Event: Bazaar Ramadan kedua di Dubai on 12th September.
Modal: Ingredients paid for by urs truly, hard work at the kitchen with lots of motherly love by LiL, enthusiastic help from Luqman, Haziq, Amirul and Angah!
Menu: Asam pedas, kuih muih.
Time together with childen doing something we don't normally do - Buat Business!!
For a brief moments my childen appreciated how difficult it is to earn money!
Last night, post the Bazaar Ramadan and while driving to a supermarket, I asked my children what they thought of the day's venture?
Their replies....
Luqman, "It was fun! I want to do it again....but, not during hot day like today!"
Amirul, "Quite embarassing when there was no customers....but was very happy when almost everything was sold in the end."
Haziq, "Too much hard work!! I prefer to be a photographer!"
Angah, "Penat tapi seronok!!"
They did well, not only at the stall but also at home by helping with the preparation.
Our deal was that they got to keep the profits....as it turned out, I hope they will keep the exprience and the joy of it all. There were not much financial gain at all...hehehe!
But at the supermarket last night, I did reward them with Baskin Robin ice-cream!
cantik rumah tuan CG siap ada swimming pool menyejukkan pemandangan.

sempat berposing dengan Mr Fnd! The cowboy hat is very functional in the summer heat! Baju sama biru, menu lain2! hehehe.pic from Din.
The second Bazaar was as Meriah as the first one. There were definitely more stalls and also more foods! Malaysians did not just visited the Bazaar for foods but also for meeting and catching up with friends. Many were seen mixing and socializing long after the buying were done. As one of the organizers, it was satisfying to see happiness on peoples' faces.
please also read the story told by Imeirda, here.
Pictures tell more accurate stories than words.....
di atas...icecream malaysia jualan Mat Ju & Puan shiela hot favourite untuk menghilangkan dahaga! Di bawah, gerai NikEiyda menjual laksam!! Bestttttt hingga makansatu nak lagi!!!

Di atas dua pasangan pengusaha gerai dari Kelantan...Mat Ju dan isteri Puan Shiela tokey nasi dagang, dan Rusdi dan Puan Mas penjual nasi kerabu.
Di atas ayam percik dari gerai Wan Azmi/Fahimi & the geng dan di bawah, puyuh goring pandan dari gerai arabica-x aluya!
Gambar di atas, finally time to count the money!! bersiap untuk tutup gerai!!
Dari Din pula di sini
He he, gambar tu masa angkat tong kosong selepas berjualan kira2 45 min. Pasal tu tersenyum riang walau angkat tong sorang2.
ReplyDeleteIt was a good experience. Ramai rakan2 Malaysia hadir pada hari tu. Tak menang tangan.
Terima kasih kepada yg sudi hadir dan sudi membeli dan bertanya khabar. Terima Kasih juga pada tuan CG yg sudah berkira2 nak sewakan tapak pada Bazaar Ramadhan tahun depan. ;). Dan tak lupa yg berusaha keras, PP, yang turut berjual bersama anak2. Tak tahan tengok orang lain kira duit pada bazaar yg pertama saya kira.
wah it looks just like home except for the heat...
ReplyDeletegood early trainning for the children to do biz but reward goes to Lil for doing the cooking and of course for the finance sponsor...hehe
that ayam pandan tu Lil buat ke?nak recipe bolih?
Pak Payne,
ReplyDeleteNgelat ye..tak jaga gerai, gi ronda2..hi..hi....sib baik ada Zeti and adiks-adiks nyer..next week menu apa lak..seronok teropong dari jauh..Salam utk K.Lil...
sapa yg organize bazaar ni? malaysian embassy ka?
ReplyDeleteıt looks like great fun indeed!
bestnya ada pasar ramadhan macam kat malaysia.. tak yah masak dah.. kalau neeza, memang akan borong kat situ laaaa... hehee..
ReplyDeletemana gambar food En. Arifin and family?? Sian kak Aishah.. masak penat2, tapi gambar takde..
Abg Arif tak tolong keee??? hehee..
Assalamualaikm Pak Payne,
ReplyDeleteCongrats to all your junior entrepreneurs to be and Kak Aishah too for the cooking...kuih badak berendam sedap!Rasa macam mak saya buat.
Minta permisi ya to include your pic in my 'abode'. Bukan apa sedara mara kaum kerabat kat Msia nak kenal juga yg mana satu Penghulu kita,yg sanggup turun padang berjualan sama anak-anak (err meronda je kot). Tq.
Salam PP,
ReplyDeleteApa khabaq? Ish..seronok pulak kat dubai tu...kalau bole pi beli lauk kat dubai dan balik makan kat bahrain memang best...hi hi.Sorry la lama tak berhubung di alam cyber ni. Baru nak get all the engines running...insyaAllah now ok dah kot.
Selama berbuka dan berteraweeh...
Yang berteraweeh di masjid dekat rumah...
ZBA Bahrain
bro pp,
ReplyDeleteen muin bernama memang station di dubai ka? or he just stopover for assignment. Teringat ada bertemu beliau di NYC 2 tahun lepas masa beliau cover UNGA session.
FND :-) oh ye ka...itu gambar masa pulang....hehehe...masih nampa berat...mungkin Wang hasil jualan di dalam tong merah itu ye...hehehe
ReplyDeletegerai saya sendiri - anak2 yang telah bekerja keras. Untuk minggu ketiga, kami mungkin tukar menu...
Kak elle...:-)
Yess surely credit goes to LiL, for without her....all we could sell was probably surat khabar lama! hehehe
itu puyuh panggang....dan bukan dari gerai kami....:)
Jes...:-) welcome back to Dubai - even if only through cyber-space.
Next week menu belum pasti...tapi akan fokus kepada tiga sahaja. hehehe
Simah :-) Bazaar ni di organize olih Persatuan Malaysians, myUAEPRO, di sini...for which I am the elected President for the current term lah *wink*
ReplyDeleteTapi harus di ingat, kerjasama dari pihak Tuan Konsul Jeneral memainkan peranan penting....Juga credit to all volunteers!!
Neeza :-) ..hahaha, gambar anak2 menjual ada tu. Kak Aishah tidak ke Bazaar hri tu...sebab besuk nya kita ada menjemput tetamu berbuka puasa...so byk urusan di rumah !
Team work la katakan....mak memasak, anak2 menjual, ayah meronda2.....hehehe
Mrs Engineer...:-) silakan silakan....letaklah gambar saya, linklah blog saya juga...the pelasure is mine! hehehe
ReplyDeleteeh sedap ka?? alhamdullillah....
minggu depan dtg lah lagi ke gerai kami...
Mr ZBA...:-) the majlis majlis here tentunya akan lebih meriah jika mr and MRS ZBA ada bersama...
happy to see you and family have settled down well in Bahrain.
anytime u wish to come, that is the time we will be happy to host u!
Dr Bubbles...:-)
oh u kenal encik Muin? Small world eh..
Encik Muin memang lives in Dubai now....on posting ke sini ...such a nice gentleman and a talented journalist.
PP, bakpo tadi mulo2 ambo buko ado entry lain, pah tu ambo refresh tak dok doh. Cerita panas tu kalu setaro tu.
ReplyDeleterusdi...:-) tak dok cerita panas....cuma rasa mcm tak sesuai pulak bila baca lagi sekali. terlajak di blog boleh delete. hehehe
ReplyDeleteerrrr...sebenarnya, kak aishah nasihatkan suruh delete! aminnnnnn
Salam Pak Payne,
ReplyDeletePertama, Selamat Menyambut Ramadan untuk anda sekeluarga
Kedua, Mohon maaf kerana tidak berkesempatan bertemu sewaktu di Kuala Lumpur tempoh hari.
Dan ketiga, seronok sekali suasana bazaar ramadan di sana. Pembelinya datang dari Malaysia saja ker?