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Saturday, September 22, 2007

At the toy shop

Luqman had Aed200, a bribery present from me for agreeing to take school bus coming home. I will be sending them to school unless I travel, but coming back has been a problem since LiL does not have a driving license yet. So far we have been using Avis chauffeur car - too expensive to sustain.

He wanted to go the Toy shop to spend his money, so we were at the Emirates mall yesterday.
We strolled into the Toy Shop and told him to look for his toy. He walked from shelf to shelf, from one section to another - skipping those meant for babies and for girls.

In the beginning he was fascinated with a remote controlled model helicopter which can fly. He tried it...and I could see excitement in his eyes. He checked the price - it was Aed169, so within his budget. Then he asked, "Ayah.....does this use battery?" And in turn I asked the shop assistant.
"Yes, the remote control use 12 AAA batteries, and the Helicopter has be charged for 15 minutes after every 8 minutes of flying".
Frowning, he said, " That is too difficult to play, where got electricity to charge in the field. Too many batteries also lah ayah".
I smiled.
He moved on, losing interest in the Heli.

Next stop was a section of Paint-ball guns. There were many models, some even come in pairs for combat or single for shooting targets. His eyes brightened. He examined each model, looking at the pictures and reading what they are capable of doing. Then Amirul came and pulled his hand to another section in the shop.
I followed.

"Why don't you get this...." Amirul was trying to persuade Luqman to buy a red remote controlled Ferrari. I must say, I too quite liked the Ferrari, it looked so real and it cost only Aed249. I was willing to top up the additional 49 Dirham if Luqman were to buy it.
Luqman picked up the box, and said, "I only have 200, and I am not going to ask ayah for more money. Anyway, this thing use battery ....I dont want".
I was impressed!

LiL was looking at some jig saw puzzles. Haziq was equally interested with the Paint Ball gun and was trying to persuade Luqman to get the pair for combat. He was keen to be Luqman's combat partner. I could hear from behind the shelf, again Luqman rejected the model for combat because it cost more than what he had. Not realizing I was listening, Haziq was telling him to ask for more money from LiL.
"Don't you know Mom don't work, and she has no money" Luqman retorted.
Again, I smiled - impressed!

Last night at home, the gun was in action. All three boys were having great fun with their own little shooting competition. Mom and Dad had a little quiet time together which has been hard to get since we are still in a service apartment. Ah, I so look forward to Monday! We will be moving to our own house then.


  1. wow... bagus betul luqman! kagum juge!

    eh ape yg luqman pegang dlm first picture tu?

    o btw luqman is sooo cute! ;)

  2. Jengae...:)

    itu dia pegang the receipt for his toy....harga cuma aed89 dia ada saving of 100++

  3. a sharp shooter in the making :o) brings back memories when i use to practice with an M16 & a handgun (can't remember the model). I was in the ROTU and fire arms was my favourite :o)

    Moving into the home this Monday? Yeay! It's tiring but fun :o) Give my regards to Kak Lil :o) & take care Abe Id :o)

  4. Mr. Idham.. Luqman made a very smart decision hehehhe.. he has a very good reasoning skill.

    Well done Luqman..

    Have fun moving to your own house!! Congratulations.. nanti post la gmbr rumah baru ye..

  5. yes, a little bribery, oops, present, won't hurt.

  6. Luqman is so cute and mature in reasoning/thinking too..

    Enjoy your new house..

    That reminds me of the same conversations we used to have when me and my sis were kids but MashAlah have to admit luqman sounds more mature than he actually is or appears

    Am so impressed. :)
    hope to hear from you soon

  8. Encik Idham,
    Your son Luqman is so cute. Love the last picture of him...

  9. syana...:) their shooting gets better by the hour....hehehe...and accidentally I have been shot by stray bullets too....hahaha...havoc bila ada tiga boys within confined space.

    we are looking forward to the house move.
    Invitation for house warming already sent out in the uae-malaysian yahoo group hehehe


  10. rd....yes, he continue to surprise us with his quick and sharp logic...all in his innocent way.

    Thanks, we are so looking forward to end our days and nights in this hotel.



  11. D...:) the bribery...ooopss present.....ooopss investment...has very high retun rate....i got to save lots of Dirham by him taking the school bus...:)


  12. anggerik....:)

    thanks. Will update with some pictures of the new house...

    jika u ada sini...boleh jugak datang house warming..:)


  13. hi Cat cat....thanks for the compliments....nanti dia baca harus kembang tu...:)

    he loves praises....hehehehe


  14. hi Dark S....:) yes, we need to meet up soon.
    i am doing a house warming this Friday...would you be available to join my Malaysian frens...or would u be more comfortable when we can meet up with the ex-U colleagues?

    Keep well....!


  15. wow i'm impressed. At such a young age he has a lot of senses. *hmm wonder where he got dat from, hehh*

  16. I'm truly impressed with Luqman - he showed such maturity at such a young age. He puts some adults (who belanja way beyond their means!) to shame.

    Bravo Luqman! And bravo to you and LiL for bringing up such a fine young man.

    All the best with the new place and have fun moving! :D

    (Hmmm...I could hear a big sigh there anticipating all the packing/unpacking/cleaning up/decorating, etc...)

  17. ween....:)
    i think la kan....most of it la kan....comes from his good sense ...and kak LiL's influence is quite significant there too...

    i am too cepat cair...jika dia mint terus mahu bagi hehehehe


  18. wanshana.....:) memang tak sabar nak pindah....dah terasa lemas di bilik hotel especially bulan puasa nie....dah habis dah items on the room service menu tu kami try hehehehe...maklum lah kan dah hampir sebulan....

    luqman is a fine young man...!


  19. selamat mindah pindah banggg

    raya kat umah baghu le yerrr

  20. red mummy...:)

    thank you. hari ni dah basuh rumah....adesss...pasir dan air...baru basuh dah berdebu balek....

    besuk barang2 turun kontena...


  21. Bestnya house warming. Will wait for yr story

  22. anggerik...hehehee :)
    story will be delayed. New house still without internet and I will be travelling to Tehran on Tuesday...

    when is ur return date?


  23. enjoy your house, hope it is a big one thus enabling you to have more 'sessions' where the limit is only your mind... eh! bulan posa nih... sshhh (apologize, otaek kuraeng baek, barew baek demem...)

  24. Abg Id..You definitely punya anak2 yang bertimbangrasa dan pandai berfikir..alhamdulillah...Kecil2 dah pandai berfikir sejauh itu...

    Selamat berpindah ke rumah baru..jangan lupa postkan gambarnya tau!

  25. naper mom & dad tak join main sekali???

  26. Thanks for posting, idham!
    Have a good day

  27. i was reluctant to buy pistols and gun with bullets for my boy takut dia tembak his sisters.... do you have that problem?

    Way to go Luqman! He is so mature.

  28. wise kids u have there, abe id...

    tee pun memang tak pernah beli pistol kat Abang. maklumla, adik2 dia kecik2 jer lagi... kan ade yg dibuat target ...

  29. baguih betoi Luqman. besaq2 nanti jadi gentleman naa.. :D

    abg id jgn lupa letak gmbq umah baruu


  30. Will travel back on Oct 1 from Heathrow.

    Enjoy yr stay in Tehran

  31. Salam Id,
    Anak yang amat perihatin.
    Selamat berpindah ke rumah sendiri. Tentu bz berkemas.

  32. sib baik none of the boys mintak beli barbie doll....

    May the new house provides extra harmony and good security to a happy family.

  33. Luqman is smart!

    Looking forward to read about the new home.

  34. hai mad redo1....:) cukup la space untuk main kejar2...hehehe...cuma semput jer la...yg menjadi limitation....


  35. Raden Galoh ...
    gambar2 ruymah tunggu la ye....tapi ada tu post kan gambar2 yg di ambil oleh saudara Halim tetamu Iftar dan house warming last friday...i am in iran....nanti balek akan letak gambar rumah tu...



  36. Mummy Rizq ... and dad....prefer private time....tak main pun tak aper....hehehe, asalkan berdua.

