Since the start of school, I have been driving the three boys to their respective schools every morning. The journey from our residential apartment to both Amirul and Haziq's school and then to Luqman's school takes about an hour, and then a return trip of forty five minutes. It has been a long time since I spent as much quality time with the boys and LiL every morning.
LiL and the boys seemed to enjoy the ride as much as I do.
We talk about their school lessons, new friends, and some of their new experiences.
Amirul for example, is into this project of writing a guide book for tourists to cross the the plain of America in the days of the Red Indians. In the last couple of days, I have learnt a lot about ancient America by listening to his research.
Haziq has written an essay on "The most memorable moments during the summer holiday". We asked him to read his essay during one of the morning drive, and both LiL and I were touched listening to his account of the day we spent at the orphanage.
Of all the things he did, he remembers the day at Darul Izzah with the children there the most.
Luqman, has been both funny and so sweet every time we approach his school. Last week, he said to us "Please touch my heart, it is beating so fast...I think I am scared". LiL did touch, and she confirmed that he was anxious. We tried to understand the cause of his anxiety. It was the Religious lessons. He has been anxious in trying to memorize some of the Ssurah and Doa taught.
This morning, I thought he was so cute when he said to LiL just before they left the car, "Mom, please don't kiss me in front of the whole school. Just kiss me in the car like Ayah does".
I am reconsidering the decision to hire a driver. Time with Family matters!
Finally I got to see how they are early mornings - the good, the grumpy, and the cute side of my boys.
After six days of fasting, Luqman still break fasts at 2pm daily. He was so proud today for not eating in school despite one of his classmates celebrated her birthday and they served out cupcakes. We congratulated him.....and quietly I made a mental note to buy him some cupcakes soon.
LiL and the boys seemed to enjoy the ride as much as I do.
We talk about their school lessons, new friends, and some of their new experiences.
Amirul for example, is into this project of writing a guide book for tourists to cross the the plain of America in the days of the Red Indians. In the last couple of days, I have learnt a lot about ancient America by listening to his research.
Haziq has written an essay on "The most memorable moments during the summer holiday". We asked him to read his essay during one of the morning drive, and both LiL and I were touched listening to his account of the day we spent at the orphanage.
Of all the things he did, he remembers the day at Darul Izzah with the children there the most.
Luqman, has been both funny and so sweet every time we approach his school. Last week, he said to us "Please touch my heart, it is beating so fast...I think I am scared". LiL did touch, and she confirmed that he was anxious. We tried to understand the cause of his anxiety. It was the Religious lessons. He has been anxious in trying to memorize some of the Ssurah and Doa taught.
This morning, I thought he was so cute when he said to LiL just before they left the car, "Mom, please don't kiss me in front of the whole school. Just kiss me in the car like Ayah does".
I am reconsidering the decision to hire a driver. Time with Family matters!
Finally I got to see how they are early mornings - the good, the grumpy, and the cute side of my boys.
After six days of fasting, Luqman still break fasts at 2pm daily. He was so proud today for not eating in school despite one of his classmates celebrated her birthday and they served out cupcakes. We congratulated him.....and quietly I made a mental note to buy him some cupcakes soon.
Salam Mr Idham,
ReplyDeleteIt seems like it's a pleasant beginning in a new environment. You got plenty time to catch up with the boys and also Kak LiL now.. very good then!!! :)
I also value the time in the car every morning. Sembang2 dlm kereta mmg best...
salam idham,
ReplyDeleteisn't that just feels wonderful. I know the feeling. I too send my daughters to school but more often than not there are grumpy sebab masih mengantuk. Lucky it was only a five minute drive. Then both my wife and I singgah minum kat kedai mamak.
You never know that such simple things give a lot of pleasure. But what if you have to be away? Kat sana Lil boleh drive ke? Your kids seem to be very caring individuals, bless them.
ReplyDeleteYes, the routine can actually be a wonderful experience for all!
ReplyDeleteyes.. its in the car yang paling banyak story kita boleh share coz everybody has to sit still and listen! tak boleh gerak ke mana mana.. hee.. hee...
ReplyDeleteme pun, kalau ada serious discussion dgn hubby will do it in the car.
tapi bulan puasa ni payah sket, pepagi nak pi kerja, masuk kete jer, i terus tutup mata! tido lg best.. hee.. hee..
i envy you! i try to send my daughter to school everyday even tho it is only 1 minute drive, becoz i love kiss and hug her and she will salam and cium my hand before entering the school. however i have to leave work quite early and wud be unfair to her if she has to go to school so early and wait there, padahal the school is just 3 minutes walking distance from home...:(
ReplyDeleteAbe Id :o)
ReplyDeleteI have tagged you. Please visit my blog for details. Selamat Berpuasa.
Abe Id :o) :o)
ReplyDeleteSpending quality time in the car is very rewarding. the space and time enables you to really focus on the person in the car with you. I sometimes send my hubby to work. we'd have breakfast together and plan a few things out while stuck in the traffic. sometimes i find we chat about things we've never chat before, even at home.
I'm really glad that you and kak Lil are spending quality time with your kids :o) The moments are priceless!
Abg Id...Salam alaik..Seronok kan dapat buat semua tu...Me especially bila dpt hantar anak gi sekolah and have the chance to chit-chat about anything rasanya sangatlah INVOLVED dlm kehidupan anak-anak...
ReplyDeleteAnd sekarang bila dah kerja pun saya masih hantar anak ke sekolah dulu baru lepas tu we all drive gi kerja..
Oh ya...I tagged you...Ha! Please visit my blog okay?
Take care.
Hey Adham
ReplyDeleteWhere have you been.Happy Ramadan hope you are setttleing well in your new job :)
dah bapak soooo loving and love being loved even in the public, anak2 pon ikot serta...nanti masa i kawen and ade anak2, i'll consult u and kak lil okeh?
ReplyDeleteAbg Id,
ReplyDeletethe boys are so cute with their story..especially Luqman..Very loving boys and caring boys.
kak lil bayar u berapa gaji utk jadi chauffeur this time id? :0)
ReplyDeletefrom this i am assuming that u havent started doing ur next adventure/job? i have missed loads of ur entries from my 3 week's absence...
by the way..ur hp contact no..is it still the same no or has it changed?
salam ramadhan dari kami sekeluarga di sini... :0)
yes, yes, family matters... agree wholeheartedly...
ReplyDeleteRd ...
ReplyDeleteSalam ,
Captive audience kan ...hehehe ...no, better than that actually....while driving we are not distracted by anything else....anxieties abt problems are normally suspended...and driving also give people an excuse of talking without really having to maintain the uncomforatbel eye contact...
how is traffic in Bintulu?
Mior ..
wonderful indeed....especially for someone like me who has not been doing so for the last eleven years....uhuks....now i know what i have been missing....a high price to pay in the name of career....
lessons learnt! FAMILY MATTERS!
enjoy your time with ur loved ones mior...:)
Queen Of The House ...
ReplyDeleteyes....this simple thing is indeed my re-discovered source of joy....luckily here LiL should be able to drive...but first must take lessons and do the test....we are no longer allowed to convert Malaysian License to local one....
When i converted mine four years ago...it was still allowed..so i was lucky.
i travel a lot less in this new job...and that is one important factor which made me accepted it.
Dah penat travel la Queen....
D ...
ReplyDeleteOnly those who exprience it will know the experience....:)
Hope Mr D gets better each day...
Mummy Rizq ... :)
ReplyDeleteBulan puasa....kalau pagi masih ok...cergas jer....bila afternoon adess.....layu jugak abg id pun...
Sekali tu terpaksa naik taxi dgn LiL sbb nak pergi somewhere we don't know the way.....MALU! sbb I was snoring in the back seat hehehe
You know, i tetiba terjaga and i could hear my own snore...
Bahaya kan...hehehe
konot ...
ReplyDeleteSounds like a wonderful mom - daughter relationship u hv going there Konot....
i suka tenguk anak2 salam cium tangan....
dok dekat sekolah ada banyak advantage tu...tak kena traffic jam...anak tak penat...risiko kurang...:)
sYaNa ..
Yes....it also helps us get through laborious traffic crawl...and I tell u it is much better than cursing other drivers..hehehe
Like I said to RD....chatting in the car ...we feel more comfortable especially on delicate issues...sbb tak payah maintain eye contact....it is similar to talking on the phone...except that we are next to each other...:)
Alamat kena tag ka? hehehe i hv already checked it out....nanti la ye...hehehehe
Raden Galoh...
ReplyDeleteMemang betul tu....we actually spend a lot of time in the car...but for me...i have not been sending my children to school for the last 11 years - now baru re-discover betapa best nya pagi2 bercerita dalam kereta..:)
Heheheh...e......raden pun tag abg id ek...sama tu dgn syana...
nanti la ye..
Hi Dark S...
ReplyDeleteThanks for dropping by Dark S....u brought some cheer to me ....nice to know I am missed :):)
I am still meeting people getting to know them, and the business. I plan to lift one gear after the Eid...:)
Still in service apartment as my new house is not yet ready for move in....
We will catch up sometimes....
Manal ...
ReplyDeletehehehehe....begitu lah kan....kemana tumpah kuah jika tidak ke kerak nasik hahahaha...
it will be my pleasure to be of any help when the time comes...
Salam Ramadhan to u ...
anggerik merah ... Salam dari padang pasir to the windy Edin...hehehehe...i am guessing that it is windy over there. betul ka?
ReplyDeleteYou please take care over there....
and the itik2 too...:)
simah ...
ReplyDeletehahahaha....kak lil sentiasa bayar gaji i nie...tak de yg tertunggak.....better than Peremb@ I can tell you...hehehee
Lama jugak tu u cuti2 ek..siap gi ladang olives ...best best....eh ur daughter tu kan...cute! and she has ur iras iras....dekat2 ur photo copy u know...hehehe
yes, my mobile remain the same...salam to everyone at home there Simah...
mad.redo1 ...
ReplyDeleteFAMILY MATTERS ....more than anything else ...!
walking the talk..require some hard decision though....
stay happy Mad Redo1.
Mr. Id
ReplyDeleteTraffic in Bintulu has always been clear.. tak byk sgt pun kereta and jalan semua 2 lanes.. so semua mmg smooth most of the time.Takde traffic jam pun kat sini.By the way, I sent an email to you couple of days ago.
I only started driving about 4 years ago. Before that, everywhere I or the kids wanted to go, we had to wait for my hubby. But, best coz' the time spent with the whole family in the car was/is just awesome.
ReplyDeleteAfter I found the courage to drive, I became (and still am) the primary family driver - resulting in less time spent with hubby... Now, gi TESCO sendiri, gi market sendiri, gi run errands sendiri, etc.Tak leh nak "manja" sangat...
So, bila weekends aje I insist on leaving my car at my MIL's place when we go back to our own place so that he won't have any choice but to drive us around all weekend. Hehehe!
Yup! Time with the family - matters :D
Glad that you're spending more time with K.Lil and the boys.
ReplyDeletewonderful kids you have...
they mirrored their parents, no?
ReplyDeleteDevelopment comes with a price....one of them is trafiic jam!
Just read ur mail.....kak LiL and I are so happy for you and ameen....both for the rezki and for your trip to His house....May God continue to bless you and family....InsyAAllah...
Will send the photos taken when we met for dinner via mail....check ur in box soon...
My salam for Ameen....hug both ur children.
abg id.
ReplyDeleteaha...thanks....yes they are wonderful....love them all..!
wan shana.....satu taktik yg bagus sekali....tinggalkan kereta ...so that u and hubby dapat spend more time in the car....:)
ReplyDeletemacam tu la kan...kena sentiasa mencari idea sendiri on how to bring for family time together....jangan setakat merajuk jer kan....:)
keep the love blossoming...