One of life simple pleasures is teaching my son to ride a bike!
My eldest son learned from his (arwah) grand-pa! My daughter, simply followed her survival instinct and did it herself. My son number three and number four share a little secret - both of them can't ride a bike! I missed the opportunity to teach them when they were younger, and now they are too self conscious to learn! Son number five was challenged by his friends, and a few bruises later he was a victor~!
I was quite determined to be involved in Luqman's learning experience.

Luqman, at ten is a late starter. Inheriting my DNA of being a cautious over-thinker of any given new situation, Luqman develops a fear of falling. The first time around when I was pushing and holding him along the cycling track, he rode the bike white-knuckled. He imagined the worse - what if he were to fall! I asked him to relax, not to think and to just follow the motion. Occasionally I let him go and he continued riding okay until he realised I was no longer holding him, then he immediately became fearful and lost his balance.
Tonight, for the second lesson we lowered his seat, then Lil and I took him to a tennis court behind our house. Seeing the open space and softer turf, he developed a sense of security and his confidence rose. He went off like a pro!
Lesson: Minimize causes of his fear!
Way to go Luqman - congratulations! Tonight, not only he learned how to ride, but more importantly he learned that he can conquer fears!
ReplyDeleteDuring our days we didn't have the benefit of the trainer wheels or small bicycles the right size for the right kid. We had to use our dad's adult bicycle and ride astride through the bars. Of course we sad to suffer bruises and cuts before we get the hang of it.
I wonder why you didn't teach them much earlier using trainer wheels.