Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Friday, June 27, 2008

Talking about love...

Way back then....Love was about nurturing!
I never once saw my father and mother exhibited any act or expression of love nor did I hear them say 'love' to each other. However, never once I doubted their love for one another. It was there - in the conversation they had after meals while munching betel leaves. It was there - in things they did not do just as much as in things they did. My mother would not eat until my father was ready to eat. My father would not even think of not coming home for lunch unless he had already informed mother.
Way back then, love was taken for granted and it was ok! There was no need for roses from florists, or for wedding anniversaries to be celebrated. Their love for each other centered around what they did together out of their love for their children. I saw their love at its best during prayers - mother would obediently be behind father and it warmed my heart everytime I saw mother kissed father's hands after prayers.
Way back then it seemed to me that love was caring for each other out of a sense of duty - father was to protect and provide, and mother was to feed and nurture.
Way back then, my father showed me love by spending his afternoon making me bird-traps out of bamboo sticks and sago branches. When he took me on his round to check his 'taut' (fishing rods) - that was love!
Way back then, mother showed me her love by staying up to accompany me finishing my homework by the 'pelita minyak'. She could not read or write, but her presence was more than adequate support for me to strive for excellence. She made it known that she was proud of me. When once I left behind my eraser at home and she walked to school to send it to me - that was love.
Today....Love is about "things!"
Today, love seems to be more fragile and demanding. There is a price to pay for love to exist. Roses for valentines, cards for certain days, presents for birthdays, and candle light dinners for anniversaries. God forbid if you even think of ignoring any of those celebration - "You don't love me anymore!" will be echoing for days! Such is today's love - it is symbolized with 'things'.

Love seems to be a one way thing between parents and children. Today's children are self-centered lots - they demand love for free but hold back theirs as ransom for presents or favours.

Parents who are drawn more and more away from their children due to work are easily blackmailed - at least emotionally. Hence, loosening of discipline and letting go of morale and religious values. How many parents today forced their children to wake up for Fajr prayers! Or maybe the question is, how many parents today themselves wake up for Fajr prayers??
Many couples break up due to absence of love in their relationship. So one of them if not both would claim. How can their hearts not be void of love for another human - if they don't even feel love for their Creator and their Prophet!
Love first in your hearts
Then love with your deeds
Love not only with your words
For such love will not last for keeps.
Love and Iman - when Love is deep within your heart.
Love - At one level it seems clear why the faithful should love the Prophet: he is their teacher, guide and leader and it is impossible for him to teach, guide and lead them if they don't love him. But there is a deeper meaning in the principle that love for the Prophet is essential for iman.

Love of the Prophet is love of all the beauty and nobility of character, truthfulness, justness, humility and inner strength of which man is capable and which the Prophet as al-insan al-kamil (the Perfect man) possessed in the utmost degree. Love for the Prophet means to acknowledge, cherish and glorify all the potential of goodness and greatness that God has created within Man.

It also means love of humanity, not just in regard to its potential for perfection but also despite its general inability to realize that potential and despite all kind of imperfections and weaknesses from which it suffers. For the Prophet is not only the Perfect Man but also the Representative Man who on the day of judgment will represent mankind and plead on their behalf for their imperfections and weaknesses before the throne of God.

Thus love of the Prophet, on the one hand puts us on the road to perfection by making us cherish it dearly and on the other hand it helps us accept our imperfect humanity and in this way to live in peace with ourselves as repentant servants of God hopeful of His mercy. This is why love for the Prophet is a condition of iman, for what is iman if it is not to acknowledge and repent for one's imperfections and weaknesses and to cherish and strive for - even as an unachievable ideal - the perfection of which man is potentially capable?

You can read more about love for the prophet here.
"Every saint has a past - and every sinner has a future!"

I am not yet a saint, and nor do I want to stay a sinner. Please help me God!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Talking about wealth...

Creating Wealth…!!

Way back then…(1960s)

When I was young, I stood open mouthed and wide eyed – admiring in sheer amazement and envy of my friend's new Raleigh bicycle. He took all the admirations in his stride, as he cycled the symbol of wealth around our village. One thing admirable about him – he let his friends tried out his bicycle or even carried us around one at a time as a pillion rider.
Being wealthy in those days – meant you can afford a brand new Raleigh bike for your child. My friend’s parents were wealthy. They had wide expanse of padi-fields, many acres of rubber plantation, and also a tractor which they rented out to other farmers in the village.

Way back then, creating wealth was by means of tending to the soils, toiling the land, and landing good catch from rivers and canals. Creating wealth was harvesting what you grew, barter trading eggs from your poultry farm for coconuts and vegetables with your neighbors. Creating wealth was buying a pair of goats, raised them until they reproduced. Upgrading you keep from goats to cows, and from selling of cows came a source of wealth! Creating wealth was also a matter of saving any surplus in cents and ringgit notes by depositing them into ‘piggy banks’ made from bamboo trunks.

Way back then, I myself was enterprising and participated in wealth creation. I bought ice blocks from a ‘Nyonya shop’ in the nearest town – hacked them into smaller blocks, placed them in gunny sacks filled with saw-dust. Those ice blocks were products which I carried around the village on my father’s old bike – advertising them with my high pitch screams “Air batuuuuuuu……air batuuuuuuuuu!!!”.
Normally I made a net profit of one ringgit per day, but reached as high as three Ringgit during fasting months!

Creating wealth – way back then was through sheer hard work.

Back then….(1980s)

When I graduated and started to earn salary – I did not waste much time before buying a house. My thought was, instead of paying rental just as well I pay the banks for my loan installments. My first purchase was a two bedroom compact house on a plot measuring 14’ by 65’ in Taman Melawati. Small, yet we were proud and happy owners. My first enterprising move – I negotiated with the seller to elevate the price so that I could get a 100% bank loan. As part of the negotiation, I agreed to pay for any incremental difference of property gain tax which he had to pay! That house bought for RM60k was sold two years later at RM73K. I made my first profit – and we moved to a rental and bigger house. The profit from the house sale was deposited into ASN! That was my early exposure to equity and unit trusts. Great lessons!

When our first child was born ( Adlil ), I shared with LiL my vision of buying a house each time we get a child. Six children later, I am pleased to say – I kept to my vision!!!

Later, a friend introduced me to ‘Futures trading’ of the palm oil commodity. That was an expensive lessons for me! I lost my ASN savings….and lots more. No more commodity futures for me!!! And not for my next generations either!!!

Then the same friend convinced me that investing in the stock market were safer. I was gullible – so I did. It was ok until one day when Saddam decided to attack Iran! I saw my capital shrunk and kept shrinking. When it hit 50% loss – I exited. I have stayed away from stock market since then…..!!

One day, my wife came home telling me about a get rich quick scheme which her office colleagues have invested and made lots of easy money. What ever remained from the stock market, I placed with one guy called ‘Pak Man Telo’. A few months later – his business went bust and I lost everything!!
The only investment which has seen my money grow year after year has been the real estate investment.

These days…

In Malaysia!
Creating wealth in Malaysia in recent years – means joining politics and getting into the right circle. Just to show that life is not all unfair, there are a few people who made it through honest effort of sheer hard work. Read about two of them here.

In U-ay-E!
Creating wealth means being lucky in winning the millionaire prize during the monthly National Bond draw!
For those with strong hearts, creating wealth in U-ay-E is about gritting one’s teeth, closing one’s eyes and splash money to invest in Real Estates!!
Many have got it right!!! The only flaw in that system is that – you need to be wealthy first in order to create more wealth.
To the less than wealthy average person like me – we can talk all day and admire with envy all night, listening to stories of how others have made it!
But – there is one millionaire in U-ay-E for every sixty people! Read here about it, and be inspired!!

Sometimes, I long for the good ole days…..when a ‘ice cream potong’ was all the indulgence I need to make me so so so happy!

Monday, June 23, 2008

My new toy!

My newly acquired toy - a canon G9!
Headline features
-12.1 Megapixels (1/1.7” sensor) with RAW mode for maximum image control
- 6x optical zoom lens with optical Image Stabilizer and SR coating
- DIGIC III and iSAPS for lightning fast response, superb image quality and advanced Noise Reduction
- Face Detection AF/AE/FE and Red-Eye Correction in playback
- 3.0” high-resolution, PureColor LCD II with extra wide viewing angle
- ISO 1600 and Auto ISO Shift
- Compact body with dedicated ISO and Multi Control dials
- 25 shooting modes including full manual control and 2 custom settings
- Extra telephoto reach with Digital Tele-Converter and Safety Zoom
- Hot shoe support for Canon Speedlite flashes and optional lens accessories

Canon G9 is a high end compact camera with many of the SLR features built in. But its ease of use means that a seven year old Luqman can point and shoot pictures like above and below.

The arrival of my new toy, means that my old toy Canon EOS400D is more available for use by Haziq, a budding photographer in the family. Pictures below were taken by Haziq! I think they are amazing...

The EOS 400D features
- 10.1 Megapixel CMOS sensor
- Canon’s EOS Integrated Cleaning System
- 2.5” LCD screen with 230K pixels and 160ยบ viewing angle
- High-precision 9 point AF system
- Picture Style image processing parameters
- DIGIC II image processor with 0.2 sec start up
- Digital Photo Professional RAW processing software
- Compact and Lightweight body
- Fully compatible with all Canon EF and EF-S lenses and EX-series Speedlites

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Summer time - Bujang time!

Last night I was surprised by a question from LiL, “Is it true that men are happy when their families left them alone during the summer?”

I was driving, and the children at the back seats stopped their own chatter and went silent, awaiting my response. We left a friend's house about 11.30pm, having gone there directly after the YDP Agung’s birthday celebration. Ten other friends also converged there – having second round of Nasi Lemak dan Lontong brought back from the event.
click the logo to read about the YDP Agung event!

We spoke about topics men talk about. Nooooo!! Not sex. And Noooo!! Not football either. We did not talk about sex, serious! But we spoke about politics and its impact on individual rakyat and the future of our next generations. Serious topic! Different views were exchanged, and whenever the conversation got a bit too hot – one or two injected some humor. Serious, there were no sexy jokes either! The jokes were mainly about politicians and their broken promises.

One thing about my new found circle of friends which I find clinical is that they don’t talk about girls, or women or sex. Sometimes I wonder if it is because they think I will be offended – in which case, I want to reassure them I am a normal man. Other times, I wonder if they think I am too old to talk about girls or sex or topics yang sewaktu dengan nya. If that is the case I want to tell them, I am still young at heart!

I tried to prolong the silence. LiL kept looking at me urging for an answer. My children at the back seats have gone one stage further – they were pretending to be asleep.
So I resorted to the best trick I have up my sleeve. I answered her question with a question. “Why do you ask?” I glanced into the rear view mirror and I could see Luqman straining his ears wanting to make sure he did not miss anything.
“I noticed your ‘bujang’ friends were looking very happy just now!” She said.
Oh, so that was the reason. And I recalled that a couple of our ‘bujang’ friends actually arrived late and came in looking very cool in black T-shirt and even were wearing socks. Those two who normally go around with sandals were actually wearing leather shoes too. We were teasing them the whole evening, “Wah….pakai stoking….ada event dengan dayang-dayang istana pulak ka?”

Earlier at the YDP Agung's event both Lil and I overheard a group of men talking about their joy of being ‘free’ for a couple of months. One said, “Aku dah bujang, anak dan bini aku dah balek!! Semua pun dah boleh!” The other was heard saying, “Bini aku tak nak balek la pulak. Jenuih aku sughuih dah!” Noooo, I don’t know them. I think they were probably from Abu Dhabi or maybe from one of those effluent neighborhoods in Dubai. From their dialect I also guessed they were Oghang utagha la tu kut naa!

“Kenapa pulak men should be happy when they are left alone?” LiL persisted.
“I really don’t know la. I know I will miss you and the kids when you leave!” I said while overtaking a lorry. We were already passing the Global Village, only ten minutes before we reach home.
“Betul ka tu?” She asked, but she was smiling.
“Betul la…. kenapa la pulak nak curiga nya!” I squeezed her hand.
At the instant all three at the back seats said almost at the same time, “Betul ka tu ayah!”

Hahahaha…..macam ada konspirasi la pulak!

“Betul!!!” I said. My little laughter at the end of my responce made LiL glanced at me sharply.
Her last word as I parked the car in our garage, "Jangan nak over-over nanti bila I tak der!"

A few of my 'bujang' friends are coming to our home tonight to watch the Netherland / Russia semi final game live. LiL will be preparing 'Teh Tarik' dan keropok goreng. She may even join us watching the game. To my 'bujang' friends, "Better conceal a little of your 'happiness' guys!"

You may even talk about how lonely it can get to be left alone.


"Negaraku" bergema di Dubai!

was there !

In the picture above - can you spot a Malaysian 'singer' bersuara emas. Can you name her? Can you name at least one of her songs?

Above: The consul general of Malaysia - Tuan Syed Mohd Hasrin menyampaikan ucapan.
Meremang bulu roma bila lagu Negara Ku bergema di foyer MATRADE! Lebih kurang 250 Malaysians berdiri berganding bahu menyanyikan lagu dengan semangat waja - kasih kan ibu pertiwi walaupun berada di rantau. Begitulah suasana di permulaan majlis Sambutan Ulang Tahun Keputeraan DYMM Yang Dipertuan Agung - yang di anjurkan oleh pihak Konsul Jeneral di Dubai, dan diberi kerjasama kelolaan sepenuhnya oleh MyUAE-PRO. Tuan Syed Mohd Hasrin dalam ucapan beliau mengimbas sejarah dan perlembagaan Malaysia sebagai peringatan dan sumber pengetahuan kepada anak watan di rantau. Ada diantara anak anak kita yang telah dilahirkan di perantauan dan tidak fasih berbahasa ibunda apalagi mengetahui sejarah negara. Beliau juga mengalu-alukan kedatangan semua Malaysians ke Majlis tersebut yang harus dipergunakan sepenuhnya untuk mengeratkan silaratulrahim dan networking sesama kita. Tidak lupa beliau mengucapkan terimakasih kepada semua yang telah bekerja-sama menjayakan majlis - terutama MyUAEPRO!
Di atas, anak anak watan mendelekmasi sajak patriotik nukilan Puan Nazrah Ayu. Di bawah, empat serangkai !

Para hadirin dijamu berbagai juadah selera Malaysia. Di antaranya, nasi lemak, meehoon goreng, berbagai kueh-mueh, dan juga lontong. Majlis di serikan dengan berbagai acara sampingan - kuiz mengenai Malaysia, pembacaan sajak patriotik, dan pertandingan Fotografi.

Cabutan bertuah menyaksikan ramai tampil ke pentas menerima hadiah2 yang di sediakan oleh penaja2. Malaysia Airlines menyediakan hadiah utama berupa dua tiket ke Beirut! Di bawah, Pengurus Besar Malaysia Airlines - Afrika dan Timur Tengah, Puan Merina Tahir menyampaikan hadiah kepada pemenang utama di saksikan oleh Tuan Konsul Jeneral!

Di atas Mushil mengacarakan Kuiz, dan di bawah Sdr Fadli menyampaikan cenderahati kepada Aidir salah seorang yang telah menjayakan delekmasi sajak!

Di atas - yours truely bersama isteri, dan di bawah Sdr Zuraimi membawa Konsul Jeneral meninjau pameran foto-foto !

Veritas menyediakan hadiah utama untuk pertandingan Fotografi. Di bawah, Pengurus Veritas Sdr Karim menyampaikan hadiah utama kepada pemenang! Fendi dari klikcrazy photo club di tengah2.

Malaysian Palm Oil Council in Dubai as always has been supportive through their contribution of hampers for lucky draw winners. Thank You Sdr Zafri - Director of MPOC based in Dubai!

The Bernama report of the event failed to mention the roles played by MyUAEPRO - the association of Malaysian professionals in UAE. Let it be known that many people have worked hard towards the success of this event - many ladies have spent long hours in the kitchen cooking the food, and many from MyUAEPRO have put in efforts in their personal time preparing for those activities. To everyone who have helped, directly or indirectly - thank you and well done! I know Fendi and his team worked hard preparing for the photo contest, Puteri worked hard to pull the recitation of sajak together, Mushil and his team prepared the quiz, and a few others worked behind the scenes. Sdr Hasnol was brilliant as the Master of ceremony and Hj Latiff started off with doa selamat. As an example of the team spirit, Sdr Kirawan offered a helping hand on the day - to distribute the lucky draw coupons.

Well Done all!!

Gambar di sini ( dari Nik ).

The Bernama report:
Malaysians Mark Agong's Birthday In DubaiBy Abdul Muin Abdul Majid. DUBAI,
June 21 (Bernama) -- The Malaysian consulate in Dubai hosted a gathering Friday to mark the birthday of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin.This followed a similar celebration organised by the Malaysian embassy in Abu Dhabi last week. The Dubai event started with the singing of the national anthem "Negara Ku", with the guests present making do with a projected image of the "Jalur Gemilang" flag as the function was held indoors. In his speech, Malaysian consul-general Syed Mohamad Hasrin Tengku Hussin drew attention of the audience to Tuanku Mizan's address earlier this month in which the King emphasised the need for Malaysians to exercise patience and act wisely in facing the global challenges posed by food shortages and oil price increases."His Majesty also advised the government to manage the nation's petroleum resources efficiently for the benefit of future generations," he added. The consul-general said Malaysians in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) were highly regarded by locals and foreign expatriates alike."Together we should strive to keep up the good name of Malaysia and keep our flag flying high in the UAE," he said, expressing confidence that existing close bilateral relations would be further enhanced with the cooperation and support of all members of the Malaysian community and government agencies.Besides allowing people to catch up with each other or forge new friendship, the event saw some of the lucky ones going home with various prizes, including Malaysia Airlines tickets won in the lucky draw and a photography competition.-- BERNAMA

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Nasi Air...Lopat Tikae!

Ayu Jelita puteri-puteri
di samping teruna tampan bersopan
Majlis makan-makan di rumah Puan Neme
Terus erat anak Kelantan di Perantauan!

Ketibaan - di sambut dengan hidangan makanan - cukup istimewa!

Tetamu menjamu selera!

The story about the first get together for Kelantanese in Dubai was told HERE. It was during that first do that we agreed to have another one, and for the second get together Puan N and her ever so popular husband Z invited us to their residence. That was tonight!

Puan N & sdr Z - are hosts with big hearts!

There was plenty of food. On the main table were Nasi Air, Daging bakar, Ikan Masin goreng, Colek Pelempong, Nasi kuning and roast chicken. Then on the desert table were Lompat Tikae, Tepong Bukus, A cake, generous serving of grapes, Onde-onde ( di bawa oleh Syela ) and kueh peria ( K Lil's contribution ). To wash the food down - she offered air sirap bandung and teh tarik! Five Star by any measure!!

Gu Kelate - Mesra, walau di mana, dan walaupun baru berjumpa!

There were exciting moments when we exchanged presents. Guests were told to bring a present of minimum AED50 in price - but when given as gift, will be invaluable.

There were hilarious moments when couples were asked to pose for the camera - giving their most romantics post.

Gambar di bawah ni dari album! hehehe. Malam tadi tak sempat nak posing romantics sebab terlebih makan kueh Lompat Tikae! There were embarassing moments when a few of us tried to get 'Dikir Barat' going - but our vocals somehow did not sound as good, perhaps without the budu! Tock Jogho cari you-tube Dikir!

There were definitely lots of conversation, laughter, and smiles all around - Thank you to our hosts Puan Neme and family, and thank you to everyone!

To Puan Neme,
Bersama famili.

Pagi ini,
kami bangun dari mimpi
Indah pertemuan, majlis berseri
Makan itu dan makan ini
bergambar duduk dan berdiri
ah indahnya malam tadi!

Bagaikan bunga, semerbak mewangi
Kuntum berkembang warna warna pelangi
Kau lah bunga di taman kami
kau lah ratu tersemat di hati
terima kasih Puan Neme!

Kami bagaikan rama-rama
disambut dengan lambaian mesra
Keindahan yang kami rasa
Semoga Allah membalasnya jua!

Sekali lagi kami menyusun jari
mengutus doa untuk Puan Neme dan famili
Semoga bertambah rezki
Boleh kami menumpang lagi!

Tenkiu......we love you!
