"Sorry sir, we are closed early for Ramadhan. What is your good name, I will get the officer to return your call tomorrow morning" He was polite and spoke clear good English. He must have been saying the same response to so many callers after the closing time for the office. And when I called it was 2.45pm. Apparently their office close at 2pm - and he is the security man on duty.
Oh well, just a week ago I too issued a circular to announce new working hours during the Month of Ramadhan - "From 9am to 3pm", and it applies to all - Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
From my observation in our office so far, the Muslim ladies tend to leave early using the new timing, but the Males normally stay back longer - at least until after Asar prayer. The Non Muslims vary, perhaps depending on their work load and personal needs. Those who waited to leave late have cited an advantage of a clear road during the iftar time. Good for them.
During the month of Ramadhan it is a requirement by the law for offices to declare shorter working hours for their employees. In UAE, the law does not differentiate between Muslims and Non Muslims, hence everyone has shorter working hours. In Saudi, the law for shorter working hours only applies to Muslims. However, most companies find it hard to discriminate and would extend the flexibility to everyone.
From my outdated experience, this practice of shorter working hours is not common in Malaysia. People in Malaysia works normal hours, and rush back fighting the traffic for Berbuka Puasa. Many working couples resort to Pasar Ramadhan foods - which I must say is something I really miss in Dubai.
Having experienced both, I do prefer the Middle East practice of giving employees the option to leave early. Having the OPTIONS make a great difference. And from experience I have seen employees from most senior to junior managers who come back to the office after Teraweeh to finish off their work. People rarely abuse freedom given to them in good faith.
The freedom to leave early means, more time to prepare home cook meals for the family and more time to beribadah. During the month of Ramadhan, the local Arabs also use the night time to socialize amongst family members. After Teraweeh, they would visit close relatives - a very good practice, in my view.
As for myself, I have been staying on in the office until after Asar prayer. Coming home at around 5pm gives me time to have decent conversations with my children and offer what ever helps needed by LiL in the kitchen. On a day like yesterday when I was tired - I had a short nap. Hehehehe.......another benefit of shorter working hours.
After four days of fasting, we have been invited three times to friends house for Iftar. Murah rezki pulak di bulan Ramadhan tahun ini.....Alhamdullillah!
Yesterday, LiL cooked
-masak lemak udang dengan nenas
-roasted honeyed chicken
-grilled salmon
not bad at all considering we are still living in a service apartment with limited cooking facilities and only an open kitchen - So has to limit to dishes which tak kuat bau!
The holy month of Ramadhan, no matter where we are - God's blessings come in so many ways. Question not 'why'- some Divine callings are beyond us to debate and intellectualize. Surrender......a total surrender. The light will reach the part of your soul you don't even know existed.
"We are closed early - for the holy month of Ramadhan" I begin to appreciate this responce for it make me feel that during this holy month, matters of faith is given higher order priority compared to other worldly matters. It is not for us to say that Ramadhan is like any other months - God has made it special and that is what it will always be.
Oh well, just a week ago I too issued a circular to announce new working hours during the Month of Ramadhan - "From 9am to 3pm", and it applies to all - Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
From my observation in our office so far, the Muslim ladies tend to leave early using the new timing, but the Males normally stay back longer - at least until after Asar prayer. The Non Muslims vary, perhaps depending on their work load and personal needs. Those who waited to leave late have cited an advantage of a clear road during the iftar time. Good for them.
During the month of Ramadhan it is a requirement by the law for offices to declare shorter working hours for their employees. In UAE, the law does not differentiate between Muslims and Non Muslims, hence everyone has shorter working hours. In Saudi, the law for shorter working hours only applies to Muslims. However, most companies find it hard to discriminate and would extend the flexibility to everyone.
From my outdated experience, this practice of shorter working hours is not common in Malaysia. People in Malaysia works normal hours, and rush back fighting the traffic for Berbuka Puasa. Many working couples resort to Pasar Ramadhan foods - which I must say is something I really miss in Dubai.
Having experienced both, I do prefer the Middle East practice of giving employees the option to leave early. Having the OPTIONS make a great difference. And from experience I have seen employees from most senior to junior managers who come back to the office after Teraweeh to finish off their work. People rarely abuse freedom given to them in good faith.
The freedom to leave early means, more time to prepare home cook meals for the family and more time to beribadah. During the month of Ramadhan, the local Arabs also use the night time to socialize amongst family members. After Teraweeh, they would visit close relatives - a very good practice, in my view.
As for myself, I have been staying on in the office until after Asar prayer. Coming home at around 5pm gives me time to have decent conversations with my children and offer what ever helps needed by LiL in the kitchen. On a day like yesterday when I was tired - I had a short nap. Hehehehe.......another benefit of shorter working hours.
After four days of fasting, we have been invited three times to friends house for Iftar. Murah rezki pulak di bulan Ramadhan tahun ini.....Alhamdullillah!
Yesterday, LiL cooked
-masak lemak udang dengan nenas
-roasted honeyed chicken
-grilled salmon
not bad at all considering we are still living in a service apartment with limited cooking facilities and only an open kitchen - So has to limit to dishes which tak kuat bau!
The holy month of Ramadhan, no matter where we are - God's blessings come in so many ways. Question not 'why'- some Divine callings are beyond us to debate and intellectualize. Surrender......a total surrender. The light will reach the part of your soul you don't even know existed.
"We are closed early - for the holy month of Ramadhan" I begin to appreciate this responce for it make me feel that during this holy month, matters of faith is given higher order priority compared to other worldly matters. It is not for us to say that Ramadhan is like any other months - God has made it special and that is what it will always be.
The opportunities are there for us to cleanse our souls and be closer to God - blessed are those who believe!
I think office kerajaan beginning to close as early as 4.30pm especially after that 7.30am morning shift took place effectively recently. They come in at either 7.30am, 8.00am or 8.30am shift.
ReplyDeleteSusahla jugak nak apply this shorter working hour rule unless the leaders get their heads together on approving this system whether its private company or govt. But sounded interesting though.
OK abg id, ramadhan kareem to u and usratak.
I do get to leave early but I don't actually know how early. I just leave around 5.30 pm (normal time, actually, except during 'normal' times I leave around 6.30), and that's because either I or my husband kena pick up the kids from schools. Rush, rush all the way - horrible traffic jams bukan you tak tahu. Sampai rumah with 15 minutes to spare!!
ReplyDeleteIt's just sensible to make allowances for working mothers to get home in time (fathers too).
Salam to kak LiL..
ReplyDeleteikan terubuk masin dah habis makan? hehhe
bestnya boleh balik awal, prepare berbuka sama2, and bila malam terawih dan menghayati keindahan ramadhan sekeluarga.
ReplyDeletemmg kehadiran Ramadhan sgt istimewa :)
selamat berpuasa utk abg id sekeluarga...
The company I work with, we leave 1 hour earlier.
ReplyDeleteSedapnya masak lemak tu..
hai manal...salam....:)
ReplyDeletefirst of all..Ramadhan Kareen to u...
Memang require intervention from the government la....but, i also think what is needed is for one group of companies to start...say if the first mover companies in each sectors start, yang lain kena ikut jugak..because of pressure from their staff...
so, mungkin Telekom, TNB, and some others should just do it....
bukan nak rugi pun business....that much i can say laa :)
untung mungkin ada...!
u take care.
abg idham
ReplyDeleteGood for you....besuk lusa, cuba pulak to leave at 4.30 to test the system...hehehehe...
pakat2 dgn member, jumpa HRD to suggest pertukaran working hours.....mana tau akan dapat perhatian... :)
rushing ....kesian kan.....dah la blood pressure pun naik..kelam kabut semua orang....
take care there Queen.
ReplyDeletethanks for the terubuk....we all tinggal kan part of it for my MIL in melaka....and the rest of it ada bawak ke dubai....belum masak lagi....tuggu special occassion ..:)
how is the venture to te UK...is it progressing?
Wishing you and Ameen and anak2 yg comel2 tu SELAMAT BERPUASA...salam from kak LiL. :)
abg id.
ReplyDeletehow is your first Ramadhan bersama seorang bernama suami? :) best kan....
kalau sempat kan...cuba2 la teraweh berdua di rumah......dalam kemalapan malam.....best tau! shahdu.....dan mengeratkan hubungan suami isteri sambil mendapat keredhaan Allah...
abg id
anggerik...:) i can only say syabas to ur company management for being considerate....!
ReplyDeleteI urge all malaysian employers to do the same...give people, especially kaum ibu supaya boeh balek awal....:)
The benefits goes beyond dollars and cents....inilah masa untuk menunjukkan Islam Hadari ka apa ka...by giving families time to berbuka dan beribadah together.
abg arif.
Aahh... I'm sure Kak Lil can fix anything with whatever utensils!! Lucky you. But somehow, I don't so much miss the Bazaar Ramadhan in malaysia ... It steals away a lot of juice!
ReplyDeletealaaa.. bestnya balik awal. nak keje sana jugak lah! hee.. hee..
ReplyDeleteour office cuma membenarkan balik setengah jam leih awal saja.. Muslims left at 5pm.. doesnt make much different coz sampai umah pun elok time nak berbuka saja..
D...yes, we are lucky...:)
ReplyDeletememang sejak dulu, for sahur we keep it simple jer....i keep to cereals, and most of the time simply OATS...and lots of water.
I wish Mr D recovery and may God ease his pain...I offer My prayers!
mummy rizq..:)
ReplyDeletekalau dtg awal pun tak leh balek lebih awal ka....?
di sini...most locals dont come to work until dzuhur time and leave about 3 or latest after asar ( 3.40pm ).
i kadang2 tu terikut gak cara locals ...hehehe
Encik Idham,
ReplyDeleteBestnya dapat balik awal. Cath masuk kerja kul 9 am dan balik kul 5 ptg. Kalau 9-3 kan best. HEHEHE.
Salam Id,
ReplyDeleteSaya beri tutup opis jam 4 ptg setiap Ramadhan. Isteri kerja kerajaan, buat waktu anjal,7.30am hingga 4.30pm. tetapi masih jam, 6.00pm baru sampai rumah. Pasar Ramadhan juga akhirnya.
oh yes, this is THE one thing I miss about Dubai - leaving eraly in Ramadhan. And the whole month feels like s holiday!
ReplyDeleteId ... I see you've dropped by my father's blog :-)
ReplyDeleteWe do get to go home early, cuma I yang pilih to balik lambat sikit so that I/KOTH can pick up the kids from school on the way home :-)
less work more blogging, i say. (hope u don't mind my linking u in my blog, cobratasha and all that)
ReplyDeletecat cat....:) i can only say ..YESSS....9-3pm is much better....the afternoon nap is priceless...hehehehe
mama rock....:) it does feel like that....the whole month is on stand still....hehehe....
ReplyDeleteand the nice thing for the pocket is there is no RAYA SHOPPING frenzy here....macam biasa jer...
zabs....:) sungguh prihatin mcm tu...giving shorter time to ur staff.....syabas!
ReplyDeletejauh ka rumah dari office?
aha...Queen....i visited ur dad's blog...now i know where ur writing talents come from...it runs in the family eh..
ReplyDeleteenjoyed reading his entries...:)
oo...sekolah tak de shorter hours ka? uhuks
x-eyed jules....:)
ReplyDeletewalalalaa bro....great to see you making a visit here! I hv been a silent reader of ur blog too...u write v well....and with nice twist....ada sikit COBRATASHA swings in ur thoughts.....hehehehe
i never left that damn school!