Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Monday, September 3, 2007

Ouchhhhh, that hurts!

“Darling you are no longer a swivel chair…..Go easy on yourself!”
LiL was right. I would not have injured my back if I did not twist so sharply to take the briefcase from the back seat of our car. I should have been more aware of my own physical limitation now…..I am no longer the supple and flexible thirty something….Long gone are the days when I could wiggle my hips and throw my left foot, then the right one to the tunes of the cha cha….or go down low doing my a-go-go twist, and the occassional limbo rock….Now, I am a body with visible wear and tear…..At best, I am an antique which is prized and displayed for people to see and make silly or funny remarks on…..
For example, if I were an old antique organ the musical instruments, I can imagine them saying to each other “Look! That is an interesting looking organ….possibly one which has done one too many cha cha….and one twist to long”.

Tonight, I enjoyed an hour of oil massage. When it was time for me to return the favour – she simply said, “Not tonight lah.....” .
Hehehehe…..I only wanted to be nice….! What la you.......*Grinning sheepishly, pulled over my blanket and pretended to sleep. When she dozed off....i got up to update this entry and had the last say for the night...Maaaaooowwwww!!*


  1. Salam Id,
    Tak-maaaaowww, balas kucing tu dalam lelapnya. Saya sudah berada di mana anda berada sekarang. Tapi kalau adas anak2 yang masih di primary school, kita akan terasa masih muda. As Ruby had said, you are as young, as you think.
    I was in Wales (1995-96), dah tua dapat peluang belajar lagi. Beasutiful country. Tidak banyak pencemaran.

  2. Hahaha Encik Idham... You are way too funny... Kesian.. Kena tunggu Kak Lil's bendera turun baru boleh "bom cha cha"... Hahahah!

  3. ha ha ha ha ha.. comelnyeee kocheng tu..

  4. hahhaha...hello man...u can always return the favour in other ways la...bagi la handbag ke, perfume ke...:)):D

  5. Queen Of The HouseTuesday, September 04, 2007

    Meeeoowwww ... tak maaaooowwwww!!

    You are too funny. Hehehe.

  6. kesian nyer abg id.. hee.. hee.. if i were kak Lil, you have to give me a 2 hour massage pulak tau....

  7. I must say... that the whole thing seems to make me... catty... hehehe...

  8. comel jer entry abg id ni..

    made me smile :D

  9. The older the fiddle, the sweeter the tune :-)

    Yours Truly

  10. yeah...I agree with mummy rizq... if I were kak Lil, u hv to give me more than 2 hour massage until I tertidur...;-))

  11. AwHh sweet la Abg Id dgn Kak Lil.. I hope 20 years down the road nanti me and Zul will still be so much in love like you and Kak Lil :D

  12. Hi Idham,

    I will not write what the cat said here..ha ha. Alahai, lohmantik nya budak berdua ni. Keep it up...Id, I rajin hari ni ada two entries...sila kan.

  13. All, will reply to your comments later...during the has been one roller coaster the last couple of days....huhuhuhu
    losing my way, sesat jalan, stucked in traffic jam...first couple of days at place, new job, new people....more than a week in hotel rooms with three young boys....having to send children to two different driver...huhuhu



