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Sunday, September 7, 2008

"On the way Madam...."

Baru mendapat khabar dari koresponden TV9 di Dubai bahawa video rakaman Bazaar Ramadan ini akan muncul menemui penonton Berita TV9 malam ini ( Isnin Sept 8th ).

The above - updated with you-tube video recording of the first Bazaar Ramadan in UAE! OOopppss, 51 and not 31 as said at the end of the video! Tersasul sbb cuaca boleh tahan panassss....hehehe

2pm today LiL called me at the office to ask for the gas man's number. She has just started to cook for our Iftar when the gas ran out. No fuss there! I gave her the number and she said, "Lucky it is only 2pm!"

Yes, lucky indeed, I thought to myself.

When I arrived home at 4pm, she was outside tending to the plants. It was still hot, so I asked her, "What are you doing in the sun?"
She wiped her face and replied, "I am waiting for the gas man. He said he was on the way!"
"That was 2 hours ago!"I queried.
"Yes, since 2 hours ago I have called him four times and each time he told me 'On the way madam!'."
Lil was obviously agitated. I walked into the kitchen and saw two pieces of crabs in the frying pan - half fried and lots more awaiting frying. The rice has been cooked using the electrical rice cooker. Vegetables readily chopped and washed, not yet cooked. To show my concern, I called the gas man, after reminding myself to remain cool.
"Sir, on the way sir!" came the reply.
"Where the *toots* you? You have been on your *toots* way since 2pm. We want to cook ! You understand!!" Oh my God, I lost my cool. Ermmmm.....
"Sir, you want gas, yes! I on my way sir!" He was like a broken record programmed to repeat the same line.
"How far? what time?" I asked.
"On the way sir!"
I gave up.

We decided to wait, patiently. LiL and I kept ourselves busy googling for recipes to cook for the Ramadan Bazaar this coming Friday. We want to open up a stall, and have even decided to name our stall 'Rencah Ranches'. We were having fun, and spent good time in here and here looking and copying recipes for traditional Malay Kuih. Thank you!!

6pm, and our gas man did not arrive. We took a decision to buy food. But where? No warung or pasar ramadan we can drive to. We asked the children what they wanted, and almost in unison came a reply, "Burger King!!!". Huh - burger for iftar!
"Why not........" I said, and gestured to LiL to come with me to the Burger King, a mere 10 minutes drive from home.

Today, someone has been trying to deliver our gas supply, and he has been on his way since 2pm. For five freaking hours, a flight from Bombay would have touched down and taxied safely in Dubai, and we could have collected our gas cylinder at the arrival hall!!!

And we were still waiting for our gas at 7!!!
And this man was only from Al Qouz,
reputedly and factually
only 30 minutes
drive away.

But but.....the burger was good, I tell yea!!!!

Top: Burger plus dates. Above, crabs - left uncooked!


  1. poor crabbie! poor you! and poor me! only for not getting any halal Burger King around this time..*sobs*

    wahh opening a stall, interesting! dont forget to update whatever you guys came with later on, with pictures tau!

    p/s: what's with the center alignment?

  2. Salam,

    sorry...nak tergelak ... hahahaha..
    cerita yang sama selalu I dengar dari negara-negara Arab... (bukanlah nak cakap semua orang Arab mcm tu, tapi selalu terkena mcm tuh..kadang-kadang kat Malaysia pun mcm tuh jugak) so kat rumah I ada 2 tong gas, 1 pakai, satu lagi standby jika gas habis di waktu2 yang tidak sepatutnya )
    lagi satu I ada juga standby satu periuk serbaguna elektrik jika jadi kes mcm you nih. So, I boleh continue goreng or masak guna elektrik (tapi ini akan menyebabkan bil elektrik you naik sedikit lah...)

    Selamat Berpuasa... tentu seronok myambut ramadhan di bumi Arab, sbb selalunya mereka menyambut Ramadhan lebih meriah dari menyambut Hari Raya....

  3. A typical situation in UAE.. HAHAHA.. i wonder when they are going to change.. macamlah i duduk sanakan.. dad selalu mengamuk itulah yang i tau..

    anyway sekali sekala burger king pun sedap jugakkan, that reminds me to treat my children burger king too.. i ahve contacted ad and we will meet this weekend.

  4. qimy....the first bazaar ramadan last friday was a blast and a sell-out! untuk memriahkan lagi, we decided to join in with a gerai as well...

    hehehe. the center alignment was accidental...



    salam ramadan.

    actually depa penghantar tu bukan arab, tapi orang dari negara shahrouk khan...

    ramadan d sini seronok ...masyarakat melayu kita very close....saling berjemputan untuk berbuka dan berterawih.

    di mesjid pun best gak terawih....imam2 baca sedapppp di dengarrr.... :-)


    Umie 365...

    ah, dah set date nak jumpa AD....ok la tu/. jgn lupa bagi tau dia 'how much' !

    selalunya mcm tu lah jika kita calling for services kat sini. Time management is totally our of control....



  5. aiyoooo! kesiannya berbuka dgn burger ... tapi nampak shedapnyaaaaaaaaa hehehe

    i hate it when ppl say 'i'm, on the way' and still get there late!

  6. syana ..:-)

    noooo, burgers can't be too good to replace what comes out from LiL's kitchen. burgers are burgers...hehehehe. mass produced, from automated production lines, cooked without love served out of contractual obligation!

    yes...I'd rather have people tellimg me direct, "I can deliver only six hours from now - take it or leave it!"

    senang nak planning....


  7. we are still waiting for burger king to be opened at the long awaited MESRA mall...hmmm...

  8. maklang....mlm ni nonton TV9..ada di siarkan rakaman di Bazaar Ramadan pertama di UAE hari Jumaat lepas.



  9. bestnyerr burger...semenjak bulan pose nih dah lame x mkn fast food..sumer masak sendiri...tak taulaaa nape, tp masak sendiri simple2 pun pueh makan..

    selamat berpuasa pak payne!

  10. ha ha ha.. macam orang vietnam jugak. yes sir, yes madam.. all the time. sabar je lah. nasib ada burger king, kalau di vietnam, pakat makan roti je la..

  11. abe id ... it was my tummy yg kata sedap hehehe posa la kan...semua terliur hehehe

    reading what you wrote ... dah takde selera for burgers hehehe tq! just what i needed to keep my diet intact :o)

    of course nothing is better than kak lil's cooking.

    malam ni menu apa?

  12. baru baca..terlepasla tengok news at TV9..anyway time tu dah ke masjid.

    If saya, mmg suka jugak kalau gas habis..ada alasan utk tak payah masak dulu..tapi if tengah masak..memang much harga crab kat sana tu..if kat tempat che puan neeza kita katanya murah giler..kat sini nak makan kena berkira la..

  13. dalam pada itu kita masih punya pilihan untuk berbuka dengan burger King atau KFC atau Pizza atau Mc D.

    ada ramai saudara kita di luar sana yang terpaksa meminta2 untuk sesuap makanan demi mengalas perut menyambung kehidupan...

    Ya Allah, murahkan rezeki kami, berkati usia kami, tetapkan iman kami dan bebaskan kami dari azab seksamu. Amin.

  14. Bung Ariff,

    On the way, Ma'am? What a load of crap that gas man was. Pity those crabs!!

    X per, x per... cabaran bulan puasa!

    Ahhh... cuba resipi Roti John ibu pulak!Senang baaa....

    Salam to Kak Lil.

  15. burger is not bad for buka puasa...errmm... yummy! i'm gonna get a burger king for my buka puasa tomorrow!! so bila gas nya sampaiiiii?????

  16. salam...burger pun nampak sedap bulan puasa ni..selamat menunai ibadah puasa

  17. nur...:-) saya pun memang prefer masakan dari dapur sendiri - walaupun mee segera! hehehe
    tapi hari tu terpaksa...sbb gas tak de.

    selamat berpuasa juga nur.


    mulan ...:-)

    vietnam tak de fast food ka? hehehe

    sini yg bagus nya, fast food depa tu halal!

    yes, ma'am!



  18. syana..:-) tu la...puasa ni kita rasa semua nak. sbb tu pergi bazaar ramadan tu bahaya jugak...hehehe, tunjuk punya tunjuk, nanti pulang tak cukup meja...

    malam tadi kami makan ikan bakar! LiL beli itu ikan nama 'sherry' dan grill sendiri di rumah. in addition, she masak gulai lemak ketam .... ketam yang tak jadi di goreng sbb tak de gas tu! hehehe

    malam ni, belum tahu. salah satu suspence yg saya suka ialah...tak tahu apa LiL MASAK..HINGGAlah time berbuka!


    ummu asiah..:-) sini ketam murah! sama la kut macam tempat neeza.
    mungkin betul la u neeza cakap...locals tak suka makan ketam.

    dalam setahun kami tukar tong gas cuma 3 kali...tong dia besar2, dan sekali pasang tu dua, jarang2 jer la kehabisan gas nie...hehee



  19. FND :-) tepat sekali seperti kata saudara Fendi tu...
    ganjaran bersedekah kejalan Allah pun berlipat ganda ...di bulan Ramadan nie...

    semoga terbuka hati di kalangan kita yang 'berada' untuk bersedekah kepada yang 'tiada'.


  20. ibu... :-)

    sudah saya buat request kpd LiL untuk masakkan roti john....:-) sudah di dalam list...cuma kena tunggu queueu...hehehe.
    thanks for the idea.

    minggu ni kesibukan sikit, sbb kami akan membuka gerai di bazaar ramadan.


    mummy rizq :-)

    gas nye finally tiba jam 7.30mlm. hehehe. time berbuka kat sini 6.38pm. bayangkan....



    arsaili :-)

    juga, selamat berbuka puasa di 'down under'....saya nampak boleh tahan juga juada di meja makan arsaili....


