A Friday morning sharing...

Cara Sujud yang betul , gambar ter atas!
Dan di bawah, cara yang betul ialah yang cara lelaki yang berjubah !
"Waktu yang paling hampir dengan Allah ialah ketika kita sujud kepada Nya!"
This is based upon the Hadith of Ibn Abbas who reported that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:

"I was commanded to prostrate on seven bones i.e. on the forehead along with the tip of my nose (and the Prophet -pbuh- pointed towards his nose), both hands, both knees and the toes of both feet, and not to gather the clothes or the hair."
Common mistakes are
- the tip of the nose not touching the sejadah.
- the toes not curled to touch the sejadah.
- having hair or cloth between forehead and the sejadah.
Bimbingan Solat boleh di baca di sini.
Lihatlah bagaimana, janin di dalam kandungan juga sujud apabila mendengar bacaan ayat-ayat suci Al Quran. Klik Di sini.

May your prayer be accepted by Allah.
Allah hu Aklam.
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