Being new in Dub@i, and if you are like me.....you would have
- taken wrong turns, even if you were using GPS because so many roads are undergoing construction or upgrading. You could, just like me, ended close to seventy kilometres on a wrong motorway before you can find a way out.
- taken wrong turns, even if you were using GPS because so many roads are undergoing construction or upgrading. You could, just like me, ended close to seventy kilometres on a wrong motorway before you can find a way out.
- Trusted a delivery man blindly when he promised to deliver your piece of furniture at 6pm..you even re-arranged your schedule to wait for him....and planned to go out for dinner afterwards. When he failed to turn up.....you believed his story that he was on the way and "will arrive in TEN MINUTES, sir!" By 9pm, your children were hungry, and you were close to being angry...and the delivery man has been promising to arrive in TEN MINUTES for the last twenty times! Finally, you had toast and fried eggs for dinner, and switched off the light to sleep...afterall it was already 11pm. Then, it happened! They rang the gate bell....!You rubbed your eyes, it was 12 midnight, and by the time they fixed the furniture it was 1am....
- Rushed early to send your children to school.....and you arrived within close proximity of the school in twenty minutes....got stuck at the round-about which happened to be a major intersections under construction, and crawled inch by inch for forty minutes to get pass it!
- You feel terror in your heart everytime you drive on the motorway. In your rear view mirrow you see huge four-by-four vehicles come tearing down as if they were hunting you....and as you swerve out of their way, you noticed your speedometer was doing 120km....yet, they zoomed past, and within one minute dissapeared from sight. Such are the hurry of Dub@i drivers......and majority of cars are big four-by-four. My Beetle....looks so feminine and vulnerable!
- You got lost, and called your friend to ask for direction. Being someone familiar with Dubai, he told you to drive towards a Stadium which had its spotlight on which according to your friend is close to your residence! You followed the bright light...and got closer and closer and felt happier and happier. Just as you thought you have found your way...the bright light happened to be spotlights from hundreds of cranes working on a construction site - not at all a stadium! Darn......

- You agreed to the invitation of your new found friends to go shopping in Naif, and you thought they have taken you to Bombay!
- And if you are like me being new in Dub@i, you do need a lot of help from people who have been here before! You need someone to tell you where to buy your S@lik, how to pay for your parking tickets, where to find nasi lemak, and what to do if you are involved in a car accident. In less than two weeks, I have seen minor, major, and fatal accidents......they just happened!
Tonight I was summoned Dirham150 for parking in Kar@ma because I did not pay for parking, and the reason being - I didn't know I had to pay. Driving back, more misfortune - I didn't know I had to purchase a S@LIK card ( pre-paid toll card ).
- But, if you are like me......you take all those with a lot of humour and resist any tempatation to be angry. No one cares whether you are angry or not, or how you feel ....Dub@i is a city where its inhabitants are into 'rat-race' big time, competing like trees in a forest fighting for sunlight, and are brutally selfish in a manner where 'dog eat dog', and where promises are meant to be broken and no plans work as planned. Please help me God ......
- You truely treasure that very few people who still show they are humans, still able to be nice and helpful. We are lucky, we have met a few......
- If you were me, what would you do.......?
u make it sounds like life in dubai is ironic@terrible@horrible@etc (can't find the right word)...
ReplyDeletetakutnya....... :))
anyway life is always a rat race
Dr No....yes, during the last couple of days...i do feel the unpleassant side of living here...
ReplyDeletetraffic jam nye sungguh terific!
harga barang2 nya sungguh tinggi menjulang!
Drivers here - aaargghhh, drive me up the wall...!
and and worse of all for me....people lies as a habit!!!!
"TEN MINUTES!" ITU JAWAPAN BIASA...walaupun di maksudkan....ten days!
and, i hv been here before...visiting ...many times....for at least a week every month...for the last 3 years...but, until i come to live and having to drive around myself....i did not realize ll these darker side of dub@i.
isk isk.. dasat ek.. but good for you coz u are taking it with lotsa humour (rahsia menten awet muda kan.. heheh) in a way, i pulak rasa saspen and takotss coz it seems like that's how i'm gonna be when i start in my new place next month (not in Dubai tho.. phewww!!!).. the kelam kabutness and the always kalut me.. aiyahhh..
ReplyDeletekalau saya.. kena doa byk2 je laa..
"Lailaahailla anta Subhanakainni kuntuminazzaalimin"..
Encik Idham,
ReplyDeleteI heard alot of good things about Dubai. Give it some time, you will get used to the place and you are going to love it there.
Abg Id...It's a blessing actually that you know some of the bad characters of Dubai...soon you'll see many of its good sides...believe me...
ReplyDeleteI guess you have been comfortable with the life in Jeddah and this new change is kindda abrupt...give yourself some time to adjust and adapt...But knowing you, you sound okay anyway as you can take it with a laughter in tow...
If I were you, grab it as a challenge and hang on there...learn to be like a Dubaian (?) which I believe you are already in the process... tapi janganlah samapi jd dog eats dog eh...
take care.
hahahaha, id you made me feel like i dont miss Dubai at all :)
ReplyDeleteseven years ago it made a lot of difference else I would have been slapped with tons of parking tickets as I used to do grocery shopping in Karama every week. well, enjoy life there - it's an experience huh!
-mama rock is back after getting drown in loads of paperwork :)
It all seems very interesting despite all the hassles of getting used to a new place. Just keep your cool, grin and bear it. My mantra has always been "Don't sweat the small stuff" .... it really helps keep the blood pressure down!!
ReplyDeleteApa pun ... please keep safe (especially on the roads).
ReplyDeletesaja je nak say Hai....
ntah kenapa rindu sangat pada kanda dengan kak LiL...
ct mintak maaf tak dapat p KL jumpa kanda n family masa kanda n family balik hari tu...
ct rasa regret sangat :(
i do miss all of u....
pinat ...
ReplyDeleteahh....jgn takots...u will be alright....apa2 pun mentain jer senyum tu ek...:)
thanks for the doa...boleh juga abg id amalkan tu..."Lailaahailla anta Subhanakainni kuntuminazzaalimin"..
Cat Cat ..
ReplyDelete:) yes yes, I am sure there are lenty of good things about dubai...and i decided to come here with my eyes wide open...hehehe...
just a few days of high frustration ....so kat mana lagi di luahkan jika tidak di blog kan kan....:)
Raden Galoh...
ReplyDelete:) indeed kan...elok juga cepat2 tahu pasal the darker side nie...kalau buat mistake pun boleh d betulkan... by Ramadhan I think everything will be settled...and u r right, I was comfortable in Jeddah...semua orang tolong buatkan...driver pun ada, maids pun ada....di sini belum ada driver....dan belun ada maids....itu buat kami ada sedikit stress...campur pulak belum tahu jalan2...hehehe
Mama Rock :) Lama sungguh eh mama menghilangkan diri...rindu kita dah sampai tahap gaban ..hehehehe..
ReplyDeletedubai dah bertukar wajah dan sifat dah mama since six years ago...jika dulu padang pasir ..dan the satu je tall building....now it has become a concrete jungle....dan bersifat kiasu! hehehe
i think karama is still the same....cuma now kena bayar parking...
Queen Of The House ...
ReplyDeleteI like the mantra la queen....yes! "Don't sweat the small stuff" ....
finally got my new car this morning.....hehehe....syiok gak drive...
adesss....rindu la nie...awatnya tak mai haghi tu...adesss....dah tu mcm mana nak hilangkan rindu...mai la sini....berpuasa kat sini ka.....
bawak la ayahanda ct jalan2 ...buat umrah ka....bulan posa ni...:)
u take care na dinda...!
I just created a new blog "mamaksat" inspired by mamak stall. Every visit to Mamak gave me different values and ideas.
ReplyDeleteP/s like father like son~ cheers!
alamak abg id.. i only heard the good and nice things about dubai all this while. Especially the shopping part. And now you are making me scared.....
ReplyDeleteHello there! Blog hopped my way here...
ReplyDeleteWow, looks like Dub@i is getting really hectic!
Nice looking camels!
Salam Idham,
ReplyDeleteTak pernah sampai ke sana. Tapi dari cerita tuan, saya pun tak boleh tahan macam.
Samaada daptkan seorang pemandu tempatan atau beli 4x4 yang lebih besar. Jaga darah tu.....
sounds like the kind of place mad redo1 would find himself being trampled by hundreds of camel's hoaves... not to mention the 4X4 tyres... good luck, Encik Idham...
InsyaAllah, lama lama biasalah kat sana. Ceh, macam real jer kan. Yang menanggung nya saudara. Apapun sabarjer lah ya
ReplyDeletewhoa, all that camels!!
ReplyDeleteKata orang 'Alah bisa tegal biasa'... cool....
ReplyDeletehi mamak's fan...:) happy writing!
ReplyDeleteerkk.....like father like son?? *muka confuse*
mummy rizq....:) dubai is still a cool and exciting place to VISIT...and i am sure even to LIVE in. Cuma during my early dys nie...i amgoing through too much personal changes....dah lebih sepuluh tahun dah biasa dengan driver...now memandu sendiri....hehehe contohnya!
hai fairygodmom...:) Dubai is a city which does not sleep....it breath money!!! hehehe
hai Zabs...:)
ReplyDeletejika ada masa dan rezki dan ingin ke sini..please let me know....accomodation and foods on me.!
Sedang mencari driver....dah interview seorang hari tu, tapi he does not speak english....banyak susah mcm tu...:)
i am reverting totaxi now, jika nak pergi ke tempat baru...
but, have used weekend yesterday pusing2 dgn kereta to get used to the roads....and marking them on the GPS....getting better everyday !
mad redo1 ....:) thanks....camels are normally off the road la....hehehe.....and 4x4 are the real terrors here.....and in the hands of highly spirited people, can be dangerous...
ReplyDeleteeh bila nak mai dubai?
mior adzhar...:) memang alah biasa tegal biasa kan...:)
ReplyDeleteeh suka unta ka? daging unta mahal tau...susu unta lemak manis...and mengikut kata, berkhasat!
ahni.....:) yes yes, alah bisa tega biasa...dan semin hari semakin biasa di sini....dah mula merasai seronoknya...heheh :)
Tak perlu confius~ hehehe
ReplyDeletewhat would I do? I'd take the next ticket back home....
ReplyDeletehwheheh....mamak's fan....jaga kolestrol ek....menten!
D....:) not as bad as that...hehehe...would love to make this stay a success....beginning to get used to everything day by day...:)
wah like dat ahh?? then ente kena kirim daging and susu unta
ReplyDeleteI dah visited Dubai a couple of times before but never bumped into a herd of camels loke that. Wow! Interesting.
ReplyDeleteween...hehehe....lebih baik ente jer dtg visit anna....lebih fresh gitu :)
ruby....hehehe...alaaa itu gambar hiasan dari google image search la..mana nak cari unta mcm gitu di dubai....semua dah jadi bangunan pencakar langit.....but masih ada ladang unta di padang pasir dekat dubai....tapi tak de la pulak pokok2 mcm dlm gambar tu...
ReplyDeletei also dont now where that picture is from...
in dubai ada orang jual nasi lemak???
ReplyDeletebest nyaaa....
ReplyDeleteyes, ada restoren jual nasik lemak...and byk lagi menu ala-ala malaysian/singaporean.
dan ramai juga rakan2 melayu di sini yang memng terrer masak memasak dan baik hati menjemput kami makan makan...
Alhamdulilah! :)