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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Little Pearls - Being Thoughtful!

I attended a meeting in a busy part of Dubai. For those who are not familiar with Dubai, parking is not easily available and public parking spaces are charged by the hour using pre-paid meter. I arrived just in time for my meeting, found a parking space in a public area which required me to walk for 900 meters to the entrance of the building of my destination. I deposited five dirham into the parking meter machine for a 2 hour parking coupon.

The meeting started at 4pm sharp as scheduled. At five, the meeting was not even near to its conclusion, so I excused myself to perform Asr prayer. When I came out from the comfort room after performing 'wuduk', a Sejadah was already in position in the meeting room which has been vacated.

"Ermmm very thoughtful" I said to myself!

Ten minutes to six, the person chairing the meeting asked me for my car key. "We will send our office boy to deposit more money for your parking. The meeting will take another hour" He said and asked me to explain to the office boy where to find my car.

I said to myself, "wow!!". I have forgotten about my parking expiration, But he remembered!

I was impressed with the little pearls of thoughtfullness, in pro-actively preparing my prayer sejadah and in topping up my parking coupon. He has left a long lasting impression with me, and I would certainly want to do business with him again in the future. His thoughtfullness achieved more than what a power-point presentation could have done.

Do you have "wow" customer service stories to share?


  1. adoi..i dont recall any 'pearls' moment here in m'sia la abg ipin oi! on-time isnt in people's dictionary kot hehe..thoughtful to customer pulak mcm dlm mimpi la..tagline customer is always right dah tukar jadi your boss is always right hehe,,aa this joke decribes the best!
    p/s: no wonder ppl move to Dubai, hehe..

    When you take a long time, you're slow.
    When your boss takes a long time, he's thorough.

    When you don't do it, you're lazy.
    When your boss doesn't do it, he's too busy.

    When you make a mistake, you're an idiot.
    When your boss makes a mistake, he's only human.

    When doing something without being told, you're overstepping your authority.
    When your boss does the same thing, that's initiative.

    When you take a stand, you're being pig-headed.
    When your boss does it, he's being firm.

    When you overlooked a rule of ettiquette, you're being rude.
    When your boss skips a few rules, he's being original.

    When you please your boss, you're arse-creeping.
    When your boss pleases his boss, he's being co-operative.

    When you're out of the office, you're wandering around.
    When your boss is out of the office, he's on business.

    When you're on a day off sick, you're always sick.
    When your boss has a day off sick, he must be very ill.

    When you apply for leave, you must be going for an interview.
    When your boss applies for leave, it's because he's overworked.

  2. qimy...:-)

    ur jokes, made me smile! that counts as ur effort to bring some little pearls to this blog...TQ.


  3. ada, a few times tapi I don't wanna share because most of them care for me because I'm a female whom they considered 'boleh adjust for a relationship' sort of thing. Faham kot ye.. ;). For me, that's not sincere..

  4. ada ke cam tu kat malaysia? jarang-jarang dan kadang-kadang. pernah terjadi something like that pada saya tapi not done by Malaysian gentleman. Done by Mat Salleh. Lelaki Melayu Malaysia di Malaysia selalunya tengok orang takde mata...sorry lah. Apa lagi dengan pompuan yang dianggap lebih sebagai 'peneman' dari 'pembuat keputusan'. Macam yang Neeza di atas tulis...Harap2nya anak2 lelaki saya tak jadi camtu. Wallahualam.

  5. Wow 1st class service!.. hmm can't think of any now..

  6. neeza...:-)

    actually men pun serba salah...sbb kadang2 mahu bagi excellent service kepada ladies, cuma risau la pulak jika di curigai niat sebagai ingin 'adjust' hehehe...

    ada masa mungkin, harus terima saja....dan anggap usaha 'adjust' tu sebagai compliments...


  7. suria kelang... :-)

    ada satu masa yg sudah lama dulu, isteri saya memandu kereta keseorangan di lebuh raya kl-jb. waktu malam. saya menunggu di rumah di KL risau sbb dia tidak tiba2, dan malam tu pulak hujan lebat. waktu tu belum ada handphone seperti sekarang. Menjelang jam 11 mlm, ada kereta muncul dan keluarlah isteri bersama sepasang suami isteri lain - yang telah menumpangkan isteri saya. rupa2nya gasket kereta kami bocor....dan injin berasap sbb semua minyak pelincir sudah habis keluar. pasangan itu telah memamndu isteri ke bengkel diPedas(NS) supaya workshop dapat datang menunda kereta ke sana untuk di reper dan telah menghantar isteri ke rumah dengan selamat. sehingga hari ini kami masih mengingati jasa baik sebegitu....alhamdullillah.


  8. ummi..:-)

    insyAAllah.....akan ada juga tu.

