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Friday, April 18, 2008 is a bull's life!

**myUAE-PRO first meeting updated here**
Sometimes we all get a little stuck
Having our feet in some mud
we want to move, but simply can't
one of those days....we need someone!
When help comes looming by
we sigh in relief, we don't ask why
we offer our soul...and our heart too
life is not all what it seems
not always as fair as some tales of fairies!
It is better to be careful with our steps
and look where we dare put our heads
also worth remembering we need good friends
who will help us, without expecting favours in return!
-pakpayne. april 18th.2008


Note1: The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence. But you may get screwed in going there! Always do your due deligence.....*wondering what I meant with those words*

Note 2: One may be adventurous....but one better know with whom one keeps company! *too late....for this cow*

Note 3: Before trusting someone new....always have your back covered! *wise afterthoughts*

Note 4: One can never be too careful! *what this cow will say in reflection...*

Note 5: If this is the only to get you...., then please excuse me babeh!! *from the bull's point of view*

Note 6: "Now finally I understand...why they say, let the Ladies go first!" *Bull's reflection*

Note 7: "Why didn't you just ask.....?" *Their conversation when everything was over*

Note 8: "Is this what they meant by bondage honey?" *Assuming they are a couple...trying new position*

Note 9: "I hope this does not go on You-tube or appears on some jokers' blogs" *assuming one of them is a politician pre PRU12*

Note 10: "When I said listen to grass-roots...It was not to trick you Sir!" *A deputy to his boss! Post PRU-12*

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Proverbial wisdom...

"Write the bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble" - Arabic proverb.
- The above is my secret of staying sane, happy and optimistics about life.
During lunch with a friend today, he mentioned about one of many Malay traits, "Sensitive - Mudah terkedu!". He quoted an example of our mutual friend who is easily affected by simple and trivial things - mostly unintended. As an example, he would stay away from an invitation just because he was not amongst the first few invited. If he knew or even feel that he was invited after fiften others, then he felt slighted. The host, I am sure would never have guessed that one of his invitees failed to turn up because of that reason. When I first heard that example, I too dismissed the guy as being childish. However, upon reflections......I appreciate and respect that he too is entitled to his own individuality and nuances. Who am I to be a better judge!!!
Often, when we are engaged in conversation of criticizing others, we forgot that others too are entitled to have their opinion about us. So while calling all sort of names on one person, I have seen a friend hitting the roof when told actually the person he was calling names also have called him by some sordid sounding name. Why the double standard??
I don't mind in the least if so and so calls me this or that. I maybe dissappointed for a while...that is about it.
There is another proverb which I find quite telling, "You can't pick the cherries if you are not facing the tree!"
Some of us....would try to pick cherries from a thousand miles away. Some have never seen a cheery tree, yet based on what stories heard, choose to have a go anyway!! "Betul betul mangkuk punya orang....!!!!" hehehehe.
A person who knows himself or herself well - will be less bothered by what people says about them. Infact, to the contrary they welcome views and opinions and want to understand what trigger those? These feedbacks are taken as nourishments for development and growth.
But there are more people, especially Melayu, who would rather close their eyes and ears and definitely their hearts to any critics or feedbacks.
They are beyond any critics.....!!
Another Arabic proverb will end my entry,
"The mind is for seeing, and the heart if for hearing".
Open both.....and be happier!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Satu pagi membeli tanah !!!

>>New update 'Education - teach them wisdom' HERE<<
Pagi tadi aku telah ke pejabat salah satu property developer terulung di Dubai untuk menyelesaikan satu kes pembelian hartanah bagi pihak syarikat. Sewaktu di sana tuan punya syarikat aku telah menalifon, "Since you are there, can you go find out from their Sales office for any land we can buy to develop". Begitulah lebih kurang bos aku yang berbangsa Arab itu memberi mandat baru supaya aku membelikan tanah pula sebagai pelaburan.

Jadi setelah selesai urusan pertama tadi, aku terus ke tingkat 8 (siapa yang biasa dengan syarikat hartanah ini akan tahu yang Sales officenya terletak di tingkat 8, Menara 1).
Aku terus ke receptionist yang sungguh jelita keturunan Lebanese agaknya, "I need to see a Sales representative" Kata aku.
She politely asked me sit while she called one of the Sales Managers.

Seorang berbangsa Arab juga, agak aku dari negara Mesir datang - melihat aku dengan sebelah mata dan bertanya kepada Receptionist siapa tadi yang ingin bertemu. The pretty girl tersenyum ke arah aku, sambil memberitahu tuan pengurus bahwa aku lah orangnya.
"Oh, what can I do for you?" Kata sang pengurus jual. Mungkinkah dia fikirkan aku seorang pemandu menuggu bo aku!
"I am looking for land to buy" Jawap aku. Dalam hati aku tercuit-cuit juga melihat sang juru jual berbangsa arab itu terkejut! Mungkin dalam hati dia pula berkata, betulkah mamat ni nak beli hartanah .....mungkin mamat ni di suruh pergi beli tanah untuk berkebun kut!
Aku agak itulah yang di fikirkannya sebab riak mukanya bagaikan tidak percaya. Nada suaranya pun layan tak layan jer. Sememang aku tidak memakai neck-tie jadi tidak sesegak dia lah pagi tadi tu. Tapi aku berbaju kut! Ah....baju kut aku tidak dari jenama terkenal rupanya.
Dia meminta, "Can I have your business card please".
Lalu aku hulurkan. Job title aku di bisness card tu kira okey la jugak.

Setelah melihat business card dia berkata, " Are you from Turkey?" Ah, rupanya nama bapa aku tu seakan nama orang Turkey.

"No, I am Malaysian" Kata aku, yang sudah mula seronok pula melihat reaksi si juru jual yang terkeliru. Maklum lah hartanah di sini di jual dengan harga minima pun aed100mil untuk project development. Lain lah jika tanah untuk berkebun, aed80 pun sudah dapat sekampit. Manalah dia nak percaya ada mamat sesat datang nak labur sebanyak itu. Dah la tu, tidak pula bawa briefcase atau pakai kut Am*rni.

Di pendekkan cerita, dia memberitahu tanah tidak ada untuk dijual. Katanya lagi, kalau nak beli condo atau villa banyaklah. Aku kata, itu pun boleh juga untuk aku consider secara peribadi. Urusan syarikat aku hanya berminat untuk membeli tanah jer!
"What price range are you looking for?" Dia bertanya, masih nada sinis. Gedebe aku pun datang. Oghe Kelate la katakan....pantang terasa di cabar...hehehe....mesti nak mainkan balek.
"I am looking for a penthouse - with private swimming pool and preferably with a heli-pad as well. Oh I am only interested in one with seven bedrooms and with ocean view and view of Burj Dubai."
Dia terus ajak aku masuk ke pajabatnya dan siap panggil office boy dia untuk sediakan aku minuman. Aku refused the offer for tea, "I have another appointment actually to view an office tower in Business Bay". Sebenarnya, aku tak nak lama-lama takut kantoi! Nanti cara minum teh pun salah....tak nampak macam orang yang ada milion-milion.....manalah aku tahu macam mana orang yang ada milion-milion tu minum teh!!

Teruja juru jual tadi. Dia membuka file - dan mencari brochure penthouse. Terjojol biji mata aku melihat harganya!! hehehe. Alahaiiiiii, sungguh menawan. Siap dengan perabut. Katanya , hanya satu yang tinggal. Itu pun sebab ada cancellation dari pembeli Rusia.
"This is exactly what I am looking for!" Kata aku, sebelum menyambung, "When can I view!"
Dia kaget, dan menjawap "Errr this will be ready end of 2010".
"I want one ready to move in. In that case, I better get going" Kata aku sambil berdiri.

Si juru jual menemani aku hingga ke pintu lift.
"Sir, Thank you for coming. I will let you know if there is land for sale soon".

Amboiii, tiba-tiba pula dia panggil aku, "Sir!"

Setelah berada di dalam kereta aku called isteri. Kami gelak sakan!

Friday, April 11, 2008


Have you ever bounced a tennis ball? It is possible that the ball bounces higher than the point where it drops from.
I have bounced back...and I am higher and still bouncing! Yeehaaaaaaa.........*cowboy's style*

I have dived right down to the cause of why I was down. Just after I wrote I was feeling down, I spent sometime in Mekah - performed Umrah and prayed to God to guide me back to what is the best path for me. Clouds moved! Heavy loads shifted from my shoulders. Faces appeared and dissappeared. I went there looking for peace, for love, for compassion. I came back with plenty to give......

It becomes clearer to me.....that, I have to pursue more actively in giving. The place to start is where I am now and the best thing to give is my time and my experience.

“You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.”
Kahlil Gibran

It is touching therefore to see another dear STAROBA brother of mine here, also championing a cause to provide for those who need. Please contact him directly if you wish to join in this noble cause. Of course, neither he nor anyone else can repay your sincere gifts - May Allah bless you for now and for after!

Ps: This blog will continue with the my usual bantering *smiling*

My other blog, here.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Little Pearls - Being Thoughtful!

I attended a meeting in a busy part of Dubai. For those who are not familiar with Dubai, parking is not easily available and public parking spaces are charged by the hour using pre-paid meter. I arrived just in time for my meeting, found a parking space in a public area which required me to walk for 900 meters to the entrance of the building of my destination. I deposited five dirham into the parking meter machine for a 2 hour parking coupon.

The meeting started at 4pm sharp as scheduled. At five, the meeting was not even near to its conclusion, so I excused myself to perform Asr prayer. When I came out from the comfort room after performing 'wuduk', a Sejadah was already in position in the meeting room which has been vacated.

"Ermmm very thoughtful" I said to myself!

Ten minutes to six, the person chairing the meeting asked me for my car key. "We will send our office boy to deposit more money for your parking. The meeting will take another hour" He said and asked me to explain to the office boy where to find my car.

I said to myself, "wow!!". I have forgotten about my parking expiration, But he remembered!

I was impressed with the little pearls of thoughtfullness, in pro-actively preparing my prayer sejadah and in topping up my parking coupon. He has left a long lasting impression with me, and I would certainly want to do business with him again in the future. His thoughtfullness achieved more than what a power-point presentation could have done.

Do you have "wow" customer service stories to share?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Departure Hall....

"This is a final call for all passengers on flight 6by4 to Final Destination - will all passengers please go to the departure hall for immediate boarding!!" That call is intended to those who are ready for the flight and to those who are not ready for the flight alike! Whether or not you have checked in or have your passport stamped, if your time has come and you are on the passenger's list - you will not be able to miss this flight.

Passengers on the flight 6by4 to Final Destination come from all sort - young, rich, poor, good-looking, ugly looking, married, single, fat, thin, educated, high ranking, lowly paid, old, white, black! There is no discrimination!
All of us, therefore, are on standby at this Departure hall - for a flight to eternity. Flight times are unknown and seat numbers untold. When it is time, it is time! This is a flight which departs punctually, everytime.

"Please show your boarding pass!" Some unsuspecting passengers are given first class seats, while others tried to pay their way for a good seat only to be showed the last row seat by the toilet. This is a flight on which seats are allocated based not on how much you are willing to pay, but on how little baggage you carry with you.

If you know you are at the departue hall for this flight to eternity - what will you do differently?
How would you spend your time?
What do you want to say to your loved ones who will be there to see you go.....teary eyed as they wave you goodbye!
How would you feel? Anxious? Scared? Prepared and ready?

This is a flight where you need not fasten your seat belt! A flight to eternity.....your deeds prior to departure will determine the level of turbulence and in-flight service you receive.
You and you alone will pilot the plane.

Come join me - let us be ready for this flight - so that we can enter the departure hall with peace and love in our heart.