In offices, no beverages or food are served.
Non Muslims can still do what they want to do, but in private.
The same was true when I was in Jeddah.
In Malaysia, the situation is different. Muslims in Malaysia are more tolerant towards the differences a diverse society brings. Only Muslims are not allowed to display their disobedience of the Ramadan callings publicly. In my view, is necessary to avoid confusion amongst our young children. However, from my own experience - my NoN Muslim friends and neighbours had always chosen to respect their fasting Muslim counterparts. Even if they were eating when I intruded, they would apologize and stopped the act while in my company.
I still prefer the Malaysian way - that we let the freedom of choice to the NoN Muslims to exercise their own judgement.
Often asked about Fasting by Non-Muslims, my answer has been simple.
"Fasting is separating our body from our soul for a month. During the month of Ramadan we give priority to our soul - nourishing it with prayers and remembrance of God's blessings.
During this month, we deny our body of its usual pleasures of foods, drinks, and intimacy. It is a way of resting our systems - overhauling them.
We also get to appreciate how it feels not to be able to eat and drink when we want to during the day".
There are of course more reasons to the ones I give above. There are verses from the Hadith and Qur'an. I am yet to learn all of them sufficiently to be able to quote them with confidence. However, my simple explanation seems to work.
Bro Id-He,
ReplyDeleteInteresting !
I was explaining exactly the same to the new Czech Born, Russian origin Manager yesterday. He called for a meeting at 6:30, and frankly, I could not make it.
By the end of the explanation, I was thinking, I have yet to learn the Hadith and Qur'an to be able to quote them with confidence.
Salamat Menghayati Ramadhan Al Mubarak !
Remember when I was younger, it's a norm to kiss before lalala-ing to school where mumsie would plant a peck on my cheek. But when Ramadhan came, she's do,
ReplyDeletetak leh cium, tak leh cium.
selamat poso... ado akok ko sano?
ReplyDeleteRamadan Kareem!!
ReplyDeleteSelamat berpuasa!!
Even though I'm a chinese, tak le puasa. Tapi minta maaf dulu kalau nak minum ke...nak makan ke... hiding in the corner makan... hehee
I agreed wif u still prefer the malaysian way of respecting each of the ehtnic and their religion.
Bila Ramadhan datang, rasa suasana tu lain jer..lebih tenang, fikiran lebih clear...
selamat berpuasa bro...
mamat russia tu pun tak patut panggil meeting kol 6.30pm tu....dia kena sensitip sikit pasal budaya org islam di musim puasa...
but good for u Joe....cuba jugak nak explain....:)
hehehe restless....mumsies kisses okey kut naa....
comolot tu yg tak leh tu...
u take care there!
hai pendita...:)
ReplyDeletessini tak dok akok...adess....abe id beghehi sungguh akok tuh...kalu buleh poh maghi lah dalae seting duo...hehehehe
ahyi....:) good for u...and good of u...to be considerate like that. That is why i said, i prefer the malaysian way....
ReplyDeleteboth the people who fast and people who do not fast feel like they have the freedom to do what they want to do...no one is imposing, except good manners and consideration.
i read ur blog....enjoyed reading ur expriene visiting kuwait.
onde onde..i fully agree with u...di bulan ramadan rasa tenang....dan lebih merasai nikmatnya sebagai seorang Muslim...
ReplyDeleteone thing about woring for a family business here in dubai - the grandpa would come everyday from dzuhur to maghrib ( bukan bulan puasa ) dan hingga asar di bulan puasa untuk imamkan solat berjemaah di mussala pejabat!
I like that a lot.....
selamat berpuasa, wani...!
eh kissing takleh ke?
ReplyDeleteBukan ke ada hadith cakap rasulullah (or was it a sahabat?) cium isteri before leaving the house?
I kiss Taufik before he leaves the house. Tapi takdelah lebih2 sampai naik syahwat or something. tee hee.
That's a good way to explain fasting. I abru aje explain to some of my non-muslim readers tak sat.. panjang berjela jugak nak explain.
elisa...:) i too ...i too.....but but our kisses tu all in the name of love la kan....not like the western couple who was arrested tu....theirs was a different kind of kissing...smooching...saja cari pasal la tu...:)
ReplyDeleteyea...i believe in explaining rather than brushing off their questions....and hopefully they can see the logic and reasons for us fasting.
u take care ..
Selamat berpuasa bro Id.. Like this story. Came to read earlier!
ReplyDeleteyeah ah
ReplyDeletemy non muslim colleagues takut nak makan depan i, i told them no worries..i dont hv any prob wt that...makan la hazab camne pun, i still can control
but one thing..
jgn tido depan aku
aku bila fasting month mmg x ckp tido semedang je banggggg
slamat berpuasa di rantauan
coming back down?
selamat berpuasa abg idham!
ReplyDeleteSelamat Berpuasa sebulan Ramadhan...
ReplyDeleteoh, my version of what fasting means to my little ones has been adjusted to cater for them. BOleh kan?? Memandai je...
ReplyDeleteanggerik merah...:) are u back in scotland? or still in cairo? or r u home with ur big and lil man?
ReplyDeleteno matter where u r ...my salam and wishes of a Blessed Ramadhan....:)
hai mummy red...
ReplyDeletei hv forwarded the cv tu...tapi belum ada responce. Proect tu ....untuk buat LRT di dubai....i will try a few more...
hehehehe....memang la kan tak cukup tido....teraweeh lagi...bangun masak sahur lagi....nak hapdet blog lagi hehehee
anyway....selamat berpuasa he[[y selalu!
azzah....same to u and family....selamat berpuasa....:)
ReplyDeletemesti busy kan sebulan ni...
nour...sama sama...:) selamat berpuasa....dan semoga mendapat berkat bulan Ramadhan yng mulia ini...
D....love your responce to your lil man.....senang dia faham...:)
ReplyDeleteIye la kan....that is the spirit of Ramadhan...Berbuat baik berganda2!
Asalkan kita memahami kemuliaan bulan Ramadhan dan tidak memperlekehkan apa yg telah di tentu kan Allah....kira ok la tu...
Memang telah di tentukan...sebulan ini lebih mulia dari blan2 yg lain....dan banyak rahmat yang kita boleh dapati dengan menghayati the spirit of Ramadhan...for those who believe!
Selamat ramadhan. Nice working atmosphere, boleh sembahyang jemaah.
ReplyDeleteGot to puasa ONE day in Malaysia before flying back. Time siang letih je...ye lah kan.. panas.. selalu puasa kat sini sejuk and sekejap je. Tapi time nak buka tu seronok...pi pasar ramadhan... aduss...so many choices...semua nak rasa :)
:) welcome back KD.....really great to see u in here again....
ReplyDeleteread your account of ur hols....magnificient!
Sselamat berpuasa to u and ur family too.....
abg arif.
u sure missed a lot of 'kuih' and dishes from here....
ReplyDeletemasak sendiri je lah.
tapi takkan nk buat akok sendiri kan...
my hubby nak mkn kuih 'ulat bulu'... and 'asa gumpal'....mana la nk carik kat ipoh ni...nak buat pun x tau lagi...huuhhuuhu
ada juga org kita yg tak malu makan depan org klu tak, takde la black maria yg femes tuh heheheee
ReplyDeleteklu girls yg tak posa tu lagi dahsyat. siap wat muka seposen tapau nasik kat gerai. yg ada malu2 kuchen sket suh budak cina ke india pi tapaukan utk dorang..isk isk
Abg Arif,
ReplyDeleteI am back to my old kampung for a few weeks. Visited our itek-itek yesterday. Semua sehat. Makin gemuk!
Ramadhan Mubarak to you and family.
Dr No...:) memang miss bazaar ramadhan....kueh simple2 tu boleh la buat hehehe...but but taht day pergi jemputan berbuka, ada sorang kawan tu buatkan air lai chee kangg....wah sungguh enak!!!
ReplyDeletei sendiri pun tak kenal apa itu kueh ulat bulu....adesss..
kat ipoh, apa ek yang femes?
ReplyDeletekalau org kita yg makan in public rasanya sungguh nampak sumbang la kan...
lagi2 pulak di depan anak2...
but, in the end - sendiri mau tau la kan...!
aha Anggerik,
ReplyDeleteitek2 tu ada org datang kasik makan kut...hehehe
selamat berpuasa di rantau, jauh dari keluarga tercinta....tapi pulang sebelum raya ka?
abg arif