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Saturday, May 31, 2008

This weekend - in Dubai!!

Activities organized by MyUAE-PRO!

    1. A farewell!

Haji Wahid is moving to Seattle for his next career move with the Emirates Group. A small step for Emirates it may be but a giant leap for one more Malaysian professional who has been selected from many applicants for this expatriation opportunity. We are all proud of his achievement, and wish him many more successes in his future endevours.

Tonight a group of friends celebrated Wahid's progress up the corporate ladder and honour him and his family to a farewell dinner.

Von Voyage - Wahid!

2. A victory!

Yesterday Malaysians in UAE have a reason to feel jubilant. Our veteran football team won the Tri-Nation championship beating the Singapore team 4-3 in the final!! The Consul General of Malaysia to UAE, Syed Mohd Hasrin played pivotal roles in center half. He adorned the number 5 jersey which was once made famous by Santokh Singh. MyUAE-PRO secretary general, Saudara Hasnol scored a blazing goal from the right wing. Yours truly, also in full gear, was shouting instructions from the sideline - just as well that no one took any notice!

(More report about the game here)

In the open category, Malaysian team A was narrowly beaten into second place by Indonesia. The acting Ambassador H E Fadli played in the second Malaysian team and was solid in goal. He let in only a couple of goals, and each time it was due to the sun getting into his vision! hehehe....I made up the excuse lah, not him!! Playing for the same team, both Mr. Mustapha's sons scored a goal each.....and the father was seen jumping with excitement each time! Fudzail's eldest son also scored....and my son Adlil also played, but when the game turned to be too competitive he heeded my advise to stay as a full time reserve.

Luck was not with our under-twelve when a goal by Mohaimin ( anak bongsu Fudzail ) was equalized by the Singapore team just minutes away from the full time whistle in the final match. Malaysia under-twelve lost in the penalty shoot-out. Ghaz the team manager was more dissappointed than the players.

3. The Azmil!

The one and only Azmil of Ali Setan and Mechanic blockbusters was in Dubai! About fifty Malaysians gathered to listened to his real-life story of how he flipped from a movie director and actor to become a student of Islam and Arabic! His story gives hope to many others....for if we care to see, hear, and feel with our heart, then we will know that Heaven's door is always open for us. His struggles and sacrifices, touched me. .....and I was in awe of God's mercy and compassion. Subhanallah....!!

May Tuan Haji Azmil and his children find peace and receive Allah's blessings in their lives journey.....A journey which according to him, is still in its beginning.......

Read also here.

4. Dr Huda Harun Din!

This weekend, more Malaysians visited Dr Huda the eldest daughter of Dr Harun Din in the Afraq Hospital in Abu Dhabi. Reports from those who went have been encourging with news of Dr Huda have been responding positively to treatments and is getting better. InsyAAllah....she will recover strong enough to take a flight home soon. A close friend called me to share his experience meeting Ustaz Harun Din today - "Bukan senang nak jumpa Harun Din macam tadi! Jika di Malaysia people has to queue from mid-night to see him." He said. Yes, I wish I was there.....but due to work has to be satisfied with berkirim salam for the man who has been helping hundreds of thousands.....!!!

5. Yesterday Friday 3oth May - the temperature reached 45 degree Celcius!!! Panas....

(thank you Nik dan Halim for the pictures!)


  1. Salam...i tak tau pasal Dr. Huda. Apa ceritanya?

  2. Pak Payne, it was indeed a blazing week for us in Dubai! Walau letih tak abih lagi, gumbira pelbagai pengalaman berharga d timba bersama teman2 dperantauan!

    Moga ALlaah beri barakah dalam pengalaman dperantauan kita!

  3. congrats malaysia senior!

  4. Ooo anak HArun Din is a doctor ye? Dia sakit apa ye? IS she staying in Dubai?

    MAcam polis pencen pulak Helena ni.... hehe

  5. suhana ...assalamualaikum...

    dr huda di timpa sakit ketika dalam penerbangan untuk mengerjakan umrah. beliau bersama anak2, suami dan ayah serta bonda.

    sekarang dr huda di hospital di abu dhabi.

    di lapurkan semakin pulih....

    sama2 lah kita doa kan.


  6. mhasnol :-)

    isnyAAllah, saa2 kita mencari rezki yg halal, dan mencari barakah Allah....

    kita ini umpama di transit lounge juga....ntah bila plane will take off la kan...

    pakpayne ( ber internet dari lounge emirates airline )

  7. helena ....please refer to my reply to suhana above.

    thanks for asking.



  8. bertique...:-) were u there at the field?

    next time come la join...


  9. congrats atas kemenangan tuh :)
    best la dapat jumpa dr Harun Din.. kat Malaysia leh jumpa dalam tv aje laaa :)

  10. Doa utk Dr Huda...Ameen

    Masa jumpa Ust Harun Din Sabtu lepas tak sangka dia lebih dr sempoi (kebayakkan pemimpin PAS mmg macam ni)

    Tapi pada yang ada paha hari tu, kami bukan jumpa Ust Harun Din je, tapi seorg lagi Tokoh yang Dinamik & Sempoi jugak hehehehehehe

    Salut Dato' Osman!

  11. ayu..:-)

    TENKIU TENKIU....memang gembira la jugak dapat bersama dalam pesta bola tu...


    Rusdi :-)

    ada jugak dengar certa tentang Dato Othmn tu dari Imran hehehe....gedebe!!


