Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Friday, April 18, 2008 is a bull's life!

**myUAE-PRO first meeting updated here**
Sometimes we all get a little stuck
Having our feet in some mud
we want to move, but simply can't
one of those days....we need someone!
When help comes looming by
we sigh in relief, we don't ask why
we offer our soul...and our heart too
life is not all what it seems
not always as fair as some tales of fairies!
It is better to be careful with our steps
and look where we dare put our heads
also worth remembering we need good friends
who will help us, without expecting favours in return!
-pakpayne. april 18th.2008


Note1: The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence. But you may get screwed in going there! Always do your due deligence.....*wondering what I meant with those words*

Note 2: One may be adventurous....but one better know with whom one keeps company! *too late....for this cow*

Note 3: Before trusting someone new....always have your back covered! *wise afterthoughts*

Note 4: One can never be too careful! *what this cow will say in reflection...*

Note 5: If this is the only to get you...., then please excuse me babeh!! *from the bull's point of view*

Note 6: "Now finally I understand...why they say, let the Ladies go first!" *Bull's reflection*

Note 7: "Why didn't you just ask.....?" *Their conversation when everything was over*

Note 8: "Is this what they meant by bondage honey?" *Assuming they are a couple...trying new position*

Note 9: "I hope this does not go on You-tube or appears on some jokers' blogs" *assuming one of them is a politician pre PRU12*

Note 10: "When I said listen to grass-roots...It was not to trick you Sir!" *A deputy to his boss! Post PRU-12*


  1. hehee.. kesian the female cow. Tak pasal pasal kena ****. Dah lah tersekat kat situ, belakang pulak kena ****.

    The way I interpret the situation - The female is trying to be free from the old place / situation (venture to a new land). She's not yet there. But the male, took the opportunity while thinking, it was an offer to him, whereas it may or may not...

    Hehehe.. dalam maksud tu..

    anyway, who cares - the cow doesn't need to sign any marriage contract hehehe..

  2. kata-kata yang sangat membantu dan bermakna! thnx uncle! uncle mcm tau-tau je nisa macam tengahjiwa kacau and stuck ni. keh3..

    ada 6 sense ke? :p

  3. Buat keadaan lagi parah ialah orang yang melihat pun tak membantu cuma jadi tukang perhati and enjoy the show..sama juga situasi yang berlaku pada manusia..betul kan?..

    Kesian lembu tu...mau mati tercekik agaknya, makan tak dapat bebas belum tentu..:)

  4. Pak Payne..

    I like this comes at the right time...have to be very careful in this world of dog eat dog world (?)..Sigh...Friend can be enemy. Not easy to find trusted friend.

    BTW, that bull picture can represent many meaning..hehehe..

    You take care!

  5. neeza...:-)

    a cow is a cow la kan....ada rumput makan!

    neeza assume sekor tu female la ek...mana tau? Macam2 boleh berlaku...

    dari situasi yang sama - kita boleh mendapat reaksi berbeza...


  6. nisa....jiwa kacau ka?
    ada rasa stuck ka?
    .....releks ye. best tu ada cabaran ...jika life terlalu smooth pun nanti boring jugak.



  7. ummu asiah..:-)

    your comment reflects pandangan dari kaca mata pejuang kebebasan...dan saya menyokong what you and your friends are doing!

    teruskan usaha murni itu.


  8. anggerik...:-)

    the bull picture will bring meaning to each person differently.
    and fully agree with u....this life is full of different sort of people. ada yang kita anggap kawan - rupanya tidak. but it is better to know...hehehe. So that we can move on. was ur bali outing la...

    long time no update from ur side.


  9. KEsian cow.... mmm.... kelakar pun ada, kesian pun ada.... what tu do? Immaterial jadi haiwan ke, jadi orang ke.... yg betina/perempuan memang selalu kalah..... *wink*

  10. hahahha..pakpayne!!
    this is hilarious!!! think about that opportunist cow..not to care whether it is right or wrong to do it. kalu dah peluang di depan mata...:P

    so, ladies...beware of that cow!!!(or anybody who behave like one)

  11. helena....aha kan kesian kan ...kesian lagi jika manusia berlagak mcm haiwan la kan...:)

    thanks for ur comment.


  12. nur....:-)

    hahaha...glad u are able to seethe funny side of the cows....hehehe

    yes, be careful - in life in general. there are opportunists out there.

