Summer Surprise!

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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Departure Hall....

"This is a final call for all passengers on flight 6by4 to Final Destination - will all passengers please go to the departure hall for immediate boarding!!" That call is intended to those who are ready for the flight and to those who are not ready for the flight alike! Whether or not you have checked in or have your passport stamped, if your time has come and you are on the passenger's list - you will not be able to miss this flight.

Passengers on the flight 6by4 to Final Destination come from all sort - young, rich, poor, good-looking, ugly looking, married, single, fat, thin, educated, high ranking, lowly paid, old, white, black! There is no discrimination!
All of us, therefore, are on standby at this Departure hall - for a flight to eternity. Flight times are unknown and seat numbers untold. When it is time, it is time! This is a flight which departs punctually, everytime.

"Please show your boarding pass!" Some unsuspecting passengers are given first class seats, while others tried to pay their way for a good seat only to be showed the last row seat by the toilet. This is a flight on which seats are allocated based not on how much you are willing to pay, but on how little baggage you carry with you.

If you know you are at the departue hall for this flight to eternity - what will you do differently?
How would you spend your time?
What do you want to say to your loved ones who will be there to see you go.....teary eyed as they wave you goodbye!
How would you feel? Anxious? Scared? Prepared and ready?

This is a flight where you need not fasten your seat belt! A flight to eternity.....your deeds prior to departure will determine the level of turbulence and in-flight service you receive.
You and you alone will pilot the plane.

Come join me - let us be ready for this flight - so that we can enter the departure hall with peace and love in our heart.


  1. dropping by to see how have you been doing.. hope everyone and everything are fine.

    been bz this few weeks. not much time to blog hop!

  2. Bila saya sakit 2 hari lalu saya terfikir tentang mati yang kadang-kadang dilupakan kerana terlalu sayang akan hidup ini, memang kecut hati ini .

    Thank you for the departure hall reminder .

  3. ouuchh.... bila pikir, takut yang teramat sangat.. duniawi yang dikejar2, bila la nak sedar2.. hanya yang wajib kita utamakan..

    thanx... thanx..!!

    how r u & family, sir..??

  4. i always have a thought abt the time would be "my very final departure to go to my very final destination" ... everytime lining up for boarding...

  5. Assalamualaikum warahmatullah,

    Thank you for this very thought-provoking piece!


    PS. "Hanya orang bijak yang memikirkan tentang mati..."

  6. Pak Payne,

    Thanks for the reminder. I desperately need the nudge. Yea, I'll join you in getting ready, InsyaAllah.

  7. If only death will be announce like that in the boarding hall...I think everybody will lari lintang pukang!!

    Death will take you by suprise,ready or not..

  8. a few days before I left for Mekah, I was so scared - thinking about death.
    Am I ready? If I go, what will happen to the kids.. really sad.
    Of course, when we die, we don't know anything about that anymore..

    I just hope to get a First Class seat. I think.
    I'm not ready indeed... I still have to work for it, I guess...
