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Friday, September 19, 2008

Career Planning - my story!

Sudah agak lama saya tidak menulis mengenai a HR topic. HR =Human Resource. And I am a HR pratitioner. I started my career as an Engineer in 1983. However, from year one I wanted to be a HR Leader. I walked into the office of the Director of HR at my first place of employment and asked him what does it take to be a HR Director like him. I was 26 years old. Alhamdullilah, I achieved my ambition when I was 36, and was also the youngest member of the Board for the company.
My boss, the Chairman of the company said this to me when he broke the news of my promotion, "You don't look excited?"
I replied, "With this comes responsibilities, and I am thinking on how to give my best to you and the company!"
Then I added, " I am also thinking about my next career move!"
To which he said, "Yes, you have come far....and I am sure now you can see further. Find the destination you want to be....and work on it like you have been doing!".
That said.....! I was ready to move on.

I moved to another company in search for fresh challenges and opportunities to work on global stage. That was my next ambition - to be an International player.
Alhamdullillah, by age 44 I became an expats with a reputable Anglo-Dutch company. I have since travelled on business to more than 45 countries. I have held senior positions responsible for two separate regions; Asia and Middle East & North Africa. I have lived in three different countries outside of Malaysia.

In this entry, I want to share my own experience of climbing corporate ladder. Hopefully, it can be of help to a few of my readers.

1. Step one is to know Your Interest
- I was an engineer, having graduated with a technical degree. However my interest has been humanity and working with people. My values include to give something to others; helping them and making them happy.
- I strongly suggest everyone to dive into your value system. What makes you happy? What do you want your legacy to be?
- A famous quote, "If you do somethingyou really enjoy doing - you do not have to work another day!".
2. Know you strength
- I realize that I was good with people. Emphaty comes naturally to me. I am also perceptive and cosiderate. I am a good listener. And I am considerd helpful by others. My personality makes people find me approachable. I am also analytical, and have a passion for action and results.
I have a flair for creativity. In short, I know my strentgh - creative, people insights, and relationship building.
- What are your strengths. Be comfortable in talking about them. Seek feedback from others. Verify your own perception of self. Do others see you the same way you see yourself. What is it that others know about you which you don't know. Find out, pause and reflect.
- Leverage on your strength. Find a career which make use of your strength. Change course if necessary. Your climb will be faster, if you find an area which uses your notable strength rather than trying to improve areas of your weaknesses.
3. Know your weaknesses
- I am not good with details, neither am I interested. I prefer the big picture and concepts. It does not mean that I can't write an engineering paper, I can and did. But it was not my area of natural strength. Why force it? A squre peg is not meant for a round hole!
- My point about knowing your weaknesses is to avoid falling into the trap of trying to improve them. I do not believe in being an all rounder or jack of all trade and master of none. I believe in being a master in a few areas where you are naturally strong.
- If you must go for training, choose subjects where you are strong and be even stronger. Be the best you can be. Be world class! Afterall, Tiger woods never pretended to be Pele!
4. Know what you want to be
- I was specific. I wanted to be the HR Director, and within ten years.
- You too need to take destiny into your own hands. Be very specific of what you want to be. Visualize a clear picture of what that 'position' looks and feels like.
- If you are now a project manager, and you want to be a CEO of a company. Visualize the 'CEO' you; what will your office looks like, who works for you, what car will you drive, and what will make you successful. Be very clear in your own mind. Be even clearer on 'why' do you want to be a CEO. That will bring you down to your own values. Even, take time to describe your vision to your spouse. Add, modify that picture as you gather more information and has become clearer. Make it your dreams; in waking and sleeping time. Be paranoid about it.
5. You need luck, but you also need planning !
- I spent three years as an engineer, with a six months secondment to the HQ in Dallas Texas. I collected sufficient brownie points as an engineer to earn a promotion. Then I spend four years in the operations as one of the unit heads. This gave me management experience. When I graduated with a post graduate diploma in HR management ( part time studies ), the management saw how serious I was in pursuing my ambition. I studied HR formally to have a good foundation of knowledge to support my ambition.
- I asked the HR Director to mentor and coach me as a manager. In doing so, not only did I learn from him, but I also build relationship with him. I 'exposed' myself to one of the key decision makers as far as my career was concerned.
- I kept reminding my boss and the HRD of my ambition to be in HR. When there was a vacancy, I was offered a lateral move and was appointed one of the HR section managers. I flew with the opportunity and got myself ready to be a strong candidate for a HR Director, within the firm but also in the open employment market.
- I had both technical experience and management experience, and had sufficient track records of leadership and delivery.
- I suggest that you focus on getting both TECHNICAL ( Skills ) and Management ( Leading team, planning and controls ) experiences. Have both depth and breadth in your experience portfolio.
- Involving key decision makers in your career planning is essential. Make them partly responsible for your development. I use pro-active words here instead of waiting for things to come to you or waiting for invitations to arrive. Go get them! You need their help.
7. Career Milestones

I consider the following as significant milestones in my career.
- Moving from Technical to Management.
- Completed my post graduate diploma to support my declaration of ambition.
- Zig Zagging my way up between Operational roles and Corporate or Head Office roles.
- To leave my first company and join another - different culture, different vision and values, different opportunities, all of which only made me a better professional.
- To have stayed long enough in a role but not to long! My tenure in any role has been between 3 to 5 years. Long enough to have left some legacy behind and not too long to be a blocker to others and to be complacent.
- Have your own career milestones. Plan for them and go achieve them.

8. Involve your spouse / family in decision

- At everystep, along the way I involved my wife and my children in decisions. They need to be just as excited as me in moving to new places. Plan for schools, housing, circle of friends and social activities together.
- Each person need to know and feel the benefit for them - from the move! And this is up to you !
9. Keep at it! Don't give up.
-There were challenges along the way. Office politics which try to make your life miserable. Bosses which do not share the same values as you. Colleagues who back-stabs. Lots more.
-The important this is to have your eyes on your destinations, and take the opportunity with ever obstacles to renew your resolve to get there.
-Build allies, and beievers. You need people who support you and speak well of you. You can't walk alone, not in a corporate world.
- Be prepared to take one step back, if that will enable you to move three steps forward.
- Be true to your values. Do not sell your soul for the sake of your career. Make your conscience and principles your best allies.

10. Pray!
-As much and as often as possible, pray! Believe in your heart, "Allah Kareem".

ps: To the person who requested me to write something about career, I apologize for what I have written here falls short of your expectation.
---catch up with the Bazaar Ramadan update here.


  1. Thanks for sharing PP. its very good motivation for me to go further, Thanks again!

    p/s your politics skills also not bad heh heh heh

  2. ayah, you know what...

    one day i be like you =)

  3. Rusdi...:-) political skill is a neccessary skill! I can talk for hours about office politics...hehehe. Nak berbual pasal topic nie , anytime lah...buat jah nasik kerabu tu..hehehe


    AD :-)
    no, you are not gping to be like me. You will be MUCH BETTER!!
    when i was ur age, I was still struggling to pass my degree exams. Look at you now! Aim high, dream big!!


  4. hmm..reality is, me and hubby have lost about 6 years in company that didnt value any of us engineer, and now with a sole man in action, hubby needs to catch up waaaay more than what he's expected to be, according to ur rule or margin. hehehe..

    anyway, motivating article you've got here..and dont worry, hubby will probably take 0.1 step ahead to achieve what he wants(that if he already knew what he wanted). at least better than none, kan? hehehe..

    the most important thing as you said is to pray and may whatever he does or we do, will be benificial to us in hereafter, insyaAllah.

  5. qimy...:-) getting an assignment in tucson arizona says something about ur husband's potential. May success be with him and may happiness be with the whole family.

    kita orang melayu bukan saja peneroka felda, now dah boleh meneroka dunia !

  6. A very motivating N3. Thanks, PP for sharing!

    Aha...the political part that I still need to learn a lot..seriuosly. I could pick-up and smell the political part but I try to make my best judgmentwhen dealing with it. Preferably not to trap in any..

    You have so much experience combinng both skills and I envy you..

  7. i really like this... someone is doing exactly like what you have done, moving 1 step backward in order to get 3 steps forward... real life is full of challenges.. when you think you are almost there, someone back stab you.. the most important thing is to keep on striving and never turn back to reach the destination that you have aimed for.

    thank you pakpayne for sharing!

  8. anggerik merah :-)

    office politics - back stabbing, subtle sabotage, credit claiming, names dropping, finger pointing, spreading rumours, surat layang, alienation, humiliation, threats, racism, cronyism, nepotism, favouritism name it, I have been thru them all.

    a calm head, an optimistic and win-win attitude, a forgiving heart - i found to have worked very well.

    best wishes anggeri.


  9. ummi365 :)

    back-stabbing comes from all sort of people, but the worst kind is when it come from your own friends - people you though you can trust.
    get evidences, get people who are willing to testify - and comfront the bugger. let it be known in the whole office that so n so is a back stabber.

    best wishes to umie and also to that 'someone' in achieving your destinations.


  10. salam Pp,

    Again,I love this entry.. I love many entries you have written about career and life advancement :)

    Your experience and views on this issue also benefits me who's not climbing any corporate ladder.. heheh :D

    Keep on sharing Pp

  11. Tuan Haji Pak Pin, pejuang Islam sejati...........

    Selamat Hari Raya & Maaf Zahir Batin. (I don't know what has batin gotta do with maaf .... but since this is a std Sunni greeting, I just follow it)

    Good article ...... Anyway, you should have one nice fu&%$#* web site about interviews, job expectations, boss expectations, office politics etc. Put it up in Malay cos most of the younger generation Malays are poorly equipped (esp those from rural areas like Kg Gong Pachat,Kg Bangol Pak Esah, Kg Jerat Semata etc)to face today's job market reality. You can help lots of people by doing this. In my fuc%^&$# short-life as a govt officer I had interviewed maybe more than 100 idiots - very few impressed me with their Papuan English (comparable to those Papuans wearing pen$%^ sheaths), some dressed as if they were some Tamil movie stars and their knowledge limited to how many times they should pray a day to go to heaven.

    Sorry for not barging in more often ...... and Pak Pin, have a nice Hari Raya.

  12. rd..:-) tenkiu for ur support and encouragement. Despite my ups and down, u hv chosen to stick and believe in me....rasa mcm i am ok la jugak kan..!!

    sekadar berkongsi. ini pun di atas permintaan dari seorang kawan.


    Tuan Malek...:-) thank you for ur heartfelt greetings. likewise, I extend a standard sunni greetings to u...selamat hari raya eidilfitri maaf zahir batin.

    Batin mungkin refers to kesalahan kita di dalam hati...hehehehe. Umpamanya, jika kita mencarut dalam hati...dah kira berdosa la kut naa...
    Jika kita mencarut dgn ******* juga kira berdosa lah jugak tu...hehehe.

    OK Lek, here is deal...I am commissioning you to create a nice paid website for me to write ...professional stuffs....from my knowledge and experience...
    u can call the website with any relevant name.

    Jika tak de orang masuk baca...kita tukar jadikan one of those porno website ...entirely from ur imaginations...hehehe




  13. :)

    A must read for all - young, mid age & di ambang Asar (it's never too late...but be realistic lah kan?)

    If you don't know where you are going, it doesn't matter which way you take. So first thing first - set your destination, then start figure out how to get there.

    Sounds like a no brainer but which many fail to pause to think through.

    May you continue to be blessed with success & happiness, bung Ariff!

  14. Thanks for sharing...

    I have to start thinking of my career next..nak pencen with lots of things to do...he..he..

  15. Tuan Haji Pak Pin, pejuang Islam sejati

    No joke, Pak Pin - nice write-up. I suggest you do more this kind of thing as a kind of social service for the benefit of those non-Sunni Malays lacking the knowledge, the experience & the know-how to face the reality of office politics.

  16. ibu :-) tenkiu for your kind words..
    and aminnn to ur prayers.

    yes, success is one thing. and happiness is another.
    both differ in definition from person to person.
    i have seen 'happiness' in the home of my sister in a kampung in kelantan - where there is no piped water, nor many evidence of what 'success' is.....
    yet, they were and are very happy. I guess success for my sister is seeing his anak2 berjaya....and seeing his children behind their father at prayer time...

    may you too be happy always ibu!


    maklang :-)

    eh dah nak pencen ka?
    NOW PUN NAMPAK MCM terlalu banyak benda yg maklang ceburi dengan sepenuh hati.

    best wishes.


    Tuan Malek, my friend!

    at ur suggestion, i wrote an episod of how i faced up to office politics. this happened circa 1997, in bangsar.

    hope it is useful to a few of my readers. Points in bold are points to note! the rest are my own real story....



  17. abg id!
    very motivating indeed. i have my plan also to climb up the ladder. tapi macam sloowwwwww sesangat. ni dah 32 still tak puas hati dengan my progress.

    insyallah, when that day come i'll remember your entry here.

    thanks a lot for sharing!

  18. Alhamdulillah,
    Allah mendengar my prayers agaknya. I just made a career change recently and it's 360 degree from what I was doing usually. I was not that convinced initially when offered, but as you said, I have to give a try, and the field is something that I like and have always been good at. So, recently I have been looking for directions for my career, and your entry has made me understand it better. I was a marketing person, and now, am in recruitment/staffing & logistics in oil and gas and now, am dealing with all type of nationalities (kena sabar yang amat). I am enjoying it and apparently my bosses are happy too with my work so far. Thank you abang PP for your insight and will definitely be looking forward to more entries from you.
