Pasal Jerebu! ( ejaan sudah di betulkan ...tq azzah8 )
This morning Dubai was enveloped by fog.....limiting visibility to less than 50 meters. The morning desert sun was transformed into a mis-timed moon ( Please see the above photos - taken about 8am ).Surprisingly, and in a pleasant way, vehicles moved cautiously and safely. It was a joyful drive for me - without the normal presence and pressure of huge 4by4 looming and zooming into my rear. No accident was reported the whole morning! Unusual - considering that for the past five mornings there have been pile up of multi vehicle accidents on the stretch to Jebel Ali.
In Dubai, foggy morning equals safe driving!
The fog lifted by mid morning. The afternoon was scorching hot - temperature soared to near 40 degree. The road was clear - visibility was excellent! And guess what??......
When I was driving home from work at 3.30pm, the radio was announcing four major accidents at different locations ; One near Jebel Ali, one on Sheikh Zayed road involving four cars, one near to Arabian Ranches and a three cars piled up on Garhood bridge!
Welcome back
Pasal Jerebu kalbu.....!
"You are invited to Iftar tonite, also majlis solat hajat for Bro Z and solat ghaib for arwah abang kepada bro Nik". Said the SMS from bro F. I promptly replied to say LiL and I were coming.
Bro Z is a wonderful person, a father of four wonderful children and husband to a wonderful wife. My heart sink everytime I think of him and his family - being separated by the law during this holy Ramadan month - through no fault of theirs. The solat Hajat - surrending to AlMighty God, asking for His compassion - for bro Z and family. I was overwhelmed with emotion during the solat hajat - my heart touched by humility and filled with His greatness - Allah Hu Akbar! I felt so humble and vulnerable and to Him we all come to seek help. I was hopeful as ever that He will not test his Ummah except for a reason to bring all of us closer together and closer to Him. I prayed for bro Z and family to be reunited again soon. InsyAAllah...
Bro H, in his Tazkirah, managed to blow clear some of my own jerubu kalbu. He appealed to all of us to pay due deligent to our duty as Muslims to pay Zakat - and reminded us that 'what is so little' to most of us can 'mean so much' to others who are less fortunate.
Only last night I was lamenting about my reduced income after leaving my previous employer. And tonight, He brought me to this get together for a purpose - a reminder that I am to be grateful and bersyukur!
The jerubu in my kalbu - wiped away not by a shower of rain, but by remembrance of His blessings. Alhamdullillah.......
Jerebu para kaum bapak di Malam Jumaat!
Selepas solat Teraweeh, kami kaum lelaki kembali ke veranda menyambung dengan makan-makan dan minum-minum. Cerita kaum lelaki - topiknya tidak lah se intellectual mana. Hehehehe....
Dari GPS dan teknologi telekomunikasi...kepada hal hal politik semasa ....seterusnya cerita-ceriti suami isteri ...., dan ada seorang saudara yang baru aku kenali berseloroh, "Hah....kalau orang lelaki kawin perempuan Nogoghie....memang pressure, sebab masuk suku!".
Aku memang mula-mula tu blur tak faham. Tapi sebab semua orang di meja ketawa, aku pun tumpang ketawa sama. Then the pin dropped.....I got the joke. Adess......terasa bersalah pulak dengan kawan2 dari Negoghie......
*Maaf yorr bukan eden yang bercerito, dior yang cerito eden tumpang ketawo ajoarr*
Then adalah pulak yang mengingatkan yang malam ni malam Jumaat. Mereka yang ada isteri - tersenyum simpul. Yang single, tersenyum tawar - macam frust pun ada. Nik yang berjauhan dari isteri, garu kepala. hehehehe. Yang buat-buat terseyum tu agaknya isteri mereka tak boleh berpuasa la tu kut....hehehehe....kesian!
Saudara F - senyuman dia meleret-leret! hehehehe sampai terjatuh gelas nescafe tarik.
Mungkin sup tulang masakan Nik dah menyerap agaknya.....*sorry F, gurau je ek...terimakasih daun keladi di atas jemputan dan for being such a gracious host*
**Sama sama lah kita sedekahkan Al-Fatihah untuk Arwah abang
kepada Bro Nik yang pulang KeRahmatullah dua hari lepas di usia 36 tahun , dan sama-sama berdoa agar Bro Z dan keluarga mendapat kelapangan dalam menghadapi ujian ini**
Click Here, to peep into the Malaysian community center in UAE.
Abg Id,
ReplyDeleteJerubu in Dubai can be that bad? IN a way it is a bless for a driving safety.
Al fatihah to Br Nik's brother and pray for Bro Z.
alfatihah.. semoga arwah ditempatkan dikalangan org beriman. Insya Allah.
ReplyDeleteanggerik....:) Jerubu sbb pertukaran cuaca agaknya....
ReplyDeletestill, better than a sand storm!
Konot.....i am sure NiK appreciate your doa....ameeennnn.
takziah untuk mereka mereka yang bernasib baik...
ReplyDeleteso, apa reaksi abg id bila bersembang pasal malam jumaat semalam?? hee.. hee.... senyum meleret atau senyum terpaksa???
wow...byk nya traffic accident sana..
ReplyDeletemalam jumaat?? what with mlm jumaat?? (sambil buat2 garu kepala...padahal dah tahu...)hehehehhhe
Al-Fatihah buat mereka yg pegi meninggalkan kita...amin..
ReplyDeleteFirst, the word is "jerebu" not "jerubu", or maybe u baca ikut slang Kelate...hehehe..
Salam Ramadhan..seronok tak berpuasa di Dubai? seronok lah dapat balik cepatkan...
Doa saya utk bro Z and family, dan arwah abg bro Nik.
haah...I pun nak tanya...U senyum meleret ke...senyum terpaksa ke... senyum tersimpul ke... or senyum tawar ...????
Salam ariff...
ReplyDeleteIngatkan kat sini jer ada jerebu,,, sana ada jugak erk...
Selamat berjumaat..
Alfatihah utk org yg telah pergi..
Salam Abg Id...
ReplyDeleteJerebu yang memberi byk manfaat kepada manusia tu...itulah tandanya bila ada halangan kita lebih berhati-hati...bila takde dugaan cuaca hilang pula pertimbangan, makin byk lah kemalangan...pelik kan?
Innalillahi wa'inna ilaihi roji'un bagi yang Alah turunkan dugaan...alFatihah bagi yang telah pergi...semoga Allah beri kekuatan dan ketabahan...aminnnn
take care cermin mata ari tu okay dak?
MUMMY rizq....hehehe....kita senyum meleret2 gak hehehe...
ReplyDeletebangun pagi sahur....kak LiL pulak yang tersenyum senyum ...*wink*
nurazzah....:) terimakasih membetulkan ejaan saya....memang saya ingatkan ejaannya jerubu....hehehehe.....dah memang fail ni BM....
ReplyDeletepasal senyum...saya bagi clue je la....bila bangun sahur tu kan...K lil yg senyum meleret2....hehehe
ReplyDeletememang ada jerebu jugak ... tapi kan....better dari sand storm...kalau sand storm tu pollutionnya dahsyat jugak...
umie sihat?
DrNo....u tulis komen tu dah time sahur tu di malaysia...hehehe..tentulah dah tahu kan malam tadi malam jumaat...adess....:)
ReplyDeletesiapa yang senyum kat rumah tu? hehehehe
raden....cermin mata ari tu ...dah ok...dah get used to it...hehehe....cuma bila pakai ...nampak macam 'pakcik' buka lagi macam 'abang' hehehehe
Eh.. umie sihat2 je.. sihat2 org tua.... mcm ni la.. cepat penat, cepat letih.. :))
ReplyDeletehe's not home la...outstation...huhuuhu
ReplyDeletesengih sorang2 je kat rumah...tihiihih...
umie....sama jer dgn arif pun hehehehee.....
ReplyDeletecuma rasa best gak la..sejak puasa ni, seluar dah rasa longgar...hehehe
DrNo...:) hehehee....faham.
ReplyDeletedulu saya pun selalu tersengih sorang2...hehehe
zWhmyb The best blog you have!
ReplyDeleteZQnwfN Good job!
ReplyDeleteHello all!
ReplyDeleteHello all!
ReplyDeleteHello all!
ReplyDeleteThanks to author.
ReplyDeletePlease write anything else!
ReplyDeleteactually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
ReplyDeleteWonderful blog.
ReplyDeletePlease write anything else!
ReplyDeletePlease write anything else!