Summer Surprise!

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Thursday, June 5, 2008

I am home.....sweet home!

I came home two days ahead of schedule, and I was welcomed home by Luqman who came running to the door....

"Ayahhhh.....welcome home! I thought you come back next week - I will miss you too much!" Luqman came hugging with a little broken English - but nothing else about the candid expression of his feeling was broken!
I have not subscribed to roaming facilities for my mobile number and internet connection was not available at those places I went to. I have been out of touch with everyone including LiL.

When I was in the taxi from airport I switched on my mobile and there were 12 text messages waiting in the inbox. There was one which brought a warm smile to my face....and it was from my daughter Z in Dublin. She has not contacted me for a while now....not since the message to say thank you for the money which I have sent to her last month. It was nice to receive anything from her....especially since I was thinking a lot about her during my travel. I mentioned about her with pride at every chance I had when my business associates have asked about my children. The message was asking me to pray for her to face her final exams on Monday. I guess a father will always feel nice and warm in the heart knowing his daughter thinks of him ...even if it only comes in time of need.

During flight I purposely did not eat the food which the airline served. I wanted to eat at home....and to share my travel stories with LiL. And I have a lot to tell.

The story begins......
"One night without change!

My baggage was locked in our company guest house, as the housekeeper made a dissapearing act on us. My business associate invited me to his home instead - which I happily accepted with relief. What could be worse than sleeping outside the door of the guesthouse ?! I thought.
As it turned out - the invitation was an eye opener of sorts.....and definitely another life's lesson for me.

My host, Dr K lives a bachelor life in a nice villa in the sub-urban of the city. His wife and adult children are living in London, which according to him in a mansion just as huge as the villa I was visiting. His neighbours are two other 'bachelors' also in their late fifties - being their own house-minders and also with their respective families living in London. I was invited to share a glimpse of the lives of three gentlemen in their late fifties who are the best of buddies - they reminded me of teenagers celebrating their freedom after being left at home alone. The only difference was - they were no teen agers, and their freedom was by choice.

That night, we shared take away grilled trout with rice and home cooked vegetables. I was without my suitcase and was feeling so uncomfortable without a change of clothes. Added to that, I had high temperature and was dizzy with fever. That night as I was listening to the three of them talking, I must have fallen asleep on the sofa. I woke up past midnight being tucked away nicely under a blanket with my socks removed and my shirts unbuttoned. They were still there....talking in whispers. I was shown to a spare bedroom, but only after they insisted that I swallow two panadols, and two tablets of vitamen C.

The next morning, I was awoken by some singing in the kitchen. The three of them have gathered again to prepare breakfast!! It was the most decilious tomatoe omellete served with fresh geen salads plucked from their gardens.....eaten with warm soft bread!! Three gentlemen, in happy spirit - and the best of buddies, looking after and caring for each other. And there is no other ties between them except they have been neighbours for some time.

That morning, I so much wanted to be a part of their circle. After breakfast, I suggested that I will cook curry for all of them. In their carefree fashion they whistled with joy and set cooking time to be 11am. As I was still feeling dizzy from fever, I rested on the sofa.....and must have drifted into sleep. Once again, it was the clammering and happy commotion in the kitchen which woke me up.....

"Lunch is ready.....!" Said one of the new friends I have made within the last 12 hours. And to be honest....I feel like I have known all three of them since childhood!!!

Such was their closeness, it felt like childhood friends reunited.
Their simplicity and attitude towards life and towards each other - made me choke with an overwhelming feeling of humility. It was by sheer misfortune due to being locked out that I got to be so fortunate to have met these three new friends. As we hugged and cheek kissing to say goodbye as what the locals there do - I hoped they could feel how much I have appreciated their friendship. I recovered from my fever, partly from effect of the panadols but mainly from the warm compassion they have shown.
As I was writing this, I can still hear what they said in responce to my questions when we were enjoying the tomatoe omellete....

I asked, "You have very nice villa here with matured gardens of fruit trees....and this cost at least a million dollars, and you have a mansion in London too.....that made you very rich. Why do you choose to live alone here and not with your family?"

They looked at each other smiling, then looked at me. One by one they elaborated with their own responces....all sounded very philosophical, but also very sincere.

One said, "Money only gives more option for our wives and children to go - but money does not make us happy like being here on our own land, in our own country."

Another said, "Money gives us option on how to live....but we have made up our mind on how and where we want to die." I felt silent and reflected hard and deep on both of them.

Lastly, my host said, "The real richness we value and treasure is being rich with friendship. We could not find this in London. Here we know we will never eat alone, and never die alone!" They all laughed mocking each other for what each have said. But it was a sort of mockery that only true close friends can make. And I laughed along with them but silently I was making a wish, I too will grow old and die with people I love. I made a mental note, that "If we know how and where we wish to die - we will learn and know how to live!"
Lil listened attentively to me concluding my story about the first night I was away from home. She reached for my hand and said, "Yes....we will grow old together! And we shall wish to die as good Muslims!!"

"InsyAAllah......" we both said in unison.
I told her I have more to tell.....but she reminded me maybe it is better if we get ready for bed. It is getting late.....she said!

Late? I asked. Afterall, it was only 11pm and tomorrow is a non-working day. She winked the moment I said the non working day!

*I was left there on the sofa grinning .......* as she left to go upstairs.

As they say, TGiF night!! hehehehe.

Yes, growing old together can indeed start tonight! I smiled at my own thought.
Buah cherry dan aprikot dari pohon di halaman rumah Dr K.


  1. Id,

    Welcome back...i missed reading yr updates while u were away. But the experience u had left a warm feeling in my heart....take care.

  2. Assalamua'laikum and Wellcome back. I'm sure you have a lot more to share with us in your blog. I'm waiting for the part 2...

  3. Isn't it nice to be back in the warmth of a family...

  4. Pakpayne,
    Its fated that you meet them so that you can relate to us their story. I can't comprehend and imagine how they can't find love and friendship from within their family in London. Thank you Allah we find happiness and friendship from our family and friends as well.

  5. Alhamdulillah... Bro Arif dah selamat sampai... syukur.. seronok baca kisah Bro Arif tuh.. harap2 kite smeua sentiasa dlama peliharaan Allah dan mendapat keberkatanNya.. aminnnn

  6. Abg Arif...

    Salam alaik brother. You moved me with the recollection of answers your new friends and host had with you...

    I'm blessed to have known you for this kind of knowledge we cant get it from books nor classroom.

    God bless you and your family.

  7. seronokkan balik jumpa family..
    btw, seronok jugak rasanya kalau dapat pluck the cherries and apricot tu.. hehehehh..

  8. selamat kembali ke pangkuan family dan blogging . Sebak pulak baca kisah ni yang jarang ditemui keakraban insan berharta .

  9. Welcome eager to read ur story...frust gak buka 2-3 hari berturut2 nengok tak de crita criti, hi..hi..gerem kat buah cherry and apricot tuh..kalu dapat 'kerabat' naik ataih pokok tu, teman tak mo turun dah....

  10. umi kalthum :-)

    yes, GIVING is a form of connecting with our inner happiness and you in teaching profession has given the best of all gifts to so many - and that is ILMU.
    May God bless you, Ir husband dan keluarga.

    I tried the link you gave...but it only took me to the current page of BH.

    best wishes,

  11. yusnida :-)

    i too miss interacting with friends via blog....while i was travelling. great to be back.

    u take care.


  12. imran ..hehehe...part 2 ka? adoiilaa.....not all good things come in two parts la encik imran hehehe


  13. ummie 365 :-)

    how do i describe the feeling of coing home...?

    very hard to capture in one word. But if i must....i will say,




  14. pak zawi...:-)

    they prefer to be in their own the fruits of their toil, from their land....hehehe...i guess the calling is the same. I am feeling the same now....gamitan untuk pulang terlalu kuat. Di sini, untuk cari rezki ok la...dan jika bukan kerana education anak2....kami sudah pulang....

    really! No place like home. evenwith harga minyak yg naik begitu...

    their children..semua dah kerja di kota london. isteri2 bersama mereka di sana...dan mereka ada mansion2 sendiri di sana juga. So i guess they found solutions for everyone in the family la kan...


  15. Ayu...:) Thanks.

    Allah sentiasa bersama kita....soalnya, adakah kita bersama Allah sentiasa?

    Abg Arif.

  16. raden galoh.. :-)

    hey hey...go easy on me...hehehe. takut tau bila kena puji banyak2....takut lupa diri....hehehe.

    yes, i too enjoy knowing you. the occassional ramlings we have on YM is always so refreshing for me...ada masa tu keluar air mata tau....:)


  17. NJa....:-)

    you know....that was what i did ....asyek dok bawah pokok2 tu makan cherry, aprikot dan mulberry yg sungguh manish letinggg hehhehe



    bro arif

  18. silversarina..:-)

    Insan berharta - yang taut kehilangan hartanya, akan mensisihkan diri dari org ramai termasuk kaum keluarga dan kawan2.

    Insan berharta yang bersyukur - ingin dan gembira bila daat berkongsi apa yg ada....
    and guess what, selalunya harta mereka bertambah2!!!

    saya selalu teruja dengan kebesaran Allah.


  19. jes....pokok2 di sana pulak tak de kerengga....memang boleh gayut lama kat situ hehehe.

    saya pun rasanya bertambah licin pipi sejak dok makan cherry dan aprikot dari hujung2 dahan ....

    salam kpd anak mak mentua puan!


  20. Pakpyne,

    cherry & fresh

  21. anggerik...:-)



  22. ...
    touching story...

    nota-nota jalanan.
