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Friday, November 12, 2010

27th anniversary!

"Happy Anniversary !"

This is a special month for my wife and I. Tomorrow, 13th November, we will be celebrating our 27th Anniversary, as husband and wife, a life-long partnership. And if we add to that the three years of our friendship prior to our marriage, it means we have known each other for 30 years. I have not spent as much of my life time with anyone else - than with my wife. We are as happy today if not happier, as we were during the care free students days in Portsmouth, South of England when we first met.


Our marriage had gone through the ups and downs, perhaps like most marriages would. While a few could not survived the tests, ours becomes stronger. We become aware of our limits and adapt. We become appreciative of what we have, and less envious of what we don't have.

I was once a young man who were more interested in chasing rather than nurturing. She was once a young girl who have read all about love from thousands of pages of Mills & Boons.
We met, and the term 'odd couple' couldn't have found a better example than us. I was out-going, temperamental, always broke, and prefer to spend my days sleeping and my nights seeking entertainments. She was homely, diligent in her studies, down to earth and stable, and at peace with herself and contented just to spend her time with a book and some roasted chestnuts.

We were aware of our differences; but we were also aware of the similarities. We were attracted to our differences; and bonded by our similarities, one of which has been mutual respect. That, in a nutshell, has been the secret of our longevity and happiness.

Lately, we have been talking a little about our life post my retirement. We are both excited with all the possibilities.

In the mean time, we are enjoying our life in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Mekah is an hour drive away, and Medinah is the same distance by air. We are very fortunate indeed.

Enjoying life as it comes, with healthy dosages of humor and a sense of adventure, have been the oxygen of our marriage.

This month is also a special month for all Muslims. To all our friends who are performing Hajj, we wish you 'Haji yang Mabroor'. InshaAllah, we are planning to travel to Mekah during this Hajj season, and jika ada rezki, dapat kita bertemu.


  1. Pakpayne,
    Happy 27th Anivessary. Till death will thee part.

  2. Pak Zawi :-) terimakasih....aminnnnnn

    Hj Sab2 :-) terimakasih. aminnnnnnn
    dengan izin Tuan, saya linkkan blog tuan di blog roll saya.


  3. abang id, happy anny! semoga makin bertambah kasih sayang sampai ke syurga.



  4. Anonymous ( ana?) terimakasih....aminnnnn.

    PS: Jika refer to me as abg id tu makna nya 'ana' blogger lama ni. errr, siapa ek -ana- nie? :-)

  5. beautiful writing. kak aishah is so lucky. i love the part about the differences... :)

    happy anniversary pakpayne & kak aishah!

  6. Sweet...
    Happy Anniversary PP & kakLiL!

  7. Happy anniversary to both of you lovebirds.. it always warms my heart to read of unions that last.. saya doakan semoga pasangan ini bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat.. amiin..

  8. Syigim :-) thank you for your wishes.

    Ubi setela :-) thank you for your wishes...

    Puteri Kama :-) Aminnnnnn, and thank you~!
