Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Friday, April 11, 2008


Have you ever bounced a tennis ball? It is possible that the ball bounces higher than the point where it drops from.
I have bounced back...and I am higher and still bouncing! Yeehaaaaaaa.........*cowboy's style*

I have dived right down to the cause of why I was down. Just after I wrote I was feeling down, I spent sometime in Mekah - performed Umrah and prayed to God to guide me back to what is the best path for me. Clouds moved! Heavy loads shifted from my shoulders. Faces appeared and dissappeared. I went there looking for peace, for love, for compassion. I came back with plenty to give......

It becomes clearer to me.....that, I have to pursue more actively in giving. The place to start is where I am now and the best thing to give is my time and my experience.

“You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.”
Kahlil Gibran

It is touching therefore to see another dear STAROBA brother of mine here, also championing a cause to provide for those who need. Please contact him directly if you wish to join in this noble cause. Of course, neither he nor anyone else can repay your sincere gifts - May Allah bless you for now and for after!

Ps: This blog will continue with the my usual bantering *smiling*

My other blog, here.


  1. Seronokkan...bila2 pun boleh pergi buat Umrah...

    Nice to know that things are back to normal...

  2. Assalamualaikum warahmatullah,

    How's your book going?

    Met Puan Ainon during my book signing at the Pesta Buku Antarabangsa 2008.

    She had the impression that you are busy attending to your boss's 'whatever'.

    Anyway, hope the writing is still going on strong, eh?

    "We make a living by earning,
    But we make a life by giving.."


    Umi Kalthum Ngah

    PS. Am writing my hubby's jibunsyi..And that may or may not include you and your gang's prowess at STAR, Ipoh..heh! heh! Dont worry! Names changed...

  3. maklang....:-)

    things are not quite back to normal...things are back and better!! hehehe

    tq for your continuous friendship.

    some dissappear just like embun di sinari mentari...
    ada juga yg terlalu ghairah dgn diri sendiri yang umpapa pijak semut tak mati, tapi tidak berfikir bila mereka sebenarnya memijak maruah orang lain. :-)


  4. ummi...:-)

    wah....jibunsyi of ur darling hubby.....sejak sekrang saya buat reservation nak beli. buku mengenainya pasti menjadi sumber peransang kpd rami pembaca!!!

    saya baru saja selesai dengan majlis besar2an perkahwinan anak bos. sudah selelsai itu, ada pula menziarah ke Saudi for personal reason. Now sudah bersedia untuk mnulis kembali....aishah pun ada bertanya how my writing is getting on. Dia hari2 encourage me to write....!!

    InsyAAllah....akan mula hari ini juga.

    terima kasih di atas galakan dari Umi Kalthum.


  5. Pak Payne..
    Membuat kebaikan dan kebajikan...akan membuat kita merasa 'puas hati' walaupun penat. Especially bila orang yang kita bantu mampu tersenyum dan mengalirkan airmata dengan pertolongan kita walau sedikit. Lebih-lebih lagi bila mereka juga mendo'akan kebaikan untuk kita di dunia dan di akhirat. Sebagai full time housewife saya bersyukur kerana Allah mepermudahkan saya mendapat ruang untuk saya mengunakan tenaga dan masa yang ada untuk menjalankan aktiviti kebajikan.

    Mcmana pertemuan dgn YB dari Kedah tu,YB Amiruddin ke??

  6. ummu asiah..:-)

    tenkiu for ur words of encouragement and reflection.
    yes, pertemuan dengan YB itu ialah dengan YM Ir. Amirudin.

    Akan saya tulis mengenainya.


  7. Salam Mr Idham..

    Good to find out that you've bounced back higher!!

    Keep it higher!


  8. Bestnya bang Id bleh pi buat umrah anytime. I miss my time there, rindu yg teramat and masih teringat2. I'm glad you're 'back' :)

  9. little muffins...:-)

    if you try to bounce a ball - the harder the surface it hit, the higher it goes.
    I hit a hard surface!! hehehe
    syukur alhamdulillah....kini ku tahu.....!


  10. amy...:-)

    kerinduan....perlu kita ubati.
    Semoga kehidupan Amy bersama en Z...sentiasa dalam rahmat Allah.

