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Thursday, November 11, 2010


At the top of my list is the above painting adorning a special corner in our house. It was her very first painting. Since then she has painted a couple farewell gifts for her friends in Dubai.
This special painting was created by Lil's fingers, following the flow of her heart! :-)

Painting: Taman Syifa'
Studio: Galeri Chandan
Purchased at an arts exhibition in Dubai, in 2009.

I love looking at this painting. It has a kind of soothing, calming effect just like the title of the painting suggests.

Below, at the center, is a painting which has travelled places. I bought this in Hanoi in 2003,
from the artist himself. I visited his studio in Hanoi, and was instantly attracted to the painting of a spring time garden at the Buckingham Palace. The painting was already included in the brochure for the artist's solo arts exhibition in London, so with my permission the painting was displayed at the exhibition with a SOLD tag on it. A few weeks later, the painting arrived at our then home in Singapore, extremely well packed in a wooden crate. From Singapore the Painting has followed me to Jeddah, then Dubai and now Jeddah again.It has been in the back ground of many photos!

Middle: in Jeddah the first time. My sister and her mates after Hajj in 2006.
Above: On the wall of our Dubai residence!

The walls of our current residence in Jeddah are covered by more paintings. I am sharing random photo shots here, as a way of sharing how cluttered it may look - but to me, they are all nice to look at.

If there ever were ONE painting which has started my imagination and fascination of paintings, it must be the "Mona Lisa"

Three for the Mona Lisa

by John Stone


It is not what she did
at 10 o'clock
last evening

accounts for the smile

It is
that she plans
to do it again



Only the mouth
all those years

letting on.


It's not the mouth

it's not the eyes
exactly either

it's not even
exactly a smile

But, whatever,
I second the motion.


  1. Pakpayne,
    Cantiknya lukisan dalam simpanan Pakpayne. Saya juga amat meminati hasil tangan isteri Pakpayne. Your collection is worth a fortune. Didn't I say you are worth in the millions?

  2. Pak Zawi :-)
    unfortunately, the MONA LISA is not mine...jika lah yang itu dalam simpanan saya, memang lah sudah jutawan berkali ganda ~! hehehe

    paintings of ayam2, kupu2, daun2, buah2 hasil karya pak Zawi tergantung di dinding rumah saya di KL. Memenuhi ruang tamu dan bilik tidur! cantik...
    Nanti saya minta anak ambilkan gambar2.

    satu lagi painting...kampung nelayan saya tak kesempatan untuk mengambil dari pak zawi.
    Jika tidak keberatan, boleh juga di hantar kpd kakak saya di kemubu, dan wang nya saya TT kan nanti...boleh juga belanja hari raya haji.


  3. Yang Ariff,

    Let me be the first to wish U and Mrs,

    A HAPPY 27th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY (13 Nov. 1983- 13 Nov 2010)..Let the LOVE and its PASSION glow eternally!!!

    Ahj n family

  4. Bro Ahj..:-) ah, sunnguh terharu saya mendapat ucapan dari saudara sekeluarga...:-)

    yes, 27th anniversary!

    Tuan pulak dah berapa tahun?


  5. PP,
    Painting tersebut masih disimpan untuk PP. Dun worry, be happy.
