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Sunday, June 10, 2007

I am looking for a

I am looking for a job so
- I updated my resume, not over exaggerating but updating! Not underselling either, but stating facts of my achievements and what skills and experience I will bring with me.
- I customize my resume for each vacancy I am applying for, stressing the parts of my skills and experience which are relevant to the particular job.
- I answer all phone calls with an upbeat voice, "Hello - this is Idham speaking" rather than the more casual "Hi....idham here". Who knows, a potential employer is on the other end of the line.
- I dress extra smart everyday to work, with a matching jacket on top and matching socks at the bottom. I will always be ready to meet any interviewer at short notice.
- I have been practicing my 'hand-shakes' - has to be firm and warm, my 'greetings' - warm and formal, always 'Hello' rather than 'Hi'. My 'eye contact' engaging rather than fleeting or staring.
- I have been preparing with answers to the common and other anticipated questions.
- I have also listed questions I want to ask.
- And I have been doing my homework, surfing and finding information about the prospective employer.

And I am not even a beginner, yet I am investing my time and effort getting myself ready. Preparation gives me confidence. At interviews, one has to come across confident but not arrogant, self-assured but not closed minded, opinionated but not stuck up. Rational but with sufficient emotion to be human. A pinch of sense of humour to be able to laugh but not to start the joke. I should know, I have been on the other side of the table for a long time now.

I have sent my resumes to selected search consultants. The key word is to be selective - so that one's resume does not become a commodity. Choose the consultant company which represents the type of employers you are seeking relationship with. It is about branding - the more prestigious you make yourself be, the more sought after you are! And chance are, the more bucks you can negotiate out of the deal.
Or if you are like me, I also approach the employer direct through someone who know the key stakeholders there. There are people who you know who are bound to know someone else that matters. If you don't then something is to be said also about your network and the type of people you have in your social circle.

I am looking for a job, and I could not afford to be desperate! Desperation has a way of showing through at interviews, and believe me not many employers want to employ desperadoes! Therefore as a rule, always look for a job while still in employment!

I am sharing for the benefit of others who are also looking .....for a job*smile*

Friends, please wish me luck!


  1. Allah knows the best for us. All prayers to you.

  2. thx for sharing the tips..
    good luck..

  3. a little bit surprise when i clicked over here - kemgahing tengok biru lagih, hari ni bakpo jadi koko..hehehe..

    anyway we need changes from time to time..a road well trodden somtimes will give us slugging trip thus a new one provides excitement of uncertainties..a new challenge..

    wish you luck and a prayer for you abe arief...


  4. Good luck Abe Id!

    How do you prepare for romance? Needs resume tak?? Teehehehehe..

  5. Good luck. It's always good to be prepared.

  6. Abg Id..

    We are in the same boat!..opss not exactly. My company has ceased operations since March 2007..meaning I am jobless now..whereas you ARE still in employment..

    I wish both u and me GOOOOOOD LUUUUUCCCKKKK...for the job hunting!!ameenn...

    ;) Ida

  7. tO EvereyOne who have left comments - of support, encouragement and emphatizing with me - I want say TAHNK YOU to everyone...


    I really appreaciate all ur well wishes.


  8. thanks fr the pointers. they sure come in handy one day for me *smile*

    good luck searching dude!

  9. semoga mendapat kerja yang lebih baik, InsyaAllah...

  10. welcome to the club

    my husband also looking for a job. he he he. fun innit?

  11. kc...:)


    fayrahim..goodluck to ur hubby ajak la dia dtg cari kerja di dubai..:)

    liyas...thanks for the link to tm...u org telekom ka?
    melaka? jb?


  12. All the best to you... with all the preparations..InsyaAllah...
