I have been living in Jeddah for close to four years now. I know the town quite well and I can drive to my favourite restaurant without much trouble. From the office - turn right and right again into the Al Malek road until the traffic light where I need to turn left. Then straight on along Hera' street until the ship round-about. Take 9 o'clock turn and go straight until the second traffic light where I need to make a U-Turn. The restaurant is about 100 yards from the U-turn.
One day a few friends and I set out for the restaurant from the office round about the same time, but we decided to drive our own car so that after dinner we can go straight home.But they got there long before I did. I asked them if they had driven fast but they denied this. Then I asked what route they had taken. They explained and it was obvious that they had taken a short cut by making a u-turn on AL-Malek road then turning right into a small lane and they just needed to make one left turn into another small lane behind a row of shop houses and arrived through the back of the restaurant.
A small side turning had led them directly to the restaurant while I was making unnecessary detour through the center of the town. My own route had always seemed satisfactory so I never looked for a shorter one. Nor had I ever been aware that there was a shorter one. I had driven past the small side turning each time but had never explored it because there had been no reason to. And without exploring it I could never have found out how useful it was. My original route had been in terms of large well known segments, cliche segments, because that is the easiest way to give instructions.
When I first arrived four years ago, that was how my friends had given me instruction and I kept with it. There had never been any reason to break off along one of these cliche segments. My mind was blocked because I never had problem looking for the restaurant. It occurred to me that sometimes, if I was to lose my way then maybe it would been a blessing in disguise since I may have discovered the shorter way.
I can think of three ways how our mind can be blocked.

2. Another is blocked by there being something in the way *Pokok tumbang di tengah jalan*. Here there is a definite obstacle which bars progress. In order to go on, one has to find a way of removing the obstacle or getting around it. This is about concentrating one's effort in finding alternative options *U-Turn and detour or cut the branches of tree just enough to clear a path for the car to pass through*
3.The least obvious is blocked because there is nothing in the way *Like my case to the restaurant* The road is open and clear, so one shoot right pass the small junction without even noticing that it was there. Here a particular way of looking at things leads one to miss a better way of looking at them. Because the first way is adequate, one does not consider that there might be a better way - let alone look for it.
We become a creature of habits!
The third type of block is what happens when one is block by the adequate, blocked by the openness, blocked by perceived success!. Trying to avoid this type of block requires lateral thinking - an open mind and open attitude with a good sprinkles of humility. A balance between self confidence and steadfastness versus being inquisitive and challenging self for continuous learning can help.
I welcome you to join me in finding a shorter cut to the restaurant of your own lives. A new way of looking at things - not necessarily better, but definitely new.
When I think about the above, I can relate to my job search as being an opportunity now to look for a new path. Perhaps I will discover a new journey with scenic views and more thrilling and rewarding adventure. Only God knows..!
Salam Bro Idham,
ReplyDeleteA very interesting and not to mention very full-of-lesson entry u got here. Some times struggles/difficulties are just what we need in life, as they somehow can help us become better persons.
Good luck in all your new ventures Bang.
ReplyDeletehappy fathers'day to you..
The least obvious block is sometimes very difficult to realise.
Hi Idham,
ReplyDeleteEvery change in our life is a blessing. True, even if we lost our way, yes, we never know who we meet along the way, what lessons we learn, they could seem good and they good seem bad. But to me, whatever is the outcome, yes, agreed, we needed it then, so my conclusion, that could only be good lah. Every experience good or bad enriches our life by leaps and bounds. May you get what you desire.
Happy Daddy's day!
ReplyDeleteReading these with a calculated pace and added Indian accent makes you sound like Ram Charam..
IMHO, definitely, there's a consultant DNA in you.
Bro Id
ReplyDeleteAiyo, today the webpagie (this is how my korean officemate says webpage - cute)at my office is down.
There are so many blocks..my mind is block now.
- we are blocked from the hr software we use
- time diff between Msia & US has blocked us from contacting them to restore the webpagie.
- everything is on a total standstill since 7am hence I am 2 hours away from going home which might be BLOCKED becoz I have pending things...arggghhh!!!
- I have had to block my growling stomach from lunch fearing that i might lose time a.k.a when webpagie up, i tgh bergumbira makan2 then lose time nak buat update.
- I hate Mondays it blocks my mood totally!
On a much happier note - Happy Daaa-Diii Day to you!
Sometimes it doesn't occur to us that we are so use to routines and regulars. And when we tend to steer out off the boundaries of our 'routines & regulars', we tend to feel the insecurities.
ReplyDeleteBut then, insecurities are good, it gives us a reason to get out of our comfort zone.
The husband always reminds me, don't always tink the pillow is always soft for u....you'll nvr know its going to be too hard.
Sometimes a blockage like such needs a by-pass, eh? LOL.. Hope you're well.
ReplyDeletenJ....:) yes, we can all be better tomorrow than we were yesterday...if we care to look for opportunities to learn and improve...
ReplyDeletebest wishes nJ...and hopefully your own new venture works out for the better.
anggerik...that is the point exactly...the less obvious one are the hardest to spot and the most common too...hehehehe..
ReplyDelete:) best wishes to u and ur loved ones.
dear ruby...yes ...the conclusion is exactly that ...all changes are good! All GLASSES ARE HALF FULL...
ReplyDeleteand all people are born to make someone one else happy...
I think I am getting closer each day to getting what i desire.....happiness, truly!
Joe - Kontae...:)
ReplyDeleteeh, DNA consultant tu ado jugok tu in ur blood streams...:)
thanks for seeing me as adding value through my writing...
Fay...aiyyoooo...:) hopefully ur blocked got cleared up....and u got to enjoy a normal day with a healthy lunch again.
ReplyDeletehow systems can rule our lives sometimes eh...
what could have been done to 'unblock' those systems blockages i wonder?
thanks for the daddii day greetings!
Minah C....insecurities are good indeed....and i also believe that 'Good' is our own enemy stopping us from being 'better'.
ReplyDeleteur hubby is right indeed, that pillows can sometimes be 'hard'...masa tu la cakap dgn dia, that u need his lengan to be ur pillow.
D..hehehehe...that is another way to look for a way through...a by-pass!
ReplyDeletehow is summer treating u and ur loved ones....?
Salam. This entry makes me think of my studies, find new algorithm so that can produce optimized result, shorter time, best and quick result, and more-more shorter route. Wolla, susah-lah...
ReplyDeletezlaa....memang susah...especially if things are going well for u in ur studies.
ReplyDeletebut i do believe, that 'wanting' to achieve and improve is an excellent start indeed.
an example we are familiar from buku cerita kanak2 ia lah how a burung gagak masukkan batu ke dalam botol yang berisi air supaya paras air naik ke tahap yang membolehkan si gagak minum air tersebut. That is to mee looking at the problem with an open and 'can do' mindset!
happy father's day abg id.. :D
ReplyDeletegood luck for ur new journey
lor...awat dah hilang entry pagi tadi tu....hihi...
ReplyDeleteHi Idham,
ReplyDeleteSeronok I baca your response to my comment. Ahh..may we all achieve happiness kan? I'm glad we became friends.
leeds...welcome back...:)
ReplyDeletedah abis ka honeymoon?
thank you for your greetings..
insyAAllah ogos nanti kita jumpa ye...
abg id
jie...hehehehe....siaran tergendala kejap pasal entry ter baru tu...belum lulus pehak penapis...:)
ruby...:) same here.....some friendships are just made to last!