempat baca entry hari tu...that story...dah tak ada sini..bila ready, post lah ya..
Terkejut tengok post 'Azura' hilang :). Amy dah comment dah dlm tu hik hik
ReplyDeleteyes, betul tu...banyak udang banyaklah garam; banyak orang banyak lah ragam hehehe!!
cerita azura tu...tidak lulus penapisan kak LiL, walaupun cerita itu 100% rekaan semata-mata. hehehe
Harus di ubah suai sikit dulu....hehehe. Ada lah adigan-adigan yang pehak penapisan merasai terlalu panas....hehehe
amy...:-) heheheh....tau! abg id dah baca pun komen tu...
biasalaa..kawan suka memang ramai kan...
ReplyDeleteour first impression mmg gitu kan.. datang with bullets of questions, macam polis pencen...
ReplyDeletesome people are like that (I'm like that - I ask a lot!!) but mean no harm.
Mungkin to grasp the situation so that tak tersilap cakap in conversation.
Anyway, I've all sorts of friends too.. cuma yang I still keep in touch (ask hello, visit the blog and leave comments hehee.. etc) those yang I know are the true friends..
Sape yang not listed tu, maknanya I could sense something is not right somewhere.. boleh ke gitu?? hehe..
Abe Payne,
ReplyDeleteI am one of those yang tak berapa reti nak break the ice..lepas tu mudah percaya kat orang then "terkena"
But kalau dah berkawan, rela berhabis untuk kawan tapi kalau dah sakit hati susahnya nak terima balik, camana tu?..sekarang kawan blogger ramai ni..hopefully semua baik2 lah kawan2 blogger ni kan?
neeza...:-) bolah la gitu...ikut kata hati kita la kan..
ReplyDeletekenal ramai, bagus tu. seperti ada sorang pakcik di kampung cakap kat saya ...
ada kawan yang setakat kedai kopi, ada kawan setakat pintu pagar rumah, dan ada yang kita boleh ajak masuk rumah.
jika tersalah ajak orang masuk rumah, boleh jadi problem jugak tu...! hehehe
u take care.
onde onde...:-)
ReplyDeleteada orang tu dia jenis "trust untl trust is broken" tapi ada pulak yang jenis "Turst has to be earned".
Rasanya, onde onde sama seperti saya...we both start with trusting others until trust is broken.
For me, bila sudah hilang kepercayaan....i forgive and forget. hehehe
maaf kan lah dia, dan lupakan dia lah...boleh ka macam tu?
maklang ... :-)
ReplyDeleteaha ...memang ramai! hehhehehe...
masa Tun Dr M hebat dulu, ramai yg ngaku dia kawan! look at now...lin cerita pulak.