Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Friday, December 26, 2008

Maal Hijrah Volley Ball Tournament

In white and standing - Team Burj Spikers and in Red and squatting are the 'Somersault Berpusing'! These two were the finalists and the later emerged as champion, winning by a small margin.
That was Yours truly in white attempting to spike!

Prize giving by the CG! A book for each winner...
Pictures from Rusdi. thank you!

Dec 26th 2008.

Six teams competed in a Maal Hijrah Volley ball tournament organized by the MyUAEPRO at the Mirdiff Park.
Tuan Syed Hasrin, the Consul General of Malaysia in Dubai participated in the competition and later gave away the prizes to the winners. He said, the tournament succeeded once again in bringing Malaysians together and in improving our networking especially during this difficult period.

Congrats to the winning teams!
A big applause also to everyone who participated ~ the sporting spirit was high and everyone had a wonderful time.
A big thank you to all the supporters!!

A special mention to Bro Azfa for competently organizing the event, which progressed without any hitches.

Not forgetting the photographers who were there ~ clicking crazy and giving opportunities to players to pose in action!

Sindrom Syiok Sendiri! & A game of Volleyball

SSS ini satu penyakit yang semakin menjadi-jadi sekarang ini. Dengan tersebarnya teknologi IT melalui berbagai channels seperti 'Muka Buka', Blog, kawanster dan sebagainya semakin menjadi2lah SSS. Ada juga yang sanggup membayar untuk mendapatkan domain website di atas nama sendiri - all in the name of SSS!!

Bloggers SSS!!

Pp sendiri pun terlibat! Kadang2 tu menulis, mengambil dan memasukkan gambar2 sendiri, mengarang entah apa2 ~ lepas tu dok melangut membaca blog sendiri dan tersengeh2 sendiri! Apa kes nya itu, jika tidak kes SSS.
Sekali buat ok lah.....dua kali buat, kira benefit of the doubt la....but jika hari2, hingga kan kucing beranak pun nak istihar kepada satu dunia ~ itu apa kes, jika tidak kes syiok sendiri!
Pp memang guilty sebagai salah seorang bloggers yang Syiok Sendiri ni......I know, I know, but I like lah to be like that! Hehehe.

Tapi Pp tak kisah pun. Syiok juga dapat syiok sendiri. But you all bukan macam tu kan? *wink wink*

Latest Syiok sendiri story from me!
Today I played in a Volley Ball competition bersama Masyarakat Malaysians di sini bersempena menyambut Maal Hijrah!
Our team which was called 'The Burj Spikers' came runners-up after losing by a very small margin to a better team on the day. It was so Syiok dapat bermain, sambil bergelak ketawa bersama kawan2. Penyokong2 juga macam syok jer memberi support kepada feverit team mereka!

Above: Picture taken by FND. It was yours truly attempting to spike! hehehe The ball went over the net and we won a point, but it was not really a spike but instead a tap over the net only lah!

Below pictures were taken by Rusdi using his mobile phone. Our team in white! The guys in Red became the eventual champion. According to Tuan Syed Hasrin, the Consul General and who played as a member of the white team, the event was successful in bringing Malaysians in Dubai together ~ closing ranks and improving our network. He congratulated MyUAEPRO for organizing! Bro Afza deserved full credit as the main organizer.

Pp sponsored the books which were given as prizes for the champions.
Players were seen taking a rejuvenating energy drink ~ The Tongkat Ali can drink was a special promotion by FAMA who was here recently to promote their products!

Gambar2 di atas membuktikan sindrom syiok sendiri!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My own own answers!

Sometimes, something in our life requires a little push. Just like a pendulum which swings and finds its own rythm and comes to a stop when it reaches velocity zero ~ there are times the same law of physics applies to our life too. When that happens, exasperation seeps in for those who are restless. Tranquility awaits those who are contented.

I feel like my pendulum is coming to a stand still! And I am not sure how ro respond. Part of me has many questions and lots of doubt. Another part of me is feeling rather grateful, finding peace with this stop!

My own questions....
How much must we have before it is enough?
How far must we travel before we arrive?
How much must we lose before we even realize?
How close must we get before we hear His name?

My many doubts....
Too many to list
Too private to share
But I am filled with them.....of what will happen after? And what will happen ' if '......or what will happen 'if not'?

At velocity zero there is not much activity we can do with our limbs but a lot we can do with our mind. Perhaps, we need to make more effort not in nudging for the next bout of swing! Perhaps the effort required is to try harder at not doing anything! To find peace and usefulness in stillness!

Aku hanya ingin berehat! Apa kah salah dengan kemahuan begitu?

Sering aku melihat bintang berkelipan
sungguh indah dan menawan
walau pantas aku berlari
lautan dan benua aku rentasi
bintang tetap berkelipan jua
tanpa berubah dari paksi kesetiaan
dia tidak kemana-mana
walaupun dunia tergesa-gesa
mencari ...memburu...mengumpul segala!

Perhaps it is time I just let my pendulum rests in its equilibrium!
Apakah paksi yang aku cari? Kesetiaan aku kepada apa dan siapa?

Selamat menyambut Maal Hijrah!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

TKC 3 : STAR 1 : Budak Kolej 0 !!!!

Latest: TKC 3 : STAR 1+1 (Tonight one of my former classmates from STAR ~ batch75 ~ came visiting. He is on a vacation in Dubai with his family, and also visiting his niece who is residing here on the Palm! ). Above: Nazrah and her princess Aishah. Top: Pakwan and Pakpayne!

One of our joys living abroad is when friends and relatives come visiting! Their visit provide us with an opportunity to catch up with the latests, to get fresh supply of budu, tempoyak , daun kesum, presented with the odd ole-ole from home, get to read latest copies of printed Malaysian newspapers and magazines, and best of all rekindling memories of yester-years with new twists and fresh perceptions.
LiL and I have been fortunate! And the score for December is infact , LiL 3 Vesus Mine 1. Yes, we have received three of LiL's TKC buddies versus one of mine from STAR. Regardless, her friends are my friends and mine are also hers. Such is the simple rule of cobweb of marriages; you marry into the network of relationships from both sides. I heard one more of my STAR friends is coming to town! So, I am still optimistic of equalizing the score.

Today we were visited by Dato' Zurai and Puan Siti both ex-TKCian who happened to be in Dubai on a trade and business trip. Despite the many touristic attractions beckoning, they were focused on their mission ~ probably one of the hardest working trade mission I have seen. They are here looking for opportunities to market products developed by FAMA, and also products from Puan Siti's company. One particular product caught my imagination and triggered my anticipation - and according to Puan Siti who is also the director of marketing for her company, the product's effectiveness has been proven! Looking at how glowing her smile was, I needed no further convincing! I look forward to putting it to test. hahaha! * No need to say lah what can guess already what! Clue: there is the word Tongkat in the name of Ali. hehehe*
LiL and Dato' Zurai were batch mates! Puan Siti was their senior but it was hard to tell that fact if not for the information volunteered to me ~ and I said this as a compliment to Puan Siti for keeping her vitality (The Boss of the vitality capsules is herself a showcase for the product lah kan!) and this statement is in no way intended to imply that her Juniors were anything but as youthful and full of vigour too! Gosh, why am I justifying myself here! One thing for sure, happiness was visible on everyone!

Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Umi Kalthum Ngah and her husband Ir. Mohd Sufian who were on a short vacation in Dubai. I came to know Umi Kalthum through her blog "Biasanembun.blogspot" and also as an author of a few novels and childrens' motivational stories. She brought two 'signed' copies of her books! Thank you. LiL had known Umi from TKC days while Ir. Mohd Sufian was my batch mate from STAR! Needless to say, an evergreen friendship.

We accompanied our guests of last week and of today to the Global Village which is located a stone's throw from our residence.

Inspecting the stall selling Gaharu....a tray was seen displaying Malaysian Gaharu!!

Long time no see....but school days camaradie lives on!
School buddies reunited at the Arabian Ranches!

Below, Dr. Umi Kalthum Ngah and her husband Ir Mohd. Sufian visited the Global Village on Dec 17th. The visit was after a long hard day of sight seeing.....must have been very tiring for both, but they went through with the GV visit partly to fullfill a promise we have made to Luqman! So thoughful of both Umi and Pian!

Umi Kalthum Ngah capturing a scene in the Global Village! Her husband in the background was testing the different varieties of Yemeni Honey!

Spices! Lots of them...found in the Yemeni cluster!

The Senior and a Junior - posing today for tomorrow's memory! Luqman was tired towards the end of the long walk....! We spent 4 hours there.

To our guests, we thank you for visiting us! Your presence brought joy and happiness and hopefully will also rejuvenate our friendships! Please come again.....

ps: To friends not from TKC or STAR, with the exception of Budak Kolej Melayu *wink wink*, you are equally welcomed! Read HERE, if you want to understand what has been going on between STARians and the Budak Kolej!

Saturday, December 20, 2008 this!

The first video is dedicated to my children....Luqman, Haziq, Amirul, Achik, Angah, Along...."Keep seeking....keep finding...and keep climbing.....but whatever you do, do it for Him!, InsyAAllah"

This one below is for all the occupants of this earth. There is a train heading for heaven....come on the peace train!

This one below, for all of us....may we be parents to whom our children can look up to for guidance for the Truth!

And finally, this song below reflects what I wish to friends and foes. I am sorry....if ever I was misunderstood.

also please read my entry in HERE.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

About being kind...

Of all treatments, the one I find the hardest to handle is kindness! I am easily touched by acts of kindness I received from others.
And I have been at the receiving end of so many acts of kindness every where I have been, from all sort of people, even from those against whom I have sinned through my words and deeds!

With the rough and tough, I often choose not to fuss. The rude and prude are simply matters of attitude. The envious and dubious are best handled by ourselves being generous. But, when people are being kind, it can be heard by the deaf and seen by the blind! The test really is on notice, remember, and be grateful for those thoughts and deeds of kindness!

But what about it when I was the one being rough and tough, or being rude and prude! I was just that a couple of days ago.....and it was all because someone failed to deliver his promise! But why was I so worked up! I paused to reflect tonight, regretted my act and wished I had been more tolerant and dealt with him more kindly! Oh well, I am me God!

Islam is very clear about kindness........there are numerous phrases in the Holy Al Qur'an which ask us to be kind in dealing with not only humans but all creations.
There are also a complete guides from books of Hadith for us to learn and emulate. The prophet clearly told us to be kind, regardless whether or not the person deserves our kindness.

Among the greatest act of kindness to others is to treat them according to the teachings of Islam. This include being truthful with them, respecting them, being patient with them, saying kind words to them and treating them the way one will like to be treated.

In the Quran, Allah says,
“And the (faithful) slaves of the Most Gracious (Allaah) are those who walk on the earth in humility and sedateness, and when the foolish address them (with bad words) they reply back with mild words of gentleness.”
(Al-Furqaan 25:63)

‘Uqbah bin ‘Aamir narrated that the Messenger of Allaah said, “O ‘Uqbah! Shall I not tell you of the best conduct of this world and the Hereafter? It is to join the tie of kinship with one who severs it, to give him who deprives you and to forgive him who does wrong to you.” (Ahmad and Al-Haakim)

The Messenger of Allah also said, “I have seen a man moving about in Paradise simply as a result of a harmful tree which he removed from people’s way.” (Muslim)

The Messenger of Allaah said, “While a man was walking on a road. He became very thirsty. Then he came across a well, got down into it, drank (of its water) and then came out. Meanwhile he saw a dog panting and licking mud because of excessive thirst. The man said to himself "This dog is suffering from the same state of thirst as I did. " So he went down the well (again) and filled his shoe (with water) and held it in his mouth and watered the dog. Allah thanked him for that deed and forgave him." The people asked, "O Allah's Apostle! Is there a reward for us in serving the animals?" He said, "(Yes) There is a reward for serving any animate (living being).” (Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim)

The Prophet also said, “Any man who grows a tree or plants a plant and then a bird or a human being eats from it, it will be counted as charity in his credit.”

Sekian Tazkirah pagi Jumaat minggu ini! Wallah hu Aklam.

Kepada semua Jemaah Haji yang telah selamat menjalankan Ibadah Haji - Mabruk! Semoga mendapat Haji yang Mambrur.......and selamat pulang kepada keluarga tersayang.

Kepada keluarga, sahabat handai dan kenalan yang telah berbudi dan 'being kind' to my family and I, kami mengucapkan ribuan terima-kasih semoga Allah jua yang membalas budi dan jasa tuan2 dan puan2!

Peringatan kepada anak-anak saya dan juga diri saya sendiri, to be kind to our parents is not a choice but is mandated by Islam.

Monday, December 15, 2008

My choice ~ Top Pictures from Istanbul!!

Just the two of us.....and no body else....sailing on!!!

A shot of Hagia Sophia ~ selected mainly due to its backdrop of a beautiful blue sky with clusters of clouds. The picture highlight the prominance of one of its mineret!

Amongst the faces of Istanbul, I found the three above captivating. From each one I could write a story about life ~ life in Istanbul! A street peddler selling bread having a rough day, a pensive old man with a thousand wrinkles, is he about to scream with anger or burst into tears of sorrow? And another old man who has seen it all......with a questioning look of curiousity or authority?!

An old leaf has fallen and partly covering some green shrubs ~ the contrast of old and new and the background of foliage made this an attractive picture. I like it.....well spotted by the photographer.

Haziq captured this picture on the day of our arrival while we were on our familiarization walk around the hotel we were staying, in the Fatih area. I just love this picture!
Hard to explain why I have a special emotional affliation
with the picture ~ perhaps it is the element of loneliness, a feeling of being abandoned.

I tried to choose the best of the sun-set pictures ~there are so many amazing ones ~ finally I settled for these two. One with a sail boat and the other which was taken just as the sun was touching the edge of the water in the horizon. It was a special moment for have witnessed the sunset!!.

A sea gull landed effortlessly in the water near the ferry terminal jetty of the princess island. The soft waves rocked the sea gull back and forth, making some small ripples. The picture captured an element of serenity and the sea gull's reflection accentuated this same mood.

This picture was taken by Haziq using Canon 40D while on horse carriage on the Princess Island. I like this picture for its details in showing
the steamy breath from the horses ~ capturing the coldness of the morning
the hard work being demanded from them.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Sky of Istanbul!!

Sitting on the upperdeck of the boat-ferry while cruising down the Bhosporous, I silently registered the moments ~ as one of my happiest! Seeing LiL smiling and laughing with her little laughter reminded me the song by Suhaimi Mior Hassan ~ "Bila isteriku tertawa!" Her happiness was my happiness, and I could tell she was happy!!
and so was Zeti! In a way, the trip to Istanbul was a reward for Zeti for her success in her studies. And I was rewarded with a satisfaction beyond measure with a smile such as this one below from her!Even as we were landing at the Istanbul airport on 6th December, I saw a glimpse of the charm from the Istanbul sky! It was 11am in the morning and through the airplane window I saw hues of amber, grey, and cotton white formation of clouds partly hiding a clear blue sky.
Through-out our stay, our camera troopers had a wonderful time clicking away ~ capturing images of towering minerets majestically rising into the skyline This huge flag below was found on the highest point on the Asia side of Istanbul.Our boys had a field day shooting pictures of sea gulls which apparently have learnt to equate humans with food and fun!! The birds were seen flying, cruising and diving ~ putting up a display of agility and playfulness for the tourists!
During a cruise returning from the Princess island, we witnessed a glorious sun-set!
"Angin menderu selembut baldu
menyapa aku yang datang bertamu
kedinginan membekukan sejarah keagungan
yang semakin hanyut dan tenggelam
umpama senja di selimuti malam
penghuni Istanbul melayari Bhosporous
wajah-wajah semakin muram
tersepit di antara pusaran arus
memisahkan di antara dua benua
mencorakkan kehidupan berbagai warna
menari rentak irama sekular
kau tahu sumbang, melangkah juga
hukum agama tergadai kemana?
Aku hanya datang bertamu
melayari Bhopsorous menghayati sejarah mu"

"Jika kau nampak aku tersenyum
tak kala bersendirian begitu
maka ketahuilah
aku tersenyum kerana aku ada kamu
dan aku melihat senyuman di wajah mu"

"Matahari di waktu senja ku renung
sering tenggelam di perjanjian waktu
walau di junjung setinggi gunung
pasti di telan lautan biru.
Kenapa pula aku.....
inginkan segalanya, untuk selamanya!
sedangkan sudah pasti, yang datang akan pergi
yang di dunia tiada yang kekal abadi!"